Page 98 of Daddy's Pride
Daddy’s Shining Star
MM Dirty Daddies Story
TL Travis
Chapter One
Why is he staring at me?
Meep! Now he’s walking toward me. Mayday! Mayday!
What do I do?
He’s so handsome and tall. I bet he’s a good cuddler.
Focus, Jamie!
I waved to Henry and his Daddies as they drove past, one of them shot me a thumbs up so that must’ve meant this Daddy was okay. Right? He stood with Henry’s Daddies all night talking to them, though he never smiled. He was a sad Daddy in need of a hug and I’m a great hugger. Henry was so lucky to find two Daddies of his own who hugged him all the time. They loved Henry so much and Henry loved them. It was hard not to swoon and be jealous whenever they were around.
Back to stranger Daddy, who stopped a few feet away from me. “Hello. Jamie, is it?”
“Umm, yes?” Of course that’s your name, Doofus.
He cocked a brow. “Are you sure?”
My head bobbed like one of those silly cartoon characters. “Yes. Sorry. Jamie.”
“I’m Timothy, or Tim. Daddy Timothy is what I’m known as at Cordes. Have you been coming here long?”
“A few months. I had a Daddy I played with for a while, but he got bored and found another boy.” Story of my life. Never enough for anyone, including myself. But at least he’d paid my membership fee for a year before he bailed.
“I had a boy, but our paths didn’t align.” He was back to being sad Daddy and I couldn’t fight the urge hug him as I launched myself at him. “Oof!”
“Sorry, Daddy Timothy, but you needed a hug.” Slowly his arms came around me and tightened. He smelled wonderful, like fresh laundry. That and lavender were my two favorite scents. I wondered if he had anything lavender-smelling at home.
“I guess I did. You are such a sweet boy.” So I’d been told, but often along with you’re too sweet for my taste. It was a deadly combination for every hopeful relationship I’d begun. And subsequently failed. I didn’t like being naughty and getting into trouble. My praise kink was high, and I enjoyed the occasional spanking but never for being bad. Never. Spanking was a treat and keeping it that way was important to me. “I was just about to have dinner. Would you like to join me? Do you like sushi?”
Again with the head bobbing, it was like I had no control. But as long as Daddy Timothy kept grinning at me, I’d keep doing it. “Yes, I love it. Tiny finger foods with lots of sauces to dip, dip, dip. Yum.” My belly grumbled at the yummy goodness.
“Of course, why hadn’t I thought of that? Would you and your grumbly tummy care to join me?”
“I’d love to, Daddy T.”
“Daddy T?”
“Your name was too long, so I had to shorten it.” Yay! That got another smile. “You have a great smile. You should wear it more often.”
“Around a sweet boy like you, how could I not?” Daddy T walked me to my car. I waited for him to get into his, then followed close behind to the restaurant and parked in the spot next to him. He was very kind and waited for me to turn off the engine and even opened the car door for me to get out.
His hand settled at the small of my back as he led me inside, holding the door open like a perfect gentleman.
Little Jamie was giggling like a loon, barely contained. “Table for two, please.”
The hostess nodded, popped around the corner and came right back.
A moment later we were seated, and she took our drink orders before she left us with the menus. “This is my favorite sushi place when it’s treat night.”
“Treat night?”