Page 86 of Perfect Boy
“Miss—Mrs. Gentry, you forged your visa. I don’t think I need to tell you what level of offense that is.”
I swallow, looking down briefly. “No, sir. You don’t. I know it’s bad.”
“And if her mother or the police hadn’t failed her, she would never have had to do that,” Watson barks out. “The events that took place for those charges to be there in the first place? They were a life-or-death situation for her. As a judge, one of the highest positions within the law, how could you not see that?” His face grows sad. “Have you even looked at her file to know that?”
“I’ve seen her file, Mr. Gentry. And that wasn’t up to me to decide, son.” The judge’s voice grows softer. “The law is the law.”
“I understand,” I whisper. Looking at Watson, I dip my forehead to his. “I’m so sorry. I just…I was so scared you’d lose your future.”
“Ryann, you are my future. The NHL, it’s a career. And, yeah, I want it. But none of that matters if it’s not you next to me through it. None of that matters if I can’t cheer on the shows you’ve choreographed.” He shakes his head, the emotion thick in his voice. “I’d follow you to Mars just as long as you wanted me there.”
I blink the tears away from my vision, aware that there are people—important people—watching us. But if this is our last face-to-face conversation, I don’t care if the president of the United States is watching.
“You’re the only one I’d live on Mars with,” I say, attempting to laugh but only crying harder. “Thank you, Watson. For making me realize that I am lovable. And worthy.”
Officer Hewett’s voice surprises me when he speaks next, making Watson and me both spin around and face him.
“Judge Martinez, with all due respect, I’m glancing back at these criminal charges, and…I think Ryann needs a lawyer.” He looks at me and back to the judge. “I don’t think it’s fair to pull a college kid from their school year until we know exactly who is at fault. These charges, well, we might be able to get an expungement order for them.”
He turns toward me, dropping his voice. “All that means is, we could get the charges dropped from your records.” He pauses. “If it went your way.”
His eyes soften. “I know I’ve been adamant to get you back to Canada, but I can see now things are not so black and white in your case. I want to help you, Ryann.”
Judge Martinez looks confused, but then he squeezes the bridge of his nose. “That’s all well and good, but are we going to ignore the fact that she came into the United States with a forged visa?” He shakes his head. “Officer Hewett, I don’t make the rules. But I do have to enforce them.”
“I understand. I do,” he answers. “But I’ve looked through her college transcripts. I’ve spoken with her professors. This isn’t a criminal. It’s just a kid who had a rough start to life. A kid whose dream was to come here and make her own way.” He looks at me, giving me the smallest smile. “To be honest, I think Ryann Den—Gentry is the type of citizen we need more of.”
The judge’s eyes find mine. “I’ll tell you what. We’ll appoint you a lawyer, okay? And if these charges can get sorted out and you can get a real visa, I’ll do my best to forgive the charge of the false visa. Okay?”
My heart pounds, and I nod erratically. “Yes. Yes, thank you. Thank you so much!”
Holding his hand up, he stops me. “Don’t thank me yet. There’s still a lot of work to be done.” Nodding toward the door, he gives me a tight-lipped…smile? “You are excused for now. Officer Hewett will keep in touch.”
Watson’s fingertips lace with mine, and he leads us outside. Once we’re on the steps and away from everyone else, I leap into his arms, unable to stop myself. His arms wrap around my body, and I breathe him in. So happy I get to smell his intoxicating scent for another day.
“Thank you,” I say, pulling my head back and kissing him. Because I know that if it wasn’t for his speech, I’d be in the back of a car, headed for the airport by now.
Watson Gentry, my husband and knight in shining armor.
“I love you, Watson.” I kiss him again, over and over. “And I don’t want to annul our marriage. Ever.”
At my words, he lifts me up, forcing my legs to wrap around his waist. The judge could walk out right now, and I wouldn’t care.
He spins me around, sliding one hand in the back of my hair. “I’m taking you home now, Tiny Dancer. And I’ll show you exactly how much I fucking love you over and over again.”
As he carries me down the stairs, I feel his erection quickly growing harder against my body.
And the truth is, I don’t think I can make it home without jumping my husband’s bones.
“You’re, like…glowing. In an annoyingly beautiful way,” Sutton says next to me, pushing her hair back. She glances over at Haley. “And not in the way Hales is glowing. Which is in a creating life, baby growing inside of her type of way. This is different.” She moves closer to me. “You totally got railed by your husband before this game!”
“Indeed, I did. Though I was the one doing the railing, considering I had to do all the work.” I gaze down at the goalie, feeling my heart flutter. “Couldn’t let my man be tired for tonight’s game.”
Because of everything that’s happened this past week, I can’t get enough of him. I jump his bones every single time he walks through the door. I don’t even try to contain myself.