Page 6 of Accidental Orc Daddy
“The signs are pointing in that direction,” Fordan replies as he stands up.
“Mustaf?” Dragan says.
“Knock yourselves out. I’ll bide my time,” I tell them and watch as they make their way to the dance floor.
I smile.
Because you see, this is what it’s all about for me. The drinks, the music, the company of my closest friends. I take another sip, and I feel the mischief sparkle in my eyes because I have learned that the possibilities of an evening are endless. You just have to be in the right place at the right time.
I can’t say it hasn’t been awful since finding out Duncan was cheating on me because, quite frankly, it has been. I mean, this was meant to be my honeymoon, after all.
But, for now, I will keep those feelings to myself. Instead, I look in the floor-length mirror of my hotel room and force a smile. Right now my priority is to think about myself, not Duncan. I’m not about to let this honeymoon go to waste, even if my marriage has. Instead, I will enjoy myself and the company of my girls, who have gathered around me because they are awesome.
“Hey, girl! I am so proud of you,” my friend Sandra says as she grabs me and wraps her arms around me. It feels good. She’s great and is always there for me.
“I would have preferred not to have to do it,” I tell her.
“Hey, I hear ya, but better to find out now than five years down the line, 'cause baby, it would have eventually come out. Their dirty little secrets always do,” Sandra says.
“You know what, you’re right, you’re always right.”
“Baby, don’t I know it. Reason why I’m still single.” Sandra breaks into one of her infectious belly laughs.
“There’s no man alive that doesn’t deserve a woman like you,” I tell her.
“And you, baby. Now show me what you are wearing.”
“This,” I tell her, motioning to my outfit consisting of a pair of navy suit pants and my favorite blouse.
“No, baby, no,” Sandra says, shaking her head. “You’re going clubbing, not to a board meeting.”
“But it’s comfortable,” I reply.
“So is my bed, but you won’t find me wearing that on a night out,” Sandra says as she takes my hand and leads me to one of the other bedrooms the girls are using as a dressing room.
“Macia, where are your options at?” Sandra asks Macia, who always has to bring at least five outfit options with her in case she changes her mind at the last minute.
“Over there,” Macia replies, pointing to one of the glass and silver wardrobes that line the interior edge of the floor.
Sandra pulls me over and starts to look through the outfits.
“Nope, nope, hell no, yes!” Sandra declares as she takes one of the outfits from the wardrobe, a silk, cream-colored dress, and holds it up in front of me. “And there we have it.”
“It’s too much,” I protest.
“Try it on,” Sandra insists.
“Really?” I reply.
“Yes,” Sandra says, pushing me toward the bathroom, shoving me in, and closing the door.
I look at the dress in my hands, and it is very pretty. Heck, why not? Here goes.
I undress and slip on the dress. God, it’s very revealing, but the fabric feels lovely against my skin. I look in the mirror, do a little twirl, and am pleased with what I see.