Page 7 of His Queen
“Wait, Eternal Havok?” I ask, focusing on the one thing I don’t know anything about.
“A war that has been fought for thousands of years. The warlords of the Quietus realm would like nothing more than to take control of all three realms and allow havoc and pain to run rampant.”
I shudder at the idea. I have always felt I was put on earth to do more but I never knew what. It’s easy to fall into the belief that there isn’t anything else out there, but I have seen too much in my short life to just push his words aside. If there is an ongoing war, we have yet to be touched by it. But that doesn’t mean the danger isn’t there.
“I will help you in any way I can,” I say while looking down at our now entwined hands. It’s an easy decision to make. I need to keep my people safe too. “But I can’t merge with you.”
He tilts my chin up so we are eye to eye. His gaze bores into me, penetrating the deepest, darkest reaches inside me.
“Is there someone else?” he growls.
My imagination must be running wild because he sounds almost jealous. His hazel eyes have darkened to near black and his posture has gone rigid.
“Yes,” I reply although every fiber of my being is screaming at me to say no. “I have been promised to another coven.”
“But you aren’t married yet?”
“No. The ceremony will happen on the next full moon,” I reply. “I have to merge with Owen to ascend into my full powers and become the High Priestess.”
“Don’t you have a choice in any of this?” he asks softly, his thumb gently caressing my bottom lip.
“If I find someone acceptable to the elders, I could choose to merge with that person,” my voice is breathy as I explain.
“Am I not acceptable?” he asks with a smirk.
“I doubt they will really let me choose,” I say and even I can hear the sadness in my voice. “They are allowing me this last freedom to placate me. Even if I found someone acceptable, they would find some imaginary reason to reject him. My mother is the current High Priestess, and she has already made up her mind.”
“What do you want, Cassandra?” he asks earnestly.
“I don’t know.”
Chapter Five
There may still be a chance for me to convince Cassandra to choose me. To help me win a war that could ruin not just my realm but hers as well. All I need to do is find a way to make her understand.
“Do you feel the connection between us?” I ask, softly cupping her face.
“I feel drawn to you if that’s what you mean.”
“Yes. I can’t help but want to touch you.” I smile. “That’s the universe’s way of telling us we were meant to be.”
“The universe can say all it wants.” Cassandra pulls away from my touch with a frown. “My mother is the problem.”
I want to pull her back against me, to hold her tight in my arms. Instead, I sip my coffee. “Explain it to me. Maybe I can help.”
She sighs and looks out the window behind me before speaking. “I am the last true descendant of an original Salem witch. All the power in my coven is currently held by my mother. If I merge with someone suitable before my twenty-fifth birthday I will ascend, and the power will move to me.”
She looks at me and I can tell there is more she needs to say. Gesturing for her to continue, I wait, hoping that whatever she has to say is something I can figure a way around.
“All covens have twelve elders. They are the decision-makers. If I go against their wishes, I will never ascend to my full powers. In fact, what little power I have will be drained back into the earth and I will be an everyday human like the rest.”
“That isn’t exactly true,” a voice says from behind me.
I move with inhuman speed as I shift Cassandra to a standing position and place myself in front of her. My magik has already gathered, and I am ready to defend not just myself but also her against any threat.
“Calm down, boy. I’m not here to hurt either of you. Though, I should smack you for that little trick with the water. I feel like hell,” the woman in front of me grouches.