Page 3 of Landen
“You are goingto get yourself fired one of these days.” Moving behind herdesk, she shifted through her messages. “I would not besurprised if he has hidden cameras everywhere.” Looking up, shegave the older woman a wry look. “Or the person he is sendinghere plans to spy on us.”
“Whatperson?” Genny asked with a frown.
“His name isJerome, and according to Ronald, he is some sort of family. We aresupposed to show him the ropes.”
“That oldbitch! Like we have nothing better to do. He called you to his fancyloft just to drop that on you?”
“Yes. He canbecause he signs the damn paycheck.” Glancing at her watch, shegrimaced and realized she had wasted the entire morning running toRonald’s place. “The shipment-”
“Came early. Ihad the guys put them in the storage room.”
“And Mrs.Graham is on her way over.”
“We both knowthat old bat is very particular and does not want anyone elseattending to her except you.” Genny waved a hand. “I willtake care of the unwanted relative. You go ahead.”
With a nod, Tessaslipped out of the flats and into her heels. The heels pin her littletoes, but she had an image to portray. The clientele they catered towere people of tremendous means who were also very particular abouttheir purchases.
It was too early forthe afternoon crowd, but people were milling around, and severalreturn clients were making purchases. The gallery took up severalblocks of the trendy business district.
It was a split-levelbuilding with glossy marble tiles, towering white columns, and sturdywalls with easels scattered around strategically displaying childlikeartwork by lesser-known artists.
She had instituted alearning program and persuaded well-known artists like Jackson andJason Colby to come in for two hours a week to showcase their talentsand do a tutorial.
Jackson had balked atthe idea at first, a frown of distaste on his handsome face. “Iam not a tutor, and trying to teach someone to be artistic wastestime. You are either an artist or you are not.”
“Sometimes thetalent just needs coaxing.” When he turned her down flat, shehad enlisted the aid of his wife, Jerri, who was his only weakness.
He had given her ablistering with his tongue and accused her of forcing his hand. “Youare going to love it.” She had told him with confidence thathad served her well over the years.
He had not admittedit to her, but he turned up weekly and engaged with his adoringstudents, appearing to enjoy their company the way they lookedforward to seeing him. He was enigmatic and intimidating, but sheliked him.
And she had seen himwith his wife. She had caught the tender moment one night when theyhad been showcasing some of his works at the gallery.
It had been anintensely private moment between the couple. She had been on her wayto a room in the back when she saw them locked in a passionateembrace that had stunned her and had her heart racing. She had stoodthere rooted to the spot for a few seconds as she stared at thecouple.
His arms had beenlocked around his wife’s waist, and her body pressed againsthim, which left no room for anything else. She had withdrawnimmediately but could not take her eyes off them for the rest of thenight and stop the sudden yearning to have something like that.
She had been singlefor the past two years and told herself she was concentrating on hercareer. She was not alone; her stepbrother and stepsister lived a fewmiles away and were close.
But after the deathof her mother when she was seventeen, her dad married two years afterthat, adopting her stepmother’s two children from a previousrelationship. Her dad died three years ago, and then her stepmothersuccumbed to cancer a year later.
She was thirty yearsold, and both her step-siblings had tried to set her up with friends,but after the disaster of the relationship with Lionel two years ago,she was extremely cautious.
She had been on herway to falling in love with what she thought was the perfect guy, andhe turned out to be a lecher who was married and had no intention ofleaving his wife.
Shaking off thehumiliating memories, she put a smile on her lips and met the client.
Stepping onto theporch, Tessa dumped her heavy tote on the porch swing before boundingdown the steps and going around the back to check on her garden.
She had beencultivating the roses since spring appeared and wanted to see howthey were doing. Bending down, she touched the fragile petalslovingly and sniffed the welcome aroma drifting upwards.
Her mind traveledback to the meeting with their newest staff member. Jerome wasdifferent from what she expected and seemed enthusiastic aboutlearning about the gallery.
“I know Ronaldfoisted me on you guys, but I am here to let you know that I aim todo my part.”
“You hadbetter.” She had warned him. “Because relative or not, Iwill not tolerate any slacking off, and you will not get any specialtreatment.”