Page 17 of What Love Can Do
“Go get yourself a room, you filthy bugger,” Quinn laughed, placing his hand on Lilly’s back. His brother went on kissing Dara in the shadows of the car park and lifted his middle finger in response.
Quinn smiled, happy he’d brought his brother along, if only to distract him. Thank you, Dara.
Lilly folded into him warmly, not making any attempt to keep her distance. As they headed down the sidewalk, he held out the crook of his arm for her. “Shall I drive you back, m’lady? Wouldn’t be a proper gentleman if I made you drive after your sloshing tonight.”
Lillian punched his bicep then held onto his arm for support, as she walked in her sexy heels. Helping her along made him feel strong and wanted. “I’m hardly sloshed, Quinn. I was born and raised with chardonnay in my baby bottle, you know.”
“Ah, go off with you, you little lush. I was just joking, but seriously, I’d rather you come with me, if that’s alright.” They reached a large oak tree on the corner, its leaves swishing in the breeze. Quinn absorbed the brightness of Lilly’s blue eyes in the feeble light. “Please.”
Warm hands slid up his arms in the chilly air, causing goose bumps to break out all over his skin. She pressed up against him, and he felt the warmth of her body and the curve of her breast against his arm. “I’d be happy to,” she said with eyes alight. God, when she looked at him that way, he just wanted to snog her in public, rip her clothes off, and wipe that air of coyness off her beautiful face, one moan at a time.
And why not? They were two consenting adults. They may not have the same life goals. After all, it seemed like she wanted to get the feck out of Green Valley, whereas he was just beginning to discover its secrets. Remembering what he’d said to her about the possibility of him settling down here, he winced. He wasn’t sure where the words had come from. Only that she’d asked what he thought of the area, and he’d been telling her, and it had struck him suddenly, incredibly, insanely, that sitting in the pub, Lilly beside him, he’d felt at home in a way he hadn’t in a long, long time. Why not, his mind had teased.
Why not?
Because it was ludicrous, he realized now that he was out in the cool air. He was at a crossroads in his life. He needed time to find himself before he chose a place to live or became serious about a woman. And Lord knew, it wouldn’t do to lose his heart to a woman who was aching to spread her wings and fly.
In any event, what did it really matter if Lilly might soon be leaving Green Valley and Quinn had no idea where he’d be come next month? Why couldn’t they spend an evening together to ward off the loneliness while they were both here?
“Quinn?” She touched his arm.
“I was just thinking, your place or mine?” Quinn brushed a strand of hair away from her face then chuckled at the cheesiness of his line. “Sorry.”
“Considering you’re staying at my house, let’s go there.” She squeezed his bicep. “God, these arms,” she said, her verbal filter all but completely gone—eradicated. “Pick me up and carry me to heaven. Sheesh.”
He laughed at her words even as he felt his chest puff out a bit. There was nothing more sexy than a woman forgetting her decorum and just letting loose. He loved it. “Why, thank you, and ah…didn’t realize you lived at the good ol’ Russian River House. Thought maybe you lived at Parker House, in the tallest tower like some Greek goddess surrounded by golden grape vines. At least that’s how I played it out in my head.”
“Sorry to disappoint,” she said as they reached his car. “But I live at the bed and breakfast. On the third floor. Surrounded by empty coffee cups and crumpled tissues. Romantic comedies, classic sweeping romances…I’ve seen ‘em all.”
Sexy, Quinn thought.
Seriously. He imagined her working hard during the day then lounging in her room at night, going out when she wanted to have a bit of a frolic, but otherwise, being a down-to-Earth, movie-watching gal. Not like the women he’d gone out with in the past. Always seemed like he and his rugby friends attracted the high maintenance types looking for money, power, and fame, so it was nice to spend time with someone who didn’t seem to need nor want him for it.
They left the east part of town in Quinn’s rental and snaked down the winding roads toward Russian River House. Quinn’s hand inched over to Lilly until it rested on top of her hand, and she laid her other over his. He stole quick glances at her through the darkness, loving the way the oncoming lights lit up her eyes like sparkling blue diamonds. “You’ve got to be the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen,” he said. “I’m not just saying that, but I swear it’s true. From the moment I walked through the door, I was just like…bam! Smack me if I get annoying, will ya?”
She beamed at him sideways. “Stop.”
“I can’t. And you don’t realize it either, which makes you even more gorgeous.”
Lilly’s delicate fingers brushed across the top of his hand. “Thank you. That’s sweet of you to say.” Then, she rested her head back against the headrest and closed her eyes.
Driving along the Russian River, they rode the rest of the way back in near silence. Quinn wondered if, now that they were out of the confines of the pub and back into the real world, Lilly might have second thoughts about what she’d suggested back at Mulligan’s. “You alright?” he asked. “We don’t have to do this. We can just sit and talk. I love talking. Talking is one of my favorite—”
He glanced over at her, head back, smile spread on her face, neck craned, watching him drive. The picture of relaxation. He could make her relax even more, if she wanted.
“I’m totally good with it. Unless you don’t want to.”
“Oh, I want to. Trust me. I do.” If she only knew how much. “I just—I need you to be completely sober first, Lil. To be sure.” He loved the way her skin felt—warm and soft—on his.
“Oh, I’m sure. But if you want to wait until you’re sure I’m sober, that’s fine. Just keep this in mind. I came looking for you hoping this would happen. My biggest worry was how to get your brother out of the way. And no, I wouldn’t have wanted to have both of you at the same time. I see that naughty look on your face.”
“Me?” He couldn’t contain his smile. He’d never shared a woman with any of his brothers before, nor would he ever, but he loved the saucy way Lilly thought. “You’re the one with the filthy mind. Me, I didn’t say anything.”
“You didn’t have to. You have this permanent mischievous look about you, like a little kid who’s been caught polishing off a whole pack of Oreos. Every day, all the time.”
“I don’t know, Lil. I think you’re more mischievous than I am. And well, I do like cookies.”