Page 90 of Perfect Boy
She did it. She really, really did it. She became a choreographer for Broadway, just like she always wanted to. After being here for a year and working some of the other positions here to work her way up the ladder, she finally landed the job of her dreams. And I couldn’t be prouder.
“How cool am I, Isla?” Cam grins, winking at his daughter. “Scored you tickets to a debut Broadway show.”
“Daddy, I love you. But…Watson got us tickets. Not you,” she says, patting his arm when he instantly frowns. “But thanks for having cool friends.” Her smile grows when she looks at her dad. “And, yes, you are cool. Kind of. Except when you blast Taylor Swift in the school pickup line and roll your windows down.” She cringes. “That? Not cool.”
“You didn’t…” Addison groans. “Didn’t you learn when she was going through her JoJo Siwa phase and you pulled up to a birthday party, singing along to one of those annoying songs, that eight-year-old girls do not like their dads to do things like that?”
Cam looks genuinely hurt, and he literally pouts. “But we always listen to T. Swift on the way to school. She’s your favorite, I.”
Isla pats his shoulder, giving him a smile while scrunching up her adorable nose. “Yes, Daddy, she is. But not in the school pickup line.” She stops. “Or at birthday parties.”
Rolling his eyes, he crosses his arms over his chest. “Fine.”
I feel a large hand clasp my shoulder, and when I look back, I find Brody grinning at me.
“Where’re the snacks?”
“Seriously, I swear all you do is eat,” Sutton gripes before she moves to the other side of me. “Ignore my brother and his constant need for food. Can we instead talk about how freaking amazing it is that my best friend choreographed a Broadway show?!”
“Rude,” Brody says before turning to his wife, Bria. “Can we go find snacks? I’m hungry.” He jerks his head up and down, wiggling his eyebrows. “Maybe you should have a coffee. You know, we’re kid-free for the night. Bow chicka wow wow.”
He thrusts his hips, and she laughs, covering her reddening face.
“Ew! Stop talking!” Sutton glares at her brother. “TMI. Unless you want me to start talking about my plans with Hunt—”
Covering his ears like a toddler, Brody quickly heads toward the stairs, no doubt looking to hit up the concessions.
“Ew, I agree with Brody. I don’t need to hear about my brother and you. Or anything you do.” Haley grimaces, resting her hand on her very round belly. “Ever. Also, why do I always have to remind you of this?”
“I mean, clearly, you know people have sex,” Sutton teases her, shifting her eyes down to Haley’s stomach. “Cade keeps putting babies in you after all.”
“Damn right I do.” Cade grins proudly. “My swimmers are basically the next Michael Phelps.”
“That’s…actually gross,” Sutton says, wrinkling her nose just as Hunter steps beside her.
“Babe, what did you say to your brother?” He looks around, completely confused. “He just glared at me when I walked by him.”
She shrugs. “Nothing. He’s just a big baby.”
“True that.” Hunter nods before handing her some Twizzlers and a soda. “Sorry, babe. They didn’t have Sour Patch Kids. Closest thing was Twizzlers.”
“Tell me about it. I almost cried when Link told me that. I mean, who doesn’t have Sour Patch Kids?” Tate, Link’s wife, groans before holding up her own soda. “At least there’s Diet Coke though.”
Addison nods, smacking their cups together. “For real. Thank God for that.”
Link stretches in his seat, eating his M&M’s. “You know, I’ve never been to one of these shows before. In my head, I did not think they let you eat in your seat at a Broadway show. Then again, I figured everyone would look like they had a stick shoved up their ass and use those weird little glasses things you hold up to your face like you’re in the olden days.” He gazes around, sighing. “What a pleasant surprise that only, like, five people—including that dude over there currently glaring at us for being loud—look that way.” Link shrugs. “I don’t get it. The show hasn’t started. Why is this guy’s balls in a twist already?”
Tate shakes her head before snuggling against him. “You’re so weird.”
When I hear a familiar voice, I turn to find Ryann’s sister and mom walking toward me with my mom following close behind. I stand, heading to greet them, and Riley throws her arms around me.
“I can’t believe I’m at my sister’s Broadway show! Can you even believe it?” Tears flow from her eyes as she looks up at me. “She made her dream come true.”
The corner of my lips turns up. “She sure did.” I nod before she releases me.
Her mother doesn’t hug me, but gives me a wave and a smile. “Hi, Watson. Nice to see you again.”