Page 136 of Ryker
“I’m not sure he will. What if Brisbane Realty has offered more?”
“I’ll take care of it.” Or rather, me, Vault, and Dmitri will for him.
“Jesus.” Knox sighs on the other end. “You sure you want to invest in me like this?”
“Motherfucker, don’t ask me dumb questions like that.” Besides, I’ve already given up startup money to get him this far. Me and D split it. “You deserve that club, brother. It’s your baby.”
Just like the Monarch is mine.
“We’ve got your back, Knox. The money is yours. And once we’re done talking with your pops, that fucking club will be too.”
“I… I don’t know what to say.”
“Say you’re happy.” I shove off the steps and leave the building.
“I’m… fuck… yeah. If this really happens, I’ll be the happiest sonofabitch on this side of the bridge.”
“Good. I’ll call you after I have the paperwork drawn up. Get some sleep, bro. You’re gonna need it.” I hang up on him.
There’s a pep in my step when I straddle my bike. The brick structure that’s haunted me for over a decade doesn’t look so ominous and powerful anymore.
My cell rings again and the dopey smile I get makes my voice draw out in a playful, “Hey, Butterfly.”
“Where are you?”
“Just went for a ride.”
“Are you okay?”
God love her. “I’m way better than okay, baby. I’m heading home now.”
“You know where to find me when you get here.”
Fuck right I do. “Be naked for me.”
“Already am, Mr. Hudson.”
I blow every red light to get home where I belong.
Chapter 46
I have no clue what happened to Ryker three nights ago, but he’s different. There’s a goofy smile on his face that won’t quit. He’s talkative. Happy. Relaxed.
As much as I’d love to take credit for this shift in him, not even my pussy has that much power.
Yesterday we fucked in a room full of mirrors. The day before that, he taught me tricks on a spinning circular bed positioned in the center of a big voyeur room. No one was there to watch us, but I enjoyed imaging we had a full house. Maybe I have an exhibition kink I should explore more.
I’ve been straddling his lap all morning in his office, feeling content as a house cat while he clicks away on the computer.
The Monarch is heaven on earth. I never want to leave. “You know, I thought thirty days as the Butterfly was a little overkill.”
He tips his office chair back and rocks us. “Oh yeah?”
“That’s a long time to be with someone.”
“Are you saying you’re sick of me, Miss Reed?”