Page 104 of Love Unwritten
Instead of waiting for me to reach for the stem, Rafael curls a loose strand of my hair behind my other ear before placing the flower there. His fingers graze the sensitive shell as he pulls away, and I suppress a shiver.
The whole exchange doesn’t last more than a few seconds, but time feels like it stops to give us a moment. His eyes roam over my face, soaking up every detail while I make out bits and pieces of the man who hides behind a beard and constant scowl.
I find myself disappointed when he pulls away all too soon, taking his spicy scent with him as the world roars back to life around us.
Our eyes meet again, and my heart jerks in my chest as I’m hit with a strong, forbidden sense of yearning for someone I can’t have but will always want.
I wanted Rafael Lopez when I was in high school, and I want him now. But just like back then, I know he will never be mine.
Not then. Not now. Not ever.
Nico and I convince Rafael to grab Hawaiian shave ice with us after dinner. The drive to a local spot is a short one, although the line is longer than the other day.
We wait behind a family with the cutest baby. When I tell the mom that, she comments on how she hopes her son is half as cute as mine. I laugh off her statement before correcting her, although Rafael doesn’t seem to share my amusement.
He is unusually quiet, being borderline rude with the way he stares straight ahead, glaring at the line like it personally offended him.
Nico seems unaware, although Rafael’s strange behavior doesn’t relent, even after we get to the front of the line and order, and his scowl remains permanently in place as we find a free table.
“Ellie?” Nico steals a scoop of mine before ever touching his.
“I have a question.”
“When don’t you?” I tease.
He giggles. “Do you want kids?”
I choke on a spoonful of shave ice. “What?”
Rafael shakes his head. “That’s a personal question.”
“So?” Nico asks innocently. “Ellie and I are friends.”
“Doesn’t mean you should ask people questions about wanting kids.”
I interject, “Your dad is right. I may not mind you asking, but someone else could.”
“Oh.” Nico’s smile transforms into a frown. “Sorry.”
“It’s okay. But to answer your question, yes. I’d like to have a family.”
“So you want to get married too?”
Rafael pinches the bridge of his nose with a sigh.
“Sure. If the one I’ve been looking for comes along, I would.”
“The one? Like a prince?”
I laugh. “No. The one isn’t going to be a prince, but I’m sure he will make me just as happy.”
Rafael’s plastic spoon snaps in half. “I’ll be back.”
Nico doesn’t think anything of his father’s abrupt departure, but my stomach churns, ruining my appetite.