Page 54 of Perfect Boy
“She was going to college in Cali, and I was coming here.” I shrug. “She said I could follow her to Cali or we’d break up.”
“And here you are,” she whispers.
“And here I am.” I nod. “Brooks has been my dream school since I came here that first time for that hockey game as a kid. If I’d followed her to California, I would have resented her for making me choose.”
“Did you…love her?” She looks down for a second before moving her eyes back to mine.
“I don’t know,” I tell her honestly. “I guess I’ve never known how to tell when you love someone. All I know is, when my mom walked into a room, my dad’s entire face would light up. He’d do anything to make her happy. And if my mom had made him choose between her and his dream, he would have chosen my mom. She was his dream.” I swallow. “So, even if I loved Rosie, I didn’t love her enough. Because when it came time to choose between Cali or Brooks, I didn’t flinch.”
“What your parents had sounds beautiful. Like…a fairy tale.” She smiles. “I’m sure you’ll find that one day. Because you, Watson Gentry, will make your real wife very happy when it happens.” Reaching for the door, she pushes it open. “Thanks for everything tonight. The orgasm. The Dr. Phil chat. All of it. I, uh…I actually had the best time. And my leg feels pretty good.”
As she hops down, I reach into my backseat and grab something. “Ryann.”
Tossing her the jersey with my last name and number on the back of it, I wink. “We have our next game in a few days. And while I love having you in the stands, I expect my wife to wear my number on her back.”
Catching it, she holds it up across her front. “I guess that would make sense, huh?” She looks down at my sweatshirt she’s now wearing. “Oh shit. I forgot I had this on. Since, you know, you ruined my other one and all. I’ll wash it and give it back to you tomorrow.”
“Nah, you keep it.” I wink. “Just don’t say I never gave you anything. Oh, and please, for the love of all things, don’t ever wear any clothing with Brooks football on it again. Deal?”
“Pfft. Never gave me anything? So far, you’ve given me a necklace, a ring, two sweatshirts—one which was very sentimental—a pair of joggers, and a jersey.” She looks thoughtful. “Did I forget anything?”
“The orgasms.” I nod. “You forgot the orgasms.”
“Ahh…yes. Debatably the most important part.” She laughs before it dies in her throat. “Wait, if I’m wearing your jersey…should I, uh…tell Sutton? I feel like she’ll think it’s strange if I show up, wearing this with no explanation.”
I grimace. I was so caught up in wanting her that I forgot the entire reason for needing to see her tonight. To tell her that I told Haley about us. After we hooked up in the hot tub, I told her about Cade and how upset I was. But I failed to mention my talk with Haley. She needs to know.
Pushing my own door open, I jog around to where she’s standing by the passenger side.
Stepping back, she closes the door and looks up at me. “What’s going on?”
“Don’t be mad. But…I sort of told Haley that we got married.” I cringe. “I’m really sorry. She was just having a hard time with Cade being sent away to rehab. They have some…things going on between them. Things I’ll tell you all about when I can. But when I went to see her after, she was so upset, and I guess I just blurted it out.” I stare down at her, her back pressed to the truck. “How mad are you?”
Slowly, she gives me a soft smile. “I’m not mad, Watson. Thank you for telling me the truth.” One hand holds my jersey while the other floats to my abdomen. “As for Sutton, Hunter, and everyone else, I’d say it’s time to pull the Band-Aid off and tell them the truth.” She winces. “Well, not the entire truth. But just the we got married truth.”
Bending down, I press a kiss to her forehead before pulling back. “Sounds good. So, I can expect to see you tomorrow night”—I jerk my chin toward the jersey—“wearing that?”
“And if I don’t?” she coos. “Will I be punished?”
“I’d say yes, but I think you’d like that too much,” I grumble, already feeling a jolt go to my cock. “So, how about if you do wear it, I’ll punish you? Since you seem to be into that.”
Licking her lips, she takes a few small steps toward the house. “Night, Watson.”
“Night, beautiful,” I drawl.
She steps onto the stairs and heads inside. But not before she turns back to give me a smile one last time.
And I think about that smile the whole fucking ride home and when I lie down to go to bed.
“Istill don’t get it,” Hunter says from in front of me. “You’re actually, legally, really, like…married?” He stops. “Like…for real, real married?”
“Yep. That’s what I told you. Five times now,” I mutter as we head into the arena. “Not sure why you can’t wrap your mind around it.”