Page 16 of Throuple Next Door
“How did the walk-through go?” Randy asked, setting his book aside as Austin dragged himself through the door.
“Terrible. Not one of them has any idea how to walk, and the guys all move like truckers.” He flopped down into a seat. “At least we got the outfits chosen. That was a nightmare, but from a clothing perspective, all twenty looks will flow together.” He’d spent much of the past week getting the show organized. It would have been much easier to herd cats, but regardless, he was enjoying himself a great deal. “Randy…,” Austin started when he noticed his attention being drawn back to the book. “If you don’t want to hear about it, then just say so.” He left the room and went upstairs. He was tired and cranky after having to hold in his frustration all evening so the volunteers didn’t pick up on it.
He turned on the shower and let it heat as he slipped off his clothes, then stepped under the water. This was turning out to be a bigger job that he thought at first. But they were getting close. Though it turned out that the fashion show was the same weekend as Randy’s mother’s visit. Talk about piling it on. He reached for the soap as the shower curtain slid open, and Randy stepped in behind him.
“Hey, I was listening,” Randy said, his voice low and deep.
“But your book was just so good….” He wasn’t willing to let Randy off the hook just yet. Though his dick was more than ready, throbbing in front of him as Randy’s hands slid around his waist.
“I had a tough day, too, and I was waiting for you to come home,” he explained. “And I probably should have put my book away. But it was just too good… and sexy.” Randy leaned closer, his fingers tightening slightly as he pulled Austin back against him, Randy’s thick cock pressing along Austin’s crack. “Do you really want to talk about fashion shows or how my day went when we could talk about something much… hotter?”
The water suddenly switched off and then the shower curtain was pushed aside. Weaver stood there. “Damn, that is one hell of a sight.” Randy moved them both back, and Weaver stepped into the tub. There was barely enough room for them, but no one seemed to care. Austin certainly didn’t as Weaver surrounded him in wet heat that made Austin’s head throb and his leg shake. He groaned and shivered back against Randy.
“What do you want, baby?” Randy growled into his ear. He lifted his arms, and Randy’s warm hands slid up his belly and chest, caressing him slowly. “You aren’t saying anything,” Randy whispered, and Austin swallowed.
“That’s because what I want is something that I can’t have.” He stilled, and Weaver pulled away, the mood changing in an instant, and Austin wished he hadn’t said it.
“You can have anything,” Randy said, his hands continuing to roam.
Austin shook his head. “I can’t have you.” He felt Randy stiffen, and not in a good way, and then his hands slipped away and his heat disappeared when he stepped out of the tub. Randy handed him a towel as Weaver stood and got out as well.
“I’m sorry, but….” Austin swallowed, realizing that he had gone too far and that he should have just kept his mouth shut.
Randy shook his head and sighed deeply. “I don’t think this conversation is for the bathroom.”
Austin dried himself as he followed Randy to their bedroom. He set the towel aside and climbed on the bed on the far side of Randy, with Weaver on the other. “I didn’t mean to push something on you.”
“I know that, and….”
“Randy has always been a top,” Weaver added, but Austin knew by Randy’s reaction to the idea that there was more to it than that.
“You don’t really want to talk about this, do you?” Austin asked.
Randy shook his head hard.
“But…,” he prompted.
“I think it’s something I should.” He ran his fingers through his hair and sighed deeply once more. “You know I grew up in Brooklyn, and you’ve been to my mother’s place. It’s a rough neighborhood.”
Weaver drew closer. “Did someone force you?” His question had been on the tip of Austin’s tongue.
“No. Not really. But I was this misfit gay kid in a tough neighborhood in Brooklyn. I didn’t know shit. My first time was with a kid in school, but that was just a blowjob under the bleachers.” Randy had already told him this part. “But later, when things got more serious, we started trying other things, and I got hurt… like, really bad. I was bleeding and…. Let’s just say that I was ashamed and in pain, and I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t think I could tell my mother or anyone.”
Austin sighed. “So you suffered in silence.” He ran his hand lightly over Randy’s amazing chest. “You know that we would never hurt you. Right?”
“Of course I do. But… I never want to do that again. It makes me feel….” Randy tensed. “I don’t know how to explain it. But it makes me feel small, like I’m that kid back in my room in Brooklyn, bleeding into my underwear and trying to figure out how I’m going to keep this a secret from my mom.” Randy put his arms around both him and Weaver. “My mother doesn’t know about any of this, and I’ve never told anyone before.”
“Why?” Weaver asked.
Randy sat up, crossing his arms over his chest. “I’m a gay man, so that’s supposed to be something that I’m supposed to like. I mean, it’s part of the way we make love.” He kissed both of them hard enough and hot enough to set the bedding on fire. “Lord knows I love making love to both of you, but….” He swallowed, and Austin knew that was as far as Randy was going to go. It was one thing for Randy to explain what happened to him; it was quite another to vocally admit a vulnerability. Not that he needed to.
Austin got to his knees, straddling Randy’s lap. “Look here, big guy. If that’s how you feel, then you never have to do that.” He leaned back, rocking his hips, Randy hardening under him. “You are and will always be the man we fell in love with.” He pulled Weaver into a kiss. “Right?”
Weaver’s eyes darkened. “Oh yeah. You are both the men I’m in love with, and nothing is going to change that.” He kissed Austin and then Randy, the temperature of the room rising by the second. When Weaver pulled back, Randy tugged Austin forward. Weaver came behind him, licking down Austin’s back and then to his opening.
He quivered in Randy’s arms as Weaver’s tongue did amazing things to him. Damn, his men were talented, and as Weaver buried his tongue inside him, Austin kissed Randy, needing his strength to keep himself from shattering into a million pieces.
“And I love you… both of you,” Randy said just loudly enough for them to hear. “You fill my heart.”