Page 16 of What Love Can Do
Lilly listened, her heart aching, even though it wasn’t her mother he was talking about.
“I found an old journal of hers from when she was fresh out of grade school, and in it, she talks about all these crazy dreams she had, businesses she wanted to open—a surf shop, a flower shop, a bed-and-breakfast like you and your mam. She even wanted to open an Irish pub.” He chuckled to himself. “She was full of ideas. Who knew? The truth is, my brothers and I…we knew very little about her.”
“And so the O’Neill boys appeared.” Lilly smiled sadly.
“Yeah. We’re here to see where Mam grew up.”
“And what do you think?”
He tilted his head thoughtfully even as he kept his gaze on hers. “Even before I laid eyes on Green Valley, something about this place and what it meant to Mam called to me. Now that I’m here, I know why she loved it so much. It’s beautiful. Green. Lush. A playground of secrets just waiting to be discovered.”
She swallowed hard. “Wow.”
“What? Too much?”
She shook her head. “No. It’s just…I used to feel that way about this place. A long time ago. I suppose it’s typical, taking it all for granted because I’ve lived here my whole life, being unable to see the true depth of its beauty anymore. It’s nice…being able to see it again through your eyes.” They stared at each other for several seconds before she blinked. Realizing he was still holding her hand, she tugged until he released it. “Um—what about Ireland, though? It’s supposed to be gorgeous.”
“No doubt, it is. But Ireland also holds some painful memories for me and my brothers. I’m at a place in my life where I’m looking for a fresh start. A place to settle down where I can find what I’m meant to do. Who I’m meant to be. And maybe, who I’m meant to be with. If I’m ever going to live anywhere other than Dublin, now’s the time. Hell, from what I’ve seen so far, Forestville could be a contender.” He looked down for a moment, then back up at her again. “Would that be nice, you think?”
Lilly felt her heart sink. On one hand, that would be wonderful—to have Quinn nearby. She could see him more often and not worry that he’d be returning to Ireland if she started to fall for him, which she so easily could, unless it was the beer, which she didn’t think it was. But on the other hand, she was leaving in three weeks. Gone from Green Valley for six months. And after that, who knows? The world was calling to her. If Quinn was considering settling here with any degree of seriousness, that meant she was the wrong girl for him.
Sadness drummed at her chest. She polished off her Guinness and sat back, suddenly feeling decidedly too sober. So that was it then. Her drive over here had been a waste of time—sort of. She’d wanted to connect with Quinn, sense him out and see what he was all about, but there was no way she could ever date him.
He wanted in—she wanted out.
Too bad. He was breathtaking. And leaning into her. And holding her face with both his hands. “Is that a no?” He looked deeply into her eyes. The brown depths of his own invited her into his world, dark lashes, strong and alluring. She felt herself melting into them.
“Oh, it’d be nice. Definitely nice,” she whispered, taking in the fullness of his lips.
He would have to be a fling. Just a short fling, which was fine with her. She hadn’t been with a man in over a year, but Quinn was attractive and intelligent and hot enough to more than make up for the fifty-two weeks without. Yep, definitely just a fling.
“Tell me something.” His thumb brushed across her lower lip. He leaned in, and his knees spread apart, allowing himself even more room to inch in closer. “Are you doing anything later tonight?”
She’d never felt so bold before, but she’d never wanted anyone so badly either. Swallowing back her nerves, hands pressed against her shuddering knees, she whispered, “Yes. You.”
“Is that right?” Quinn’s eyebrows shot up. It was exciting as hell to hear shy, old-fashioned Lilly Parker say such a thing. It sent him reeling with a billion thoughts, a billion ideas, and a billion positions.
He’d have been lying if he’d said he didn’t feel hesitant too. She was tipsy. But having had only one pint, he wasn’t. He could drive her home, take his time, make sure whatever buzz she had going was gone by the time they did anything.
If she still wanted to do anything, that was.
“Then let’s get out of here.” Quinn hopped off his stool and pressed a soft kiss against her cheek. As much as he wanted to plant it on her full lips, he didn’t want their first kiss to be at a bar, no matter how great Paul had been to them. “We’re out, Sir Brennan,” he said, fishing into his wallet and placing enough cash on the bar to cover both his and Lilly’s drinks.
“You don’t have to do that,” Lilly said, her hands inside of her purse, ready to pay. “But thank you.”
“Lil, it was just a beer. You can buy me one tomorrow. When we come back.” He winked at her.
“Quinn, it was a pleasure.” Paul reached across the polished length of wood to shake Quinn’s hand. “Glad I got to see Maggie and Grant again, if only through your eyes.”
Paul Brennan’s words and the catch in his lonely smile crunched Quinn’s stomach into a hard knot. He reached across the bar top and gripped Paul’s arms. “Thank you. Much appreciated.”
Lilly swirled off the seat and waved goodbye, heading for the door, treating Quinn to a fantastic view of her backside in those tight pants that hugged every contour of her kickass frame. Her hair was down tonight, in loose curls that cascaded down her upper shoulders and back, and just as he was admiring the curve of her ass, she shot him a coy smile over her shoulder.
Outside, the climate was fantastic. He was used to dense humidity, but the sweet California air was cool, not too dry, and not any more moist than it needed to be. Around the corner of the building, he spotted shadows linked in an embrace against a car—his brother and Dara. Why hadn’t they just gotten a room already? “You’ll be alright, maggot?” he called out.
Con peered at him through the darkness, through a lip lock, and gave him a thumb’s up.