Page 82 of Landen
“I was thinkingthat it might be wise to give you some space.” he winced as shedug her blunt nails into his chest.
“Just tryit.”
“I don’twant to hear it. You went away for weeks and left me, and I sufferedas a result. I couldn’t sleep, and I was so miserable that Ifound myself crying every damn night. You are never doing that to meagain.”
“I am thinkingabout you.” He felt the pain of her words and brought hercloser to him as if he could absorb what she went through when he wasnot there.
“Then you aregoing to stay in this bedroom with me.”
Tipping her chin up,he studied her face. She was still too thin, and her ribs were stillpoking out. But she was eating much more now, and he was highlygrateful. The rest and quiet were doing her a world of good, and hewas thinking of extending their trip to several weeks.
“I might haveto take a run into London in a day or two. And no, I am not takingyou with me.”
“Why not?”
“Because I willtry to wrap up what I have to do in the day and be back here atnight. It will be a hectic schedule to accomplish that, and I am notputting you through that.
There are somemeetings I have to take face to face, and since Dad is out ofcommission, it’s on me.” He traced the outline of herlush bottom lip. “It’s a trial being away from you evenfor a second, but it’s something I have to do.”
“Will you goand see your dad?”
His expression becameominous. “Yes. I have spoken with him over the phone, and hehas requested a meeting.”
“It might behis attempt at making things right.” She ventured.
Looking down at her,he smiled slightly. “He did mention something like that. We’llsee.”
“And I would like to meet him. I would not wantto start our lives as husband and wife being at odds with yourparents.”
“I wouldn’tmind it one bit. But I am willing to try for your sake.”
“And ourbaby’s.”
“That too.”
Chapter 16
“I changed mymind. I don’t want to go in there.” She gripped theseatbelt tightly, her palms perspiring.
“You were theone who insisted on coming for dinner in the first place.”
“This place isa fricking palace or- or castle.” She stared at the sweeping,immaculately manicured, lush green lawns that seemed to go onforever. The building was old but decidedly stately, the vast windowsreflecting the glow from the pale sun trying to peep through the grayclouds.
Flowers wereblooming everywhere, and she could not identify some of them. Therewas a graceful white gazebo to the left and several expensive-lookingurns to the right. There were no fences or gates because the placewas miles away from anyone else.
“It’s anold building that has been in the family for centuries.” hecorrected her. “And it’s too late to cry off now.”
“I am notlooking my best.” She hedged, wondering what she had beenthinking about when she agreed to have dinner with his family. Shedid not belong here, and that was obvious.
“You lookexquisite,” he told her patiently. “The dress is new”
“It’s notthe damn dress!” Taking a deep breath, she tried to stop herrioting heartbeat and the panic attack that was coming to the fore.“It’s me. I don’t belong in these types ofsurroundings. I have lost weight, and the dress only makes it moreobvious.”
“You are beingirrational-” he stopped at the look on her face. “I amhere for you. There is no need to be afraid.”
“I am afraid.”She snapped. “I don’t know what I thought when I agreedto this. I am going to go inside that mausoleum and end up beinggauche and saying things that are not appropriate.