Page 49 of Broken Wheels
What? Shit.
He closed the distance between himself and Doc, who failed to meet Dix’s gaze. He cupped Doc’s cheek, tilting his head up with a gentle motion until those pale blue eyes met his. “I’m not at all upset or angry, Doc, but you wanna know what I am?” Doc managed a nod, and Dix leaned in to whisper. “I’m fucking turned on.”
The hitch in Doc’s breathing sent a trickle of electricity through him.
Dix stroked his cheek. “I wish you could see yourself the way I do. Those pictures? They were amazing, but?—”
“You liked them?” Doc widened his eyes. “You can pick the ones you want to keep.”
Dix chuckled. “I’m keeping them all, Doc. Every last fucking one. But as awesome as they are, they don’t even come close to the real thing. Every time I see you, I’m blown away by everything that makes you who you are.”
Doc was like a statue, seemingly hanging on Dix’s every word, and Dix realized he might never get another chance like this.
Time for a little truth.
Dix placed his hands on Doc’s shoulders. “You know what I really want? You, in my life. My Doc.” His heart thumped. “I know I’m nowhere near as smart as you, but I’m no dummy either.”
Doc’s eyes were huge. “What? You’re not a dummy. Don’t say such stupid things.”
“I don’t think it’s stupid. I can’t match up to you, and that’s the truth. You’re leagues beyond me.”
Doc tilted his head to one side. “Can you fix a car?”
The change in direction threw him. “Uh, yeah. Why?”
“I can’t.” Doc chuckled. “I can’t change the oil either. Plus, I believed the man when he said there was premium air for my tires, and?—”
Dix squeezed his shoulder. “Wait—premium air?”
Doc’s cheeks pinked. “He said it was the best air you could get for your tires. I figured he knew what he was talking about, so I said okay.” He gave an embarrassed shrug. “What can I say? I was stupid.”
And fucking adorable.
“No, sweetheart.” Dix smiled. “You were trusting and maybe also a little naïve. But that isn’t stupid at all—that’s part of being a good person. The only thing wrong is we expect others to be good and decent too.” He moved in a little, conscious of Doc’s body heat. “Never change who you are, okay? Even when someone takes advantage of your good nature, keep in mind that’s on them, not you.” He peered into Doc’s beautiful eyes, and his heart hammered. “Can I kiss you?”
The corner of Doc’s mouth lifted. “After that speech? I’d be really disappointed if you didn’t.”
Dix closed the gap between them, their mouths meeting in a sweet brushing of lips. It was heady as fuck, and while it only lasted a moment, the brief encounter confirmed one thing.
He was addicted to this smart-as-fuck man who thought there was premium air.
Josh held his breath as he melted into his very first kiss, because Christopher’s attempt sure as hell didn’t count. It was sweet, gentle, and made his heart thud almost painfully.
This was what I’ve been missing out on for all those years? If every kiss was like this, he could easily become an addict. Then again, would that happen with a mind like his, a mind constantly off on another tangent? How would Dixon react when Josh forgot he was there, when he lost focus on the act they were engaged in? Because it was a very real possibility. His present state was testimony to that. Dixon was kissing him, and the cogs in Josh’s head were whirring at full speed.
Will he be offended?
“Dixon?” Josh murmured against his lips.
“Yeah, Doc?” Dixon’s voice rumbled as he moved his lips down to Josh’s neck, nibbling the skin, raising goose bumps.
“What if I lose focus? You know, when we’re….”
Dixon pulled back, and Josh wanted to cry, to beg him to continue, but this was too important a topic to dismiss. Dixon studied Josh’s face, and the ensuing silence set Josh’s stomach churning.
“Then you lose focus.” Dixon smiled, and Josh’s heart calmed. Dixon’s eyes twinkled. “Trust me, I have ways to bring it back to me. To bring you back into the moment.”
Josh believed him.