Page 17 of Throuple Next Door
Austin groaned as Weaver filled him in another way, his long cock touching him deep inside. Austin gasped, holding Randy, who kissed him again, probing his mouth with his tongue.
Weaver leaned over Austin, his chest to his back, rolled his hips, loving the way his men kissed as he sank deeply into Austin’s heat. There was something sublime about making love to these men, and it didn’t matter who was inside who. They were together, and the way Randy ran his hand around the back of his neck, the connection between them tingling up and down his spine, sent him over the moon. He kissed Austin’s shoulder and then sucked lightly at the base of his neck, Austin’s salty sweetness tasting amazing on his tongue. He needed them, and it wasn’t long before his control began slipping. His men were the sexiest guys on the planet as far as he was concerned, and he was damned lucky to have them in his life.
“More…,” Austin whimpered, clutching Randy. Weaver thrust and held still, the ecstasy overtaking him, short-circuiting his mind. He leaned against Austin, breathing hard, as Austin turned to the side, where he captured his lips.
“You’re amazing,” Weaver whispered as he slipped from inside his body.
“So are you,” Austin said, repositioning himself, legs wrapped around Randy as Randy sank onto him. Fuck, that was the hottest thing ever. Austin always amazed him, but taking both of them was stunning, and Randy rode Austin hard. Sweat glistened on their bodies. Austin grabbed his arm, pulling Weaver close, the three of them kissing.
That was what always blew his mind: the three of them together, even if it was a kiss. It was the three of them. There were many uncertainties in this world and in their lives, but the three of them, together, that was right, and Weaver knew that to the core.
“Don’t stop,” Austin groaned, skin slapping skin, Randy disappearing into Austin’s body, then appearing, only to sink back inside. Weaver’s libido was already kicking in again by the time their movements became frantic. As he drew closer to watch, Austin wrapped his fingers around Weaver’s cock, stroking to his and Randy’s pace until the world narrowed to just the three of them.
Randy reared up, pressed into Austin, and lifted him off the bed with a groan as Austin’s eyes rolled into his head, painting his release across Randy’s chest. Weaver added his own release as Randy came as well, all of them floating in a post-orgasmic haze that Weaver hoped would last.
Austin collapsed against Randy, and Weaver held them both, their kisses now languid, gentle, almost exploratorily tender. Weaver lay on the bed, Austin settling next to him, and Randy cradling them both against his chest.
“Sometimes it surprises me that you’re afraid of anything,” Weaver said, looking up at Randy. “Remember how we met?”
Randy nodded. “How could I forget? At that club in Soho, where the most beautiful man I had ever seen was dancing up a storm. I was just about to work up the courage to talk to you when this guy grabbed your arm and pulled you to his chest. You struggled and told him to leave you alone.”
“Yeah, I did, and I was trying to figure out how to get away from him when this tall, broad man pulled him away and clocked him right in the nose. The brute when down to the floor, and you stepped over him and gently escorted me off to one of the tables. The bouncers escorted the idiot out of the club, and you made sure I was okay and sat with me for hours, just talking. I thought you were nice. Little did I know at the time that you were sexy nice and would have my back for going on ten years.”
“But something or someone was always missing,” Randy said. “I mean, you and I were good together, but we….”
Weaver closed his eyes. “I know. We loved each other, but you and I… there was always someone missing. We went to work and built a life, but it was so haphazard.”
“Is that your way of saying that neither of you could figure out how to make a home?” Austin asked.
“Yeah. That’s about it. He was so busy with law school and then making partner. I was building the business. When you showed up, he and I were still using some of the furniture we’d had in college. There had been no need to change it, so we didn’t. After you moved into the building and our hearts, then into the apartment, that old furniture was gone and you had turned the place into a home within a few months.” Randy said.
“The apartment was just a place for us to live before you came into our lives. Now we have this house that feels like the home I always wanted.”
“That we always wanted,” Randy said, holding them both. “We each bring something to this relationship that the others don’t. I think that’s why we work.” He patted each of them before slipping off the bed. Randy headed to the bathroom, and the shower started a few minutes later.
Austin sighed and began getting dressed.
“Aren’t you going to join him?” Weaver asked.
“That was where all this started, and as much fun as we had, I don’t think I’m up for a round two right now.” He winced slightly as he stepped into his underwear.
“I know the feeling.” Weaver began dressing as well. “Come on. I have a few projects to try to finish in the yard, and I could use your help.”
“Me? You know I have a black thumb and can kill just about anything.”
Weaver grinned. “Great. We can start with the weeds.” He patted Austin on the shoulder, and he groaned. Weaver was pleased that Austin joined him outside anyway.
Randy’s mother was coming in a few days, and with the guys out in the yard, he took the time to walk through the rooms of the house, making sure it was safe for family. Not that they had sex toys or dirty magazines around, but the last thing he wanted his mother to find was their copy of the Tom of Finland compilation or things like that. He didn’t see anything, but that didn’t mean that his mother wouldn’t find it. The one thing he’d done was make sure his and Weaver’s offices had locks. His mother was a snooper, and that was the best way to keep her out of those areas. She had no business being in there, but that wouldn’t stop his mother. He hoped the locks would be enough of a deterrent.
“Your mother’s visit is going to be fine,” Austin said as he came up the stairs, covered in dirt. He looked almost like he and Weaver had built a dirt play pit, and Austin had fallen in. “Stop worrying.”
Randy set his jaw. “You know what she’s like. And she isn’t going to be any different just because we’re here in Pennsylvania instead of New York.”
“It’s been two years, and your mother likes both Weaver and me,” Austin said, naively. “What’s the problem?”
Randy crossed his arms over his chest and looked Austin deep in the eyes, making sure there was only stone cold in his expression. “Because she is going to spend the weekend here, laughing and having a good time, and before she leaves, my mother will take me aside and say that she likes both of you, but then she’ll tell me which of you she thinks I should choose. She’s done it before. My mother will never understand that it’s the three of us together. That this is what I want, what we all want. That is beyond her, and she’ll cause trouble just so she can feel comfortable about my life.”
Austin shrugged. “So?”