Page 85 of Perfect Boy
Opening my mouth in an attempt to talk, I’m stopped when Hunter walks into the room, looking at Sutton and me in utter confusion.
“So, this is weird,” he says, shaking his head.
Both of us ignore him as Sutton steps away from me and tips her chin up higher. “Her court hearing starts at any minute. And then…she’ll be sent back across the border.” Her eyes widen. “And seeing as it’ll take fifteen minutes to get there…you’d better haul ass.”
I blink a few times, my mind realizing what I have to do. I quickly kiss her forehead. “Thank you, Sutton! Thank you!”
“Now, you’re kissing my girlfriend’s forehead,” Hunter mutters. “I don’t get it. This day is fucking strange.”
Without another word, I bolt out of my room and down the stairs, heading straight to my truck.
I might lose my future spot in the NHL, but I refuse to lose my wife.
If she’s going down, well, so am I.
My knee bounces, so I cross my legs in hopes of stopping it. That helps, but then it’s my hands that are shaking. I sweat, but the sweat just makes me shiver. Every ounce of me is scared. I know my fate, but that doesn’t make this easier to accept it.
I’ve made friends here. I’ve found a job.
I got married.
After I told Officer Hewett that I accidentally lost the annulment papers, he printed a new one, and once again, I signed on the line. It hurt just as bad as the first time. I couldn’t tell him the truth—that Watson tore them in half. He’d think I was just lying in a last-ditch effort to prove something, I’m sure.
The judge reads me everything I’ve done wrong. Fake visa. Marriage for citizenship, yada yada. Only in their fancy terms that I don’t really understand. And when it’s my turn to talk, I don’t have anything to say.
I hear the double doors push open and turn around. When my eyes take in the sight of Watson rushing into the room, my heart squeezes inside of my chest.
I can tell he’s fresh from practice. The way he’s dressed in his gray Wolves hoodie and sweatpants tells me he came here as a last-second decision.
Which means someone had told him I was here. And by someone, I mean, my traitorous best friend.
Damn it. He’s going to make this even harder than it already is.
“Excuse me, son! You can’t just barge on in here!” the judge calls out, clearly angered by Watson’s actions. “Can’t you see we’re in the middle of something?”
“Well, seeing as I’m her husband, shouldn’t I be here too?” he says, tipping his chin up. “Y’all had those annulment papers drawn up, but did she tell you what happened to them?”
“Yes, Miss Denver said they were lost,” Officer Hewett huffs out.
“Nah, that’s bullshit. I tore them in half when she tried to get me to sign them.” He holds his hand out, pointing toward me. “And her name isn’t Miss Denver. It’s Mrs. Gentry. Because she is my wife. We aren’t getting an annulment.”
“Save it, son. She’s already admitted to using you in an attempt to gain citizenship. So, while I appreciate what you’re doing…you’re just digging a hole for yourself,” the judge says matter-of-factly. “But while you’re here, you can do yourself a favor by signing the papers.” He looks over his glasses. “The new papers. The ones that aren’t ripped in half.”
“I told you, I’m not signing shit,” he says, his voice sharp. “I did marry her to make sure she stays in the United States. That is true.” His eyes find mine. “Because I’m in the United States. Because my future is in the United States. Because her future is here. In. The. United. States. And the thought of her being in another country? No. I can’t have that.” He shakes his head. “That right there is the truth.” He steps closer to me. “If you send her back across the border, I’ll just follow her there. Hell, if you try to send her to the moon, I’ll build a rocket to follow her there.” The corner of his lips turns up a bit. “I love this woman. I have loved this woman for a long time now. We might fight, and she might drive me absolutely insane at times.” He laughs. “Okay, a lot of the time. But guess what. That’s a marriage. In its truest form.”
He’s close enough to touch me, taking my hand in his. “I love you, Ryann Gentry. And I meant what I said. I’m not signing those papers.” He narrows his eyes. “And you can’t make me either.”
Tears stream down my face, and I smile at him just as he cups my cheek and kisses me.
“I love you too.” I nod slowly. “I love you so much.”
The judge’s voice pulls me back to the present at our scary, harsh reality.
“That’s nice and all, but you’re leaving out the part that she came here illegally.”
We both turn toward him.