Page 113 of Daddy's Pride
“But that’s, but that’s…” I stuttered, unsure what words I was trying to capture. Something along the lines of that car costs more than my life, though I couldn’t get them out.
“Well, if it’s any consolation, that SUV cost less than this car and it’s eco-friendly. It is new, a Mustang Mach-E.”
That was a new car and he wanted me to drive it.
“I-I. No.” I shook my head, refusing. “No. No.”
Daddy laughed. “Come on, let’s go inside.”
We stepped inside and I froze. “This is nice.” Daddy’s place was crazy big and so nice. I was afraid to touch anything.
“Yes, I completely remodeled it after I bought it. I like the open concept. Too many walls make it feel like I’m trapped. Let me give you the grand tour.” As we headed down the hall, he pointed out rooms as we passed them. “Spare room, home office, and this is the master bedroom.” He tossed my backpack on the bed. “You can sleep in here or the spare room, but I have a feeling even if you start there, you’ll end up here.”
I grinned for the first time since my car broke down. “I want to sleep with my Daddy.”
Daddy hugged me and kissed the top of my head. “Such a sweet boy.”
Now that I was in Daddy’s personal space, I didn’t know how to act or what to do. Outspoken, go-after-what-I-wanted Jamie must’ve been left at Henry’s house. Replaced with uncertain, second- guessing-every-decision-he-made Jamie.
Not good…
“Come here, sweet boy.” Daddy sat on the bed and pulled me onto his lap. “Tell me what’s going through that head of yours. Because the fun boy from this morning is suddenly gone. And that’s not a problem, because I want all sides of Jamie, but I can’t help you fix what’s bothering you if you don’t tell me what it is.”
“I guess I just don’t know what to do. This morning, I knew what I wanted… well, more like last night. Actually, after we had sushi, I decided I wanted you to be my Daddy.”
Daddy smiled and I went for it.
“But then everything changed and moved in the wrong direction when my car broke down. Now here I am having to use the Daddy-help card. The bigger problem is, after I’m here for a while, I’m gonna wanna be here. And then I’m not gonna wanna go home. And then I’m gonna go home and I’m gonna be depressed, and you’ll be sick of me, and it’ll be over.”
“Jamie, I can promise you that’s not the way this works. Did I set out to find a new boy the night I met you? No, but I wouldn’t change it for the world. When you’re not with me, you’re all that I think about and when you’re with me, you’re all that I think about. Jamie, we’ve only been dating for what, a week now and already my every waking thought is of you. I wonder what Jamie’s up to. I’ve already been planning a vacation for us. Want to talk about things moving fast? Now that I have you in my space, I’m not going to want you to leave.”
“Daddy, you say the sweetest things.”
“Now, what can we do to keep the frowny lines off your face?” Daddy kissed my forehead and made me smile.
“Did I see a pool out back?”
Daddy laughed. “You did, and a jacuzzi. Did you pack your swimsuit?”
“I don’t need one, Daddy.”
“Such a naughty boy. What am I gonna do with you?
“I have a lot of ideas about that, Daddy.”
“And sassy, too. All right, up. Pool time it is.”
“Yay.” I stripped down, my clothes flying in every direction. Daddy laughed at me as he took his off then nicely folded and sat our clothes on the bed.
“Come on, silly boy. Towels are already outside.”
Swish, swish, swish went my hips. I peeked over my shoulder and caught Daddy’s heated gaze. “Daddy, were you watching my bum?”
“Well, with it rocking side to side so alluringly, how could you expect me not to?”