Page 13 of The Unseelie Wish
Abigail’s smile was knowing and sly. “Safe travels, Alex.”
Puck grabbed Alex by the shoulder. “Toodles, babe!”
The world around her folded in half and disappeared.
“She is where?” Izael could not believe what he was hearing. Anger boiled in his veins. Anger and…hurt.
“Don’t give me that look, snek-boy.” Puck was sitting on top of one of Izael’s bookcases, his legs crossed. Even more irritatingly, he was filing away at his nails with an emery board. “You did this to yourself. She’s home. On Earth. And doesn’t want to see you.”
That wasn’t possible. That wasn’t possible! He began to pace, threading his hands into his hair and yanking on the strands. “But why?”
“Aw, are you having a short circuit? Four-oh-four, braincells not found?” Puck cackled, clearly also knowing that whatever he was saying would make no sense to Izael. “You threatened to torture her and steal her soul. You drove her away.”
“But I love her, and she is mine!” It was so simple. The logic of it was infallible. He loved Alex. Therefore, she belonged to him. Therefore, he could do whatever he wanted with her. Especially if it meant saving her from a far worse fate at the hands of Valroy. “She’s—she’s in danger. If Valroy learns of her gifts…”
“Which he hasn’t yet, apparently. Somehow.” Puck shrugged. “Abigail knows. I know. Valroy doesn’t. I think we need to keep it that way.” He blew on the ends of his nails and went back to filing them. “For as long as that’ll last.” He clearly thought it wouldn’t.
“I have to speak to her. I have to go to her.” Izael felt a strange kind of panic gripping his heart. “She doesn’t understand. I have to make her listen to me!”
“Eaasy there, champ.” Puck laughed. “I’ve never seen you this coiled up.”
Normally, Izael would bristle at the puns and attempt to cause the half-breed bastard some serious harm. But at this point, the strange kind of anxious urgency was superseding his usual desire for violence. “I need to?—”
“You can’t. If you set foot on Earth right now, Valroy will have your hide. And I think he means it this time.” Puck vaulted from the top of the bookcase and landed silently on his feet like a cat. “It’s only a week. You can leave her alone for seven days.”
That was very much up for debate.
“She needs time to think. She’s mortal. They tend to take threats quite seriously. I couldn’t imagine why she’s upset.” Puck smiled beatifically at him, the sarcasm pouring off his words.
Growling low in his throat, Izael clenched his fists at his sides. Puck was ostensibly doing him a favor by coming to tell him about Alex in the first place, even if Izael suspected it was because Puck wanted to watch him squirm.
Walking over to his sofa, he suddenly felt the panic leave him. In its wake was exhaustion. Exhaustion and a strange, forlorn sadness. He slumped down onto the padded surface. “Go away, Puck.”
The half-breed frowned. The mirth left him, which was rare. “Hey. It’s just seven days. Then you get her back for three.”
Izael slung an arm over his eyes, blocking out the world. He said nothing. Yes, it was only seven days. But seven days for Alex to convince herself that he wanted to harm her. No, he only wanted to cause her agony to get what he wanted. That was entirely different! But she didn’t understand.
That wasn’t what was really bothering him, however. Not deep down inside.
He loved her.
He told her.
He said the words.
And she still walked away. Still let the sunlight take her. She ran from him. Wasn’t love supposed to be the ultimate power in the universe? The thing that overruled all else? That was what the stories always said. That if you loved someone, then nothing else mattered.
Izael certainly didn’t care if two worlds burned, if it meant he could love her.
Izael certainly didn’t care how many people died, if it meant he could have her.
But it was clear it wasn’t mutual. Which left Izael with the realization that felt like someone had torn his heart out of his chest, pulled it apart, spat inside of it, and then crammed it back into his chest the wrong way up.
Izael loved Alex.
But Alex did not love him.