Page 2 of Landen

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Page 2 of Landen

“One that youwere against.”

He waved that awaywith one elegant hand. “I opposed the idea because we happen tobe an elite gallery and cater to an exclusive clientele.” Hislight blue eyes studied her, objectively admiring the graceful curvesof her slender body draped in a chic baby blue pantsuit and a frillyorange blouse.

Her thick dark brownhair was permed, the thick length of it swept back into an elegantchignon at the nape of her long, graceful neck. Her makeup wasflawless, and her caramel complexion was flawless. Discreet diamondswere at her lobes, and the subtle scent of her perfume wafted aroundhis elegant morning room.

He had hired herbecause of her beauty but had come to admire her appreciation for thearts and her intuition about the job.

She had introducedinnovative ideas that had turned the modest profit into somethingremarkable, and he could not afford to lose her. He was not theredaily, and she was the reason he could flit all over the globe. Shehad come to him demanding a hefty increase in her salary, and atfirst, he had flatly refused until she threatened to quit.

“I don’trob you blind. When you are away, you can be confident that you canreturn and see everything in its place.”

He had reluctantlyagreed to what he thought was her outrageous demand, but he did notregret it. She was excellent, and the patrons loved her. He hadwitnessed her on the floor and her knowledge of every piece of art inthe gallery.

“Darling, Iknow how busy you are, but I would be forever grateful to you if youwould do me this tiny favor.”

Resisting the urge totell him what he could do with his request, she smiled and nodded.“Is that all?”

“For now, yes.I appreciate this, darling. By the way, Jerome is quite the catch andfancies himself quite the ladies’ man.”

“I am notinterested.” She told him coolly, nodding to the housekeeperwho appeared as if by magic to hand her the light jacket she gave toher earlier. “I don’t mix business with pleasure.”

“Ohdarling, you are such a stickler.” Ronald chided. Pushing tohis feet, he dismissed the woman. “I will walk her out.”Sliding a hand through Tessa’s arm, he added. “Jeromewill be there in the afternoon.”


Landen folded hishands at the back of his head, his heavy-lidded green eyes watchingas Jillian slipped out of the slinky dress she had worn to the partyearlier. Too bad she was so unsuitable, he thought idly as shesashayed over to the bed to sit at his hip.

He had been seeingher for the past six months, and the sex was - well, it wassatisfactory, and she was beautiful. A Scots through and through withher red hair and deep green eyes, she was eager and available to bewith him whenever he called.

He had set her up ina flat in London and did not mind footing her expenses. He wasgenerous to his lovers as long as he did not have to share them withanyone else.

He was steadfast onthat. It was an arrangement, and they had to live up to theirbargain. He was not getting rid of her as his parents had ordered. Hewould take his trip and return to start things back up with her.

“You arequiet,” Jillian observed a trifle anxiously. “Would youlike to talk about it?”

Lifting a hand, heslowly trailed his fingers down her milky white arm.

“Talking is notsomething I do whenever I am here.”

“Would you likea glass of wine?”

She knew she was notin his league, not by a long shot, and was desperately eager toentertain him even when they were not in bed.

“Wine?”His dark brows lifted as he sent her an amused stare.

A blush stained hercheek as she wondered if he was making fun of her. He was such agenerous lover, even though he held something back. He was verymeticulous, very thorough, and made sure she experienced heights ofpleasure, but she had a sinking feeling that she was the only onegetting the pleasure.

“I know thetype you like.” Her Scottish brogue had been thick when shecame to London, and since she had been with Landen, she had beentrying to get rid of it. His English accent was perfect, and hisdiction was excellent.

He was an educatedman from a very wealthy family, so that was to be expected. He hadnot said anything about the difference in her diction or that she wasstudying the different types of liquors and purchasing the ones hefavored.

“And Iappreciate your effort making me feel at home. However, the resourcesI give you will be spent on you.” Tugging her hand, he shiftedso that she landed next to him. “I don’t need wine.”His voice lowered as she tilted her chin. “This is enough.”


“What did theold fairy want?” Genevieve asked as Tessa strode in and dumpedher jacket and purse on her desk.

Sending her friendand coworker a pained glance at the slur on their boss, she eased outof the heels and slipped into comfortable flats.

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