Page 76 of Wild Ace
“Hi, dolcezza. What are we doing tonight? I miss you.”
“You just saw me.” Again, the smile in her voice is evident.
“That was this morning, Lexi. I need to see you soon. I need to kiss you. I need to hold you. Fuck it,” I say, slapping my desk. “I need to be inside you. Your warm, wet pussy is the tight hug I need right now, dolcezza.”
“Vinny,” she says, her voice all breathy and turned on.
“See? I want to hear you say my name like that when I’m buried deep inside you and you’re desperate to catch your breath.”
“I…I can’t tonight.”
“Why not? Do you have plans with someone who can give you something better than multiple orgasms?”
“No, of course not. I’d much rather be the recipient of said orgasms, but Cassie and I are having a girl’s night. I promised her days ago and she’ll yell at me if I back out. She can be mean when she wants to be.”
“I have no doubt. She seems like a firecracker.”
“With that hair? Yeah, she is.”
“Alright,” I sigh. “I know I could convince you, but I’ll save my real dirty talk for when you’re here.”
“Please do. Talk tomorrow?”
“I don’t think I’ll be able to wait that long. I’ll need to hear your voice again.” I sound like a desperate man and I don’t give a fuck.
“You will?”
“Yeah, Lexi, I will. Why does that surprise you?”
There’s a beat of silence before she answers. “Because it does. I’m not used to being missed or having someone want to talk to me just to hear my voice.”
“I don’t know how that’s possible, dolcezza. You’re the kind of girl that’s missed. The kind that has men drinking until they pass out if they ever lose you. The kind that has a man knowing he’ll be lost without you. The kind that has a man knowing he has to work every day to keep you because there’s no shortage of others waiting in the wings to take his place if he fucks up. So, yeah, Lexi, I miss you and I want to hear your voice, and I want you to know it.”
“Vinny.” She breathes my name again and I hear her sniffle.
“Don’t cry, baby. I didn’t mean to make you cry.”
“Then you shouldn’t be so fucking nice.”
I bark out a laugh. “Sorry about that. Want to come here and show me how much you hate when I’m nice?”
“I can’t,” she says solemnly, but there’s a hint of something else in her voice. “I have to do that thing for my grandfather.”
“I thought you were having a girl’s night with Cassie.”
“Oh, right. No, yes, I am. She’s coming over and we’re going to work on something for him.”
Why is she lying to me?
Even without seeing her, I can tell she’s lying.
“Is there anything I can do to help?”
“No, I’m good.”
I want to push her on it, but I know pushing her will only lead to her backing away from me when all I want is for her to come closer.
I know she wants to be with me, but it still feels like she’s holding back. Physically, she’s with me 100% when we’re together, and I fucking know it. There’s no faking that. But emotionally…