Page 91 of Perfect Boy
“You too.” I nod. “How was the trip here?”
“Not too bad,” she says softly. “I’m so thankful for the invite.”
“She’ll be happy you’re here,” I tell her, and I know that Ryann really will.
Years ago, maybe she wouldn’t have extended the invite to her mother, but finally, they are in a good place.
I don’t know if Ryann will ever fully trust her mom. And I know she’ll forever carry the trauma from her childhood even though she tries to pretend like she doesn’t. But her mother has proven that she’s a different person now. A better person. And I know a lot of that is due to her husband, Randall. Randall really stepped in to be a father figure for Riley. He tries with Ryann too. But she lives too far away. And she’s too independent now. But she likes him, and they get along.
“What’d you leave the old man at home?” I ask her, looking around for Randall.
“No, this one gave him a list of wants from the concession stand.” She laughs, looking at Riley. “He’ll be out at any minute.”
“Oh good. Well, sit anywhere.” I step around her, giving my own mom a quick hug. “Thanks for coming all the way to the big city, Mama,” I drawl. “Whatcha think? You ready to move out here?”
“Boy, you know the answer to that already.” She laughs, swatting my arm as I release her. “Too crazy here for this old biddy.” She turns to face the stage, a smile spreading across her face. “I’m so proud of Ry.” Tears fill her eyes. “Your daddy would be so proud of the husband you are and the wife she is. You two…you’re what it’s all about.” She waves her arm around. “This is what it’s all about. Supporting each other. Loving each other. Believing in each other.” She nods, cupping my cheek. “You and Ry girl definitely do that.”
“Thanks, Mom.” I inhale. “She makes it pretty easy though.”
“So do you.” She winks. “I’m going to go find my seat. I can’t wait to watch my mastermind daughter-in-law’s debut show.”
“Me too,” I say softly. “Me too.”
As I take my own seat and look around at everyone here to support her tonight, I feel like a pussy when my heart flutters. Not all that long ago, she felt like she had no one. And now, all of these people came out just for her. Just like she deserves.
If someone had told me before I ever met Ryann that I’d marry her the way that I did, I would have told that motherfucker he was crazy. But the truth is, the moment her path crossed mine…I never had a chance.
And I wouldn’t take a single thing about how we became us back.
The show ends, and the sound of applause resonates in my eardrums, but it doesn’t really register in my brain that I’m a part of the reason why people are clapping. The dozens of uber-talented performers absolutely killed it on the stage tonight. Each one was handpicked by me. And let me tell you, not one of them disappointed. Along with the producers.
But this…this was my show. I choreographed it. I know the entire thing like the back of my hand. In a way, it feels like my firstborn child. Each step, each movement, was thought about over and over, jotted down before ever being put on the table. But it doesn’t seem real. It can’t be. I must be dreaming.
From behind the stage, I stare up at the crowd, and my heart swells inside my chest because I know my husband is up there. Supporting me, rooting for me. Just like he always does.
And just like I know he always will.
I can’t fathom how I—a girl from a small town, who grew up smuggling school snacks and milk cartons into my backpack at the end of the day, just so that I’d have something to feed my sister when I got home—could be here. When I forged my way into this country, this was the reason why. I wanted this. Something deep inside of me wouldn’t stop until I got it.
And now that it’s here, I know that if I didn’t have the man in the crowd, waiting to kiss me and tell me how proud he is of me, his wife…it wouldn’t be worth a damn.
God, I love that man.
“Nice work, Ryann,” my coworker Cora says, patting my shoulder. “It was beautiful. Congratulations.”
“Thank you,” I whisper. “Thank you so much.”
And then I wait not so patiently for the building to clear out. Because I…well, I have something up my sleeve. Something I’ve wanted to do for a long damn time.
In an almost-empty theater, now moved to the first few rows, my family and friends chat among themselves—that is, until they see me heading toward them.
Every one of them stands, clapping their hands. Cade whistles loudly, giving me a dimpled grin, while Link holds his drink in the air, and Tate squeals. I don’t have time to look at everyone else before my eyes land on my mother.
We might never have those moments when I run to her and she holds me tight, telling me how proud she is and that she loves me so much. But we’re in a good place now. And even though she isn’t my safe space, like I so long ago wished she could be, I do love my mom.
“That was incredible, Ry.” The words come from her lips with such emotion, and her brows pull together snugly as she looks into my eyes. “Ryann, I. Am. So. Proud. Of. You.” Each word is bold and emphasized, hitting me like a ton of bricks. Here I didn’t think we would have this moment…and it’s here. Right now.