Page 6 of His Queen
He makes a sound in the back of his throat, almost like a moan, before nodding. Turning away, I quickly prepare our drinks while trying to hide my sudden blush. Niko affects me in ways I can’t put my finger on, but I need to get myself under control.
I find him seated on one of the couches when I finish the order and head over to join him. As I hand him his latte, his fingers graze mine and another bolt of awareness shakes me to my core. I feel like I am stuck in a cliché chick flick, and I can’t find a way out.
“How are you liking Bantry Bay?” I ask to get my mind off the feelings I can’t explain.
“More and more every day,” Niko replies.
“What brought you here?”
He watches me, assessing me, and I feel like he sees more than I want.
“Can I be honest?” he asks lowly like someone might hear him even though we are the only people here.
I don’t know if I want his honesty. He could be a serial killer or a mafia man on the run from the law. What if he is here to kill someone? But my curiosity gets the better of me and I nod my head.
“I’m looking for a witch.”
Chapter Four
Her pale skin goes milky white at the mention of the word “witch.” A nervous chuckle escapes her as she fidgets.
“A witch?” Cassandra says in a voice that has gone at least two octaves higher than normal. “Those only exist in fairy tales.”
Taking her coffee from her hand, I place it on the table beside mine. I feel the connection that flows between us every time we touch. I knew she was the one I was looking for before I enchanted the town’s water supply. I could feel it deep in my bones, but I had to be certain.
“Breathe, Cassandra,” I say gently. “I’m not a hunter and I don’t wish you or anyone else any harm.”
“I’m not a witch!” she says too loudly pulling her hand from mine and severing our connection.
I sigh deeply. “We both know that isn’t true. Please believe me when I say I don’t want to hurt you.”
She stands from the couch and takes two steps back. “Why would I believe you? Trust you? You’re a stranger I don’t know, talking about crazy stuff like witches.”
“You know I’m not crazy,” I say as I rise from my seat and advance slowly toward her. “I know what you are. I don’t want to hurt you. I just want to talk.”
I read the Alluvium histories about true witches, and I know they have been persecuted for centuries so I understand her reluctance to speak about it. I see the fear in her eyes. An unusual feeling settles over me, the need to comfort her and relieve her fears.
“But—” Cassandra tries to interject.
Taking her hand, I lead her back toward the comfortable red couch we were seated on before. “Sit with me for a while. Let me explain everything to you and if you still don’t want to talk to me afterward, I will leave. Okay?”
Cassandra looks conflicted but nods before taking a seat. Sitting beside her once again, I take her hand in mine. For the longest moment silence reigns as I allow her a moment to compose herself. She still looks like she wants to run away from me.
“My name is Nikolas Maximus. I am Fae and I am from Runic. A realm of true magik where all magikal creatures live in harmony. I came to Alluvium, what you call Earth, to find you,” I pause to give her a moment to digest this information. “I need your help. To save my world and yours.”
I listen to Niko speak but it’s like listening to someone through ten panes of glass. His voice is distorted and sounds far away. He knows I’m a witch. My greatest secret. My greatest fear comes to life. His thumb rubs in small circles against my wrist. The action is soothing and soon I can focus on what he’s saying.
“What do you need me for? If everything you are saying is true, don’t you possess more magik than I do?” I question.
“I need a Consort,” he says. “A wife. Someone to lead beside me. With our realms bound together, we could bring peace. We could end the Eternal Havok.”
A wife? What the hell? Did this gorgeous stranger just basically propose to me? My mind is being pulled in a hundred different directions. Excitement, fear, confusion, and so many more emotions slam into me all at once, and I fight to keep from being overwhelmed.