Page 104 of Daddy's Pride
Lord how I hoped so. “Cheers.”
“Daddy T, you’re not sad anymore.” Jamie munched on his carrots and celery, singing his dippy song as he dunked them in the ranch and his tiny tush swiveled the barstool back and forth.
“No, sweet boy, I’m not, but I will be if you get hurt.” I put my hand on the back of the chair to steady it, and my nerves. “Are you having fun?”
“I am. Henry has the bestest playroom ever!”
“My Daddies made it for me.” Henry grinned.
Now to see this room, I might have to up the ante and refill that online shopping cart. “If you could have your dream playroom, Jamie, what would it be decorated in?” I’m pretty sure I knew the answer and when he shouted it out, he confirmed it.
“Animals. A farm. Lots of sloths and koalas. Trees for them to climb on.” He ticked each off using his fingers. My mind whirled like mad with all the ideas.
Yeah, that cart I’d put before the horse was way ahead of us on the racetrack.
Jensen and Mitchell eyed me curiously, knowing grins spread across their meddling faces.
Their puppy raced in through the doggy door and straight to me. “Who do we have here?”
“That’s Nallie Bear. Daddies got her for me for Christmas. Best Christmas ever!” Henry excitedly cheered.
“Hello, Nallie Bear.” I scratched behind her ears and the little wiggle butt wagged her nub. “I love boxers.”
“Did you know Daddy T is a vet?” Jamie proudly announced.
“We did not,” Jensen replied. “But we’ve been thinking of switching vets so that’s good to know.”
Much like Jamie, animals were my kryptonite. I was the person you invited to a party who sat on the floor and played with the owner’s pets all night. Right off the bat Jamie and I had something in common, a love of animals. If I wasn’t already enamored with him, this assessment would’ve been a plus whereas now it pretty much sealed the deal for me.
“The boys wanted chickie nuggies for dinner but don’t worry, we made a salad to go with it, so they’ll have their veggies.” Mitchell set the oven to temp. “And steaks for us.”
“Ooohhh, do you have dippy sauces for them? I like ranch, and buffalo, and mustard.” Jamie ticked them off.
“Mustard?” Henry made a yucky face.
“Yes, it’s really, really, really good. You should try it.”
“Um, I think we have those things?” Mitchell glanced at Jensen who shrugged. It took all I had not to laugh.
“Daddy T, are you sleeping over?” Jamie bounced up and down in the chair again.
“Sweet boy, you’re going to give me a heart attack if you don’t stop doing that. Please quit bouncing on an unstable chair.” My heart literally raced. Tipping over with the chair and splitting his head open was an accident waiting to happen.
“Sorry, Daddy T, I’m just excited you’re here.”
“I am, too, Jamie.”
“Daddy Jensen got the guest room ready so Daddy T could sleep over, too,” Henry announced. Jensen winked.
“Oh, okay. I didn’t bring a change of clothes, but it should be okay.” I’d put these on right before I came over and as long as Jamie didn’t spill all over me or no finger painting went awry, I’d be okay.
“We’re sleeping in Henry’s playroom.” Jamie held his hands up. “All done, Daddy T.”
“That’s your cue.” Mitchell tossed a container of wipes at me.
“Dear boy, how did you get ranch in your hair when we haven’t even eaten?” I wiped it out before taking care of his ranch-covered fingers.
“Magic, Daddy!” When I finished, he kissed my cheek and hopped off the chair and off they went.