Page 12 of The Unseelie Wish
Abigail had the faintest smile on her face. But her eyes were glittering in something Alex could only describe as pride. The Queen seemed…proud of her. “She has a valid point, my love.” Abigail turned to Valroy. “You know Izael will stop at nothing to reach her.”
Valroy sighed. Yes, he knew. And that had been his plan, it seemed. “Then she should be guarded by a neutral party.”
“Me! Me!” Puck raised his hand, flailing it about. “Pick me!”
“No,” Abigail and Valroy responded in unison.
Holy shit. They were like a dysfunctional family in a sitcom. What the fuck had she gotten herself mixed up in? She scrambled for an idea. “What about—what about that goat guy and his broken glass boyfriend?”
Valroy’s expression twisted up in one of confusion and clear revulsion at having anybody described in such a way. “Bayodan and Cruinn?”
“Yeah—those two. They’re Abigail’s friends, but they’re Unseelie. Right?” It’d be a weird time, sharing a house with a man who looked like Dracula crossbred with a goat, and a walking disco ball, but whatever. If they weren’t going to choose Puck—which she was vaguely in agreement with—she didn’t know of any other options.
Abigail considered it for a moment. “I find this amenable.”
Valroy’s expression was one of a man who was feeling a migraine coming on. “Very well. One week, you shall remain on Earth without Izael meddling or visiting you, to allow you some time to consider your new circumstances. You shall do so in the company of Bayodan and Cruinn.”
“You suck,” Puck muttered as he folded his arms across his chest. “I’m still gonna hang out with her, though. She’s fun.”
Abigail shook her head. Valroy rolled his eyes. But neither argued. They probably knew they couldn’t do anything to stop him, anyway.
“And if Izael still doesn’t listen? What happens to him?” Alex hated how obvious it was that she…cared. Izael wanted to do terrible things to her. He wasn’t exactly a safe person to be around. She shouldn’t care what happened to him. But she did.
Valroy’s knowing smirk told her that he could see right through her. “I shall finally have those new boots I have wanted for so very long.”
“You don’t even wear shoes, you—” Puck shrieked as Valroy picked up a tea kettle and lobbed it at his head. He vanished in a blink, reappearing behind Alex, grumbling.
Yeah, she really shouldn’t like the crazy fae, but she did.
“His life will be forfeit. Too much rides upon this wish of yours, human.” Valroy bared his teeth, showing off his fangs like a wild animal. “You have your seven days. After which, you will be returned to Izael. What he does with you then?” He smiled. It sent a shiver up her spine. “The mind can only imagine.”
Without another word, Valroy disappeared in a swirl of dark smoke.
Alex finally let her shoulders relax away from her ears. God, he was terrifying.
“Ass,” Puck grumbled.
Abigail shook her head. “You did well, Alex. But I fear you have only delayed the inevitable.”
“I know. But at least a delay lets me think.” She rubbed her hands over her face. “And I really, I just—I can’t deal with Izael right now. Not after…” What he said. What he was going to do.
“I understand.” Abigail approached and gently took Alex’s hands. “Believe you me, I understand. More than you know. You are clever, far more than I ever was. Bayodan and Cruinn are two of my oldest, truest friends. They will keep your secrets. They will keep you safe. You played your hand excellently.”
Compliments from the Seelie Queen. Alex’s life had taken very strange turns lately. “Th—” She stopped herself and let out a heavy sigh.
Abigail laughed before hugging Alex. “Take her home, Puck. She needs rest.”
No kidding.
“I appreciate the help.” Alex smiled down at Abigail. “I know you don’t need to help me. Killing me is the easier way out of this whole mess.”
“It is. But I’ve learned one thing over my years, dear girl.” Abigail reached up and put a palm to Alex’s cheek. “Never get in the way of love.”
Alex took a step back and shook her head. “I don’t love him.”