Page 10 of Beast Mode Todd
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For the nextcouple days Bryan, who had found in me a new friend, invited me over for dinner. Little did he know, that in the evenings before he came home, I was hopping my back wall and infiltrating hisshit.
Mallory wasn’t as jumpy as in the beginning but she wasn’t exactly relaxed either. She had no idea that I was grooming her; at least I didn’t think she did. Little soft touches, always brushing up against her when we passed and I never brought up the past even though it was never too far from mymind.
By the third evening I even got a laugh out of her while she stood at the sink peeling potatoes. “Are you coming to dinner tonight?”
“Do you want me to?” She bit that damn lip again and gave a little shrug like she didn’t care one way or the other. In the last two days anyone seeing these little interactions would think we’d just met each other for the first time and was getting to know one another.
I had her open up about college and what she’d been doing with her life like I hadn’t had a telescope on that shit and was surprised that she didn’t lie. She was really beginning to get on my nerves. Where was the scheming little twit who’d set meup?
This nun like wallflower was not the girl I’d been picturing taking out to the woodshed for the past five years. Speaking of nuns, they hadn’t fucked all week. I wasn’t sure if that was the norm, but I found myself getting antsy at the prospect of seeing him touch her. Shit made me want to kill his fuckingass.
“You know I’m going to fuck you right?” I was never known for having much tact and the startled look she gave me said she thought I meant to do her now. “Relax, your boy will be home soon, it can wait.” If her face gets any redder I’ll have to break out the fire extinguisher.
“You, you shouldn’t say that.” Notice she did not deny me. I’d been working on breaking down her defenses and banking on the fact that she’d once found me attractive.
Each evening when I left her here alone to go wait for Bryan to come knocking on my fucking door like a twelve year old emo kid hopped up on grass, I’d sit at the computer and watchher.
I knew I was getting to her; it was in those little secret smiles she held back for when she was alone. I’d even caught her singing once or twice and she was getting more comfortable with my touch. Shit was coming along nicely, thankfuck.
My dick was about to take point. My emotions, if there were any, were held in subjugation never to see the light of day. I didn’t want to hear one fuck from my conscience and my deceitful heart that kept whispering that maybe she wasn’t so bad after all could get fucked.
I stood from my place at the kitchen table and walked over to her, leaning over her shoulder as I caged her in and ran my nose up her neck to her ear. She shivered and I felt the heat in her arms when I lifted my hands to run them over her flesh.
“I’m leaving now, I’ll see you in a little bit.” Her lips trembled when she looked up at me with those eyes like deep pools of lust and I knew I had her. I resisted the urge to lower my head to hers and headed for the door. I have a sneaky suspicion that I’m losing this fight but we’ll see. Just because I no longer had the urge to wring her neck didn’t mean that she was out of the dangerzone.
It was getting harder to climb the damn wall after our little daily rendezvous because my dick stays hard around her. I’m pretty sure she’s felt that shit a time or two. I wonder how tight her pussy’s gonna be around my cock. I’m thinking tomorrow. I wasn’t planning to live in this bitch and I’d already been here longer than I’d planned.
Since I had her pretty much locked down, I was spending more time on the other player in this farce. He or she was still a dark shadow hiding in the wings just out of sight, but I had no doubt it’ll all come together sooner or later. Nothing was taking my focus off of her though and the game was stillon.
I went back to my place feeling frustrated and was happy to see that she wasn’t in much better shape. She was standing exactly where I’d left her, looking lost. Gotcha!
She shook herself out of her reverie a few seconds later and went back to peeling and adding potatoes to the boiling water she had in the pot I’d put on for her. I’m no fool, I’ve been watching those two long enough to know that Bryan was one of those good ole boys that thought ‘woman’s work’ was beneathhim.
Asshole probably never made it this far past the Mason Dixon line before. Thank fuck mom is one of those sparring hens that didn’t let her men get away with shit. I was raised right. I knew how to treat a woman and even with the fuck fest that was my life, I still had dreams of finding the right one and settling down someday.
This one was confusing the shit out of me though. She was nothing like I’d expected. Even though her social media posts had been vanilla as fuck I’d half convinced myself that she was just keeping her wild shit well hidden. Now I’m having to rethink thatshit.
I’ve also noticed my new fondness for those flighty wisps of material she wears, her kaftans. They may look innocent enough, but if you watch long enough you’d see the seductive lure. Though I wouldn’t mind seeing her ass well encased in a tight pair of jeans just waiting for my hands to cup, those shits were growing onme.
I stretched my jean-clad legs out in front of me and sipped my beer as I watched her. Lately I’ve been really watching her. Not like a man who was planning her demise, but just as a man. I like what I see and that was starting to become a problem.
I find myself staying up late at night staring at the ceiling and asking myself ‘what if’. Then I’d remind myself of the hard five I’d done and that shit would die a quick death, only to return the next day. I sometimes felt more imprisoned by my thoughts than I’d ever been behind those walls.
Nothing was going the way I’d expected and I was growing more and more confused by the minute. What I once saw as black and white was filled with a fuck load of grey areas and the shit was getting to me. I hate not having all the answers, not knowing what the fuck was going on around me, especially when it pertains tome.
I was about to turn away from the screen when Bryan walked in, to avoid the obligatory evening peck on the lips. But then she did something that stopped me in my tracks. Did she just give him the slip? Sure as fuck she evaded his lips. Well, well, well what have we here grasshopper?
She pretended not to notice what she’d done but he saw it and so didI.
“You feeling okay?” He rubbed her back and I came halfway out of my seat. “Get your fucking hands off her.” Awfuck!
I unclenched my fists and looked away as she lied to him about coming down with a cold and not wanting him to catch it. My ass. That was smooth though, good girl. I took a piss and waited for the knock on the door that I was sure would be coming.
All week I’ve been gravitating between feeling sorry for this guy and wanting to knock his fucking block off. What kind off asshole douche turd just opens their door and let some swinging dick waltz rightin?
Either he’s an extremely confident fucker, or he’s got something on her. So far I haven’t picked up on any static so I know that’s not it, so it must be her. Some fuck happened to her that made this weasel think she could do no better.
I know I’m contradicting myself here. I should be happy as fuck that she’d ended up with that spineless twerp, but somehow it was an affront to me. I don’t know why the fuck I should care that she could do better, but I do. Even more confusing I’m beginning to see myself in that spot more and more of late. Hoisted on my own fucking petard. Shakespeare couldn’t have written this shit better.
Right on cue the doorbell rang and I pretended like I wasn’t standing here waiting for it. I opened the door with beer in hand looking all relaxed and shit. “Hey Bri, my man how goes it buddy?” I’m such an asshole, but that’s the way the game is played. At least I’d foregone my idea of sneaking into his house in the dead of night and fucking his girl right next to him. Points!
“Are you coming over? I wanted to show you that new rack I told you about.” Something else I was beginning to hate about this guy. He shoots shit just for sport. No real man does that shit. If you’re not gonna eat it, leave that shit alone. Squeamish fuck probably never took down so much as a squirrel. Who the fuck hunts raccoons?
“Yeah sure, let me get some shoes on.” I rolled my eyes once I turned away. Bryan is one of those guys that like to show off his toys, usually with that smarmy shit he does that says, ‘I bet you don’t have one of these’.
I like to let him show off his mediocre shit before schooling his ass on where he went wrong. My toys are always better, but I’m not about to have a dick- measuring contest with this ass. He’d never win. No way can a garden snake stand up against an anaconda. I’m just saying!