Page 1 of Landen
Chapter 1
The beautiful springday was lost on him. After the usual stiflingly formal dinner at themansion, with the incessantly stiff monologue by his father, he haddecided to take his horse out to clear his head.
The brisk windrifling through the surrounding trees stirred his thick dark hair andsent slight chills through the inadequate jacket he had worn forsupper.
But he had intendedto escape and had not considered grabbing his jacket. His horse,Diablo, was stabled in the large barn and curried and fed for therequisite Sunday dinners when he came.
The conversation hadbeen the same. He was thirty-two years old, the heir to an immensefortune, and would have to take his rightful place in the company andsociety. A suitable wife was picked out for him. Sara Pendelton wasof superb breeding and impeccable lineage.
Landen was restlessand dissatisfied. The only good thing about all this was that hereturned to his flat, where he was left in peace. He had also come toa decision that he knew would cause a bloody furor when he announcedit.
Reining in themagnificent creature that was always attuned to his mood, hedismounted, looping the reins over a nearby sapling. The land wasgreen and lush.
The constant rain hadwashed away the last vestiges of snow, leaving the place clean andfresh. Wildflowers were already springing up everywhere, lendingtheir inimitable scent to the air.
Shoving his handsinto the pockets of his dark blue slacks, he wandered over to thesteady flow of water trickling over the smooth stones.
A week ago, herealized that he had to get away. He decided to go to America, wherehe would be free from the strangling hold of his family name and theenormous responsibilities that come with that name.
His sister had meeklymarried a man chosen for her, and he could see the unhappiness shewas trying so desperately to hide.
“Why did youmarry him?” Landen had demanded during one of theirconversations. “For Christ’s sake, Elizabeth, you do notlove him.”
“I am not likeyou.” She responded in her calm, composed voice. “I donot feel the need to turn everything into an argument. I want apeaceful life, and Harry is not that bad.”
“He is adreadful bore and a snob.”
“Then he is ingood company.”
Hunkering down, hedipped his hand in the water and watched the ripples his fingerscreated, a slight frown on his brow.
The argument hadescalated when he was ordered to end the ‘sleazy’ affairhe was having with the woman he had been seeing for the past sixmonths. He had been discreet - had to be. His parents rigidly keptthe family and reputation stellar and above reproach.
When he reminded themthat Prince Harry’s reputation was far from above reproach,they sent him a cold accusing look that spoke volumes. They weredistantly related to the crown; his parents took that to mean thattheir private lives should remain behind closed doors.
Rising lithely as thecold air sliced through his thin jacket, he mounted his horse andreturned. He had everything ready for his trip and would wait untilthe last minute to inform them of his plans.
Tessa held onto hertemper with incredible difficulty. She had worked at the gallery forthe past three years, and her job meant the world to her. But dealingwith Ronald Lakes was becoming a chore. The man was not onlyflamboyantly gay but also spoiled and very difficult to please.
“Darling, areyou listening to me?”
“Of course.”Forcing a smile, she walked over to the exquisitely carved liquorcabinet to pour his sparkling water with the precise twist of lemonsand a touch of gin and tonic. Placing it on the delicately shapedcoaster, she walked it over and handed it to him.
“You are toogood to me.” He beamed at her as he cuddled the tiny Chihuahuacloser to him.
“Bebe here hasbeen particularly fussy this morning. Aren’t you sweetheart?”He kissed the tiny nose before releasing his pet and turning to thegraceful beauty before him. “We value your work here, darling;you know that. But Jerome is a cousin of mine and desperately needs ajob. All I am asking is that you show him the ropes.”
“You meanbabysit him.” She clarified, dark brown eyes flashing. “Ihave more than enough to do. I happen to be the one in charge of thegallery-”
“And, like Isaid, you are doing an excellent job. Why, just the other day, thatdreadful Gloria Evans was saying that she asked you to source apainting for her, and you moved heaven and earth to get her what shewanted.”
“Which takestime.” She ventured firmly. He had called to demand she attenda meeting at his loft. She had dropped everything to get here, onlyto discover that this discussion could have occurred over the phone.“You could have said all of this when you called.” Shepointed out.
“I wanted tosee you,” he told her with a pout. “I just got back froma rather disappointing cruise to the Caribbean, and you have no ideawhat kind of people they allow on these cruises—trashy starletsand people with more money than sense.
I spent the last fewdays sequestered inside my cabin and could not wait to return. But Ihad a look at the books, and I was impressed. That showing of theamateur artist was a brilliant idea.”