Page 83 of Landen
This will be somedamned seven-course meal, and the time is going to stand still, and Iwill end up being uncomfortable. More than that, I will be the onlyblack woman there and an American who does not have a title.”
“I don’thave one either.” he tried to joke, his smile fading as sheglared at him.
“They want youhere, Tessa.”
“No, theydon’t, and lying to me is not making me feel better.”Leaning back, she pressed a hand against her stomach.
“I kid myselfinto thinking I have the right to be here. I am not the person theywould want for you. I am not white, and I am not titled.”
“Idon’t give a damn. You are the woman I am in love with and theone carrying my baby inside her. I chose you.”
“And I am goingto feel like I am the last resort. They are grudgingly accepting mebecause of the baby I am carrying. I will always know that.”
Taking her hand, heforced her to look at him. “If you don’t want to goinside, then we can turn around and leave. No questions asked. Youare the one who is important to me, not the people waiting for usthere.
You. I love you,darling, and I will do anything to ensure you are comfortable. If younever want to see them again, that’s fine with me, too.”
She blinked at him,her heart settling. “You would do that for me?”
“There isabsolutely nothing I wouldn’t do for you. I thought you alreadyknew that.”
The tears werethreatening, and she did not want to ruin her makeup. He had ordereda dress from Romano’s, and she did not dare look at the pricetag. There wasn’t one, which made it worse.
The stunninggreen cashmere was draped over her body like a shawl and hid the factthat she had lost so much weight. Her hair was brushed back from herface to reveal the diamonds that matched the square-cut diamond ringhe had placed on her finger just a few days ago.
Taking a steadyingbreath, she lifted a hand to his face. He had shaved just thisafternoon after their shower, and she had stood there watching him,feeling the intimacy of sharing a bathroom with him. “I loveyou,” she said.
“That helps.”he teased.
“I don’tcare what I have to go through in there as long as you are with me. Ican face anything as long as you are by my side.”
Lifting their joinedhands, he kissed the back of hers. “I always will be. Want tostick around or get the bloody hell out of here?”
She burst outlaughing and felt the tension dissipating. “I am staying.”
“Then let’sgo; my parents hate tardiness.”
It was not so badafter all. Sir George Chapman was certainly not what she expected. Hewas tall but not as tall as Landen, and his hair was sandy brown andstreaked liberally with gray. His hazel eyes were piercing, and hehad an aristocratic nose.
The illness had putgrooves between his nostrils and made him look older. His daughterElizabeth looked more like him but had a lot more warmth, and she andher husband greeted Tessa with smiles.
The meeting wasawkward initially, but the evening became even more tolerable when itbecame clear that Landen was sticking by her side.
She was asked severalpersonal questions about her own family and when the wedding wouldbe.
“We areassuming you will be having the ceremony here?” Lady Margaretasked during a lull in the conversation. Tessa had found herself awedby the sumptuous wealth and expensive wall artworks and had tried herbest not to feel overwhelmed.
The dining room was alarge oval room with a table that could seat twenty people, and therewere maids hovering around, ready to do their bidding.
“We have notdecided yet,” Landen said firmly as he cut into her duck.
“Darling, it’sfine.” Reaching out a hand, she touched his lightly, gratefulhe had taken the seat next to her. “Your family is here, andthis is going to be my home-” She smiled at the look on hisface. “Where else would it be?”
Putting down hissilverware, he took her hand, his expression unbelievably tender.“Are you certain?”
“I am. You aremy family, and I am carrying this baby.” She squeezed his handbefore looking at his mother. “The wedding will be here.”