Page 114 of Daddy's Pride
“Eep! Daddy, that was naughty.” Though I secretly loved it.
“Sorry, we should have our limits conversation before I do anything like that. But I just couldn’t help myself.” Daddy held my hand as we stepped down into the inset jacuzzi. “There we go.”
“Just for the record, as long as spanking isn’t used as a punishment, I’m green with it.”
“I take it your safewords are stoplight colors?” Daddy slid his arm around my shoulder, and I cozied up to him.
“Yup-yup.” It was like the bubbles pushed all doubt and reservation from my body and I was finally able to relax. “This is nice.”
“That it is, and feel free to come over and use it any time. Jamie, I want to be your Daddy—exclusively.”
“I want that, too, Daddy.”
Okay, so far so good. Another burst of Little Jamie taking over had me landing in Daddy’s lap.
“What’s my naughty boy up to?”
“Nothing, Daddy.” No matter what I knew he was happy to have me here. Another body part told me so.
“Okay, now we’re due another talk.”
“No fun, Daddy.”
“Don’t you huff at me. This is important. Now, some Littles don’t do big stuff when they’re Little, but I’ve noticed you flow in and out of that headspace. What are your limits with that?”
Though I didn’t say it aloud, this was a good question. “My Little time doesn’t happen often. Actually, neither does it happen during my big time for that matter.” My life was sad and lonely. I didn’t even engage in random hookups even though most of the Daddies I played with ended that way. “I think it’s safe to say if I’m deep in Little space, unless I approach you by being big naughty, that we should only have big-Jamie time when I’m not Little.” But my Little did have a bit of a horny twinge to him, so anything was possible.
“I see. We’ll play that by ear. Do you like diapers or does your Little ever digress that young?”
Blink. Blink. “Hmm, never had that happen. I don’t have any diapers and I’ve never worn them. But again, I’ve never been deep enough to forget potty breaks.”
“Okay, we’ll table that and just so you know, it’s not a deal breaker for me. I’ve played with Littles who did and others who didn’t.” Some of which were obsessed with rubbies. “You’re an interesting boy for sure, Jamie.”
I hoped that was a good thing…
Chapter Six
There was a constant niggle in the back of my mind, a theory perhaps. Jamie was a Little the entire time he was at Henry’s as well as at the club, but not so much outside of that. Granted, we hadn’t spent a lot of time together, but I wondered if that had to do with a lack of toys and stimulation to get him into that headspace. Clearly, he needed an outlet to unwind and escape adulting.
I think a bit of toy shopping and getting the playroom set up for him just might do the trick.
With the bones already there to complete, it would only require a bed and Jamie-specific toys. Was I getting ahead of myself? Hell yeah, but there was no stopping me now. I knew what and who I wanted, and Jamie fulfilled all my needs. Now I just had to ensure I did the same for him.
Wiggle. Wiggle.
Fucking hell. That tight ass rubbing all over my dick fried my last brain cell. Wonder how he’d react to my going caveman on him?
Wiggle. Wiggle.
“Jamie, you know what you’re doing. Are you prepared for the consequences?”
Giggle. Wiggle. Giggle. Wiggle.
Over my shoulder he went, giggles echoing throughout as I carefully tread across the tile floor, so we didn’t land in a heap of broken limbs on the tile. Smack! My hand landed on that cute little ass, driving his erection into my chest.
More giggles.
This boy would keep me on my toes for sure. As he learned more about himself, I’d be doing the same.