Page 75 of Wild Ace
“It’s in Chinatown. It used to be run by the Triads, but has since been taken over by the Bratva.”
“The Russian mob?”
“The one and only. Are you sure your friend is desperate enough to go to a place like that?”
“I think so. He told me he doesn’t care where he has to go or what he has to do.”
“Alright, I’ll send you the address. But, Lexi, warn him to be on his toes. I haven’t been since it changed over, but a few friends have, and they say it’s intense.”
“I’ll pass the message along. Thank you, Charles. I really appreciate this.”
“You’re welcome. You know, if you’re ever in a situation like your friend, you can come to me, right? I never want you to feel like you have to go to a place like that if you’re in trouble. There are never any strings attached to my help, either. You know that, right?”
“I know. But thank you for saying it.”
“Maybe when your mother and I get back from Chicago, we can have dinner?”
“That’d be nice.” I didn’t even know they were in Chicago.
“Good. Have a good weekend, Lexi.”
“You too.”
I hang up and take a moment to rethink my plan. But not for too long, because then I know I’ll talk myself out of it.
I can handle myself.
I mean, how bad could it possibly be?
Vinny is in the mafia and he’s a nice person. Granted, I only know he’s nice to me, but still…
I don’t have time to go to casino after casino to make the money.
Besides, if I’m able to win the amount I think I have the potential to win, then I can fix the deli and have enough left over to set my nonno up with a large savings for when he’s ready to retire. If ever.
I know he’ll ask me where I got the money, and I’ll have to come up with a good stretch of the truth when the time comes. But right now, I’m more worried about what I’m going to tell Vinny about where I’m going tonight.
I think he’ll know if I’m lying to him.
I have to, though.
I can’t keep letting him help me like I’m a charity case he has to bail out simply because he likes me or wants a future with me.
I’m not a charity case. I can take care of myself and my family on my own.
What’s that saying? Ask for forgiveness, not permission?
There’s no way in hell I’d ever ask anyone for permission like I’m a child, but I can definitely think of a few ways to get Vinny to forgive me that will have him forgetting that he’s mad at me for disappearing for a night to go to a Bratva gambling den.
If he ever finds out, that is.
Chapter 27
Leaning back in my chair, I kick my feet up on my desk and dial Lexi. She picks up right away, which has me smiling.
“Hi, Vinny.” I can hear her smiling, and my chest tightens, loving that she’s happy that I called.