Page 99 of Daddy's Pride
“Once a month I allow myself a treat night. A reward for being a good boy and staying on budget and doing all my chores.” I was very proud of myself for that. I kept a spreadsheet that tracked my income and bills and if there was a bit left over at the end of the month, I took myself out for special dippy dinners.
Daddy T’s face got frownie again.
“Did I say something wrong?” Stupid, stupid, stupid Jamie. You screw everything up with your oversharing.
“No, sweet boy, you didn’t. Please, order whatever you like. Dinner is on me, and I won’t take no for an answer.”
Daddies took me to dinner before then expected things, sexy things after. While I liked sexy things, I didn’t like them on first dates. Or even seconds. Probably why I went through Daddies like toilet paper, but showing that side of me took a lot. Would Daddy T be the same way? “It’s-it’s okay. I can pay for my own.” Mentally I ran through what expenses I still had to pay and how much was currently in my account. My income was pretty much the same each month unless I took side jobs at my friends’ Ely and Jordan’s catering company. Sometimes they got really big jobs ‘cause their partners were rockstars and would ask me to help out. It was nice, but tiring. One time I helped at Rocktoberfest for them and thought I would die. The hours and the heat were too much for me.
“I’ll not hear of it. It’s been a while since I’ve been out and I’m enjoying your company. Tell me, Jamie, what is it you do for work?” He took a sip of his tea and watched me over the rim of the glass as he drank.
“I work in retail. It’s boring, but easy and I’m one of the few at the store that are full-time.” Barely above minimum wage, but I still got a full forty hours at least. Okay, chatty Jamie, rein it in and keep your answers brief.
Like that’s gonna happen.
“Why do I get the feeling you had more to say?”
“Sorry, Daddy T. I’ve been told I talk too much and overshare so I’m trying to be a good boy.” Don’t add because you’re afraid he’ll leave like all the others have.
“Please, stop apologizing. I enjoy listening to you. You’re a breath of fresh air. Talk away, please.”
Did he mean that? Could I really chat, chat, chat?
“Do you have a boy?” Of course, he doesn’t, or he wouldn’t be here with you. Though that one time that awful Daddy took you out and left his boy at home. Horrible, horrible, horrible Daddy. Thankfully I found out about his naughty side before it went too far. Daddies were supposed to be nice and faithful to their boys.
“Had.” Daddy T got a faraway look in his eyes. “It’s been a long time. Tonight was the first time I’ve been back at the club in nearly a year.”
“Oh, that’s a long time. Are you lonely? You need a boy to take care of you.” And again, too many words. Daddies don’t like it when you talk, you’d do wise to remember that. Ugh, why couldn’t I get the mean Daddies out of my head?
“I have been. But I’m glad I came out tonight. This sweet Little at the club caught my eye and I’d like to get to know him better.” Daddy T winked and I got squirmy.
But the good kind of squirmy this time.
Sweet little? Could that be me? Don’t mess this up by being you, Jamie.
But I don’t know how to be anyone else…
“Why so sad, little one?”
“Just… stuff. Stupid stuff in my head.” Think happy thoughts, turn both your frowns upside down. Grandma’s kind words always helped me. “Enough about me. What about you, Daddy T? What do you do for a living?”
He gave me that ‘we’ll come back to this later’ look but didn’t call me out on avoiding his question. “I work with animals.”
“Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god!” I nearly squealed. “Animals are my favorite. Do you work at a zoo?” Growing up in Las Vegas where we had none, I’d never been to one. But maybe he was from out of town.
Daddy T’s laugh was amazing, and warm, and made my smile bigger. “No. I’m a veterinarian. Which animal is your favorite?”
“A sloth.” I didn’t even have to think about it. My favorite stuffy, Sloffers, was at home in bed waiting to cuddle with me.
“Really? I had you pegged for a koala lover.” Daddy T was still smiling so that was a good sign. A very good sign.
“That’s my second favorite.” Had one of those named Kiki who was curled up with Sloffers. “I bet you get to see all kinds of fun animals. Dogs, and cats. Ooohhh, puppies and kittens. Do you get a lot of those?”
“I do. Even some exotic pets like desert tortoises, iguanas, and bearded dragons.” Daddy T straightened his sleeves and sat a napkin on his lap, so I did so, too.
“I love those, too. Lizards are fun.” I flicked my tongue like lizards do, really fast, and he laughed. “My tongue’s not long enough but I like it when they do that with theirs.”
Our food came and Daddy T watched as I set the sauce dishes in a row. “Dippy, dippy, dippy,” I sang as I dipped a corner of the piece of sushi I caught with my chopsticks in the first sauce and bit it off before doing the same with another corner of it in the next dish. “Mmm, yummy.”