Page 11 of The Unseelie Wish
Or I turn him into a newt. Alex shut her eyes and took a breath. “Abigail?”
“If you attempt to meddle with Izael and Alex, I will intercede.” It was clear the Seelie Queen was used to pushing her weight around with her husband. “I will personally ensure that you do leave them to their business.”
“No—you’re serious? You’re going to make me go back?” Alex felt her eyes go wide. “But Izael?—”
“You are resourceful. Clever, and quick witted. You will be all right.” Abigail smiled at her gently. “And I will be watching. Should you need my aid, call for me or for Puck.”
“Now who is meddling?” Valroy glowered at Abigail.
“Simply the threat of it, as you have threatened the same,” Abigail retorted calmly. It was obviously a conversation they’d had a thousand times before.
“Fuck.” Alex put her hands over her face. “This just keeps getting worse.”
“Then wish it all away. My war with the Seelie has nothing to do with you. Wish the treaty away, and all this ends, human.” Valroy almost sounded kind with those words, like he meant it.
“Yeah, until you try to torch Earth. Again.”
“My wife will foil my attempts, as she has before.” Valroy gestured idly. “It is still no matter of yours. You do not belong here. Wish the treaty away, and all will be well.”
“Except then Izael gets my soul,” Alex reminded the King dryly. It seemed he liked to skip over that part. “Then it really does matter to me what the Unseelie and Seelie do to each other.
“That is not my problem. You were the one foolish enough to deal with him.” Valroy shrugged a single shoulder, as if he couldn’t be bothered enough to shrug with both.
Gods, she wanted to punch him in his perfect face.
Placing her hands over her eyes, she took a deep breath and counted back from ten. She ignored Puck’s quiet snickering at her obvious frustration.
She had to go back to Earth for three days, and to Tir n’Aill for three nights. But after what she had just done…? There was no way she could face Izael just yet. No way in hell. Dropping her hands, she met Abigail’s gaze. “I am petitioning for a delay in my contract.”
Puck cackled. Valroy smacked him upside the head, nearly sending the half-breed’s face into the box of donuts.
Abigail hummed thoughtfully. “I will consider your request, human. Why are you asking for a delay?”
“The contract I made with Izael was under different circumstances. Things weren’t this, uh—” She glanced at Valroy. “I only had my own soul to worry about. Not your world and Earth. This changes things. I need time to consider what to do next.”
Abigail tapped her finger on her chin. “For how long?”
“One month.” It seemed fair.
Valroy’s expression twisted into disgust. He opened his mouth to speak.
“Oh, shut up. You’re immortal,” Alex snapped at him. She honestly didn’t know where she got the nerve. Her patience had worn thin. “Thirty days is like a fart to you people.”
Puck was cackling again, slapping the table in joy. “I love this girl!”
Valroy went to swing for Puck’s head again, but the lunatic half-breed blinked out of existence before reappearing on the other side of the room, floating there with a stupid grin on his face. The Unseelie King snarled, clearly not enjoying being made a fool of.
“One day,” Valroy countered, glowering at her.
“One week.” Abigail’s statement was firm. There was no arguing. “One week shall be the duration. And where shall you spend this time?”
“Not here,” Valroy hissed through his teeth. “Neutral ground. Earth.”
After a pause, Alex nodded. She’d be without the protection of the Seelie, but she also didn’t know if she could trust them. At least on Earth she’d know what to expect. “And Izael stays away from me. I need seven days to think.”
“I will inform Izael he is to stay here in Tir n’Aill.” It was clear Valroy wasn’t pleased.
Alex tilted her head to the side slightly. “Oh, like he listened before?”