Page 11 of Beast Mode Todd
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I slippedmy feet into some man sandals because it was still hot as balls and I wasn’t in the mood for anything else, before following him out the door. Once inside their house I played the game, like I hadn’t just left her a little while ago. I wonder if he ever questions why she always blushes when I comeover?
“Something sure smells good, you’re one lucky guy Bri. She’s beautiful and she can cook.” He beamed from ear to ear and I hid my sneer behind the bottle I’d walked over with me. I’m going to fuck the shit out of her you smugfuck.
“You need to find you a girl Todd. Of course there’s no one else around here that can hold a candle to mine, but I know a few people around the office, I could maybe put in a good word for you.” He actually did that brow twitching shit like this was a Groucho Marx movie.
I think she gave him the death glare and now instead of a sneer I was hiding a smile behind my bottle. “Bryan that’s very presumptuous of you. What makes you think he doesn’t already have one?” Oh, a little jealous arewe?
Her eyes flitted my way and back down to the bowl she was filling with mashed potatoes while he laughed. She knew damn well I didn’t have one because in the midst of one of our little conversations I’d let it slip that I’d just been released. She’d already known. Huh!
“Of course he doesn’t, we would’ve met her by now.” He looked at me for confirmation and I answered him with a nod. Little fucker likes to be right about every damn thing under the damn sun. Now if I were in his position I would be questioning just how fucking safe was it to have someone like me in such close proximity to my woman. There was always a window in the evenings when she was home alone and he knew I ‘worked’ from home. Clueless, or just over confident.
She didn’t say anything more about his offer but went back to filling bowls and platters with food for the table. It was only when she brought the meal to the table that I realized what she’d done. The gesture touched me more than it should.
I’d made a passing comment to her the evening before that I was partial to mashed potatoes with fried steak and gravy. Damn if that isn’t what she put on the table, along with green beans, and my favorite pie was cooling on the counter. Damn!
“Bryan’s right. I’m in between girls right now. In fact it’s been a while since I’ve enjoyed female companionship of any kind. My life has been kind of on hold lately.” I looked dead at her when I said this and only we two knew what that meant. Her face reddened and she looked away from my intent stare.
Bryan on the other hand went on to tell me, which one of the women at his accounting firm would be perfect for me. Like I’d let this high-waisted motherfucker choose a dog walker for me. In what universe does this hump think I’d need dating help or advice fromhim?
“We’ll see Bri we’ll see. I do have my eye on someone but I’m taking my time there. I have to make sure everything’s just right before I make my move. There’re… complications.” I was still looking at her and barely looked away before he caughtme.
“Oh, what sort of complications?” I shrugged my shoulders and dug into my potatoes.
“Oh you know. Some women can be difficult. They need a little more work. Add the fact that they can be confusing and downright deceiving at times and it takes a brave man to tread into those waters.”
“Yeah, I guess you’re right. I never had that problem did I honey? I met her one night when we were both burning the midnight oil in the stacks and knew she was the one for me. I just decided to ask her out then and there and we’ve been together ever since. I guess you can say we just clicked.”
And then you went into the nearest bathroom and wiped your nosebleed you little snot rag motherfucker.
I almost blew my cover and ask her what the fuck kinda colossal joke this was. I didn’t like the way he was looking at her either the fuck. Or the way he reached for her hand and squeezed before going back to his meal. There is something very wrong with this picture, or I’d fallen down the rabbithole.
Now don’t get me wrong. I’m not hating on douche nozzle because of his looks or the fact that he’s a pencil dick paper pusher. But from what I’ve seen between these two, there’s little to no chemistry.
She sleeps damn near at the edge of the bed every night to get away from him, and the only real contact I’ve ever seen is the evening hello kiss and the goodbye kiss on the cheek as they head out in the morning. Plus the fact that he makes noises when heeats.
In fact, the more time I spent with these two, the more I hated his guts. Even more so than hers; go figure. I wasn’t jealous or anything, at least that’s what I keep telling myself. Didn’t resent the time he had with her after I left and went next door to my empty bed. Fuck off, it’s not that kind of party. I’m here to complete a mission, nothing more. Uh-huh!
Once again she and I ate in silence while Bryan regaled us with tales of his fascinating day of numbers and bottom lines. My ears were damn near ready to bleed and I wondered how the fuck she’d put up with this shit for so long. Maybe I was doing her a favor by fucking things up with thisguy.
She kept picking at her food each time I kept bringing the conversation back around to this supposed hot chick that Bryan knew at the office that would be just perfect for a guy like me; whatever the fuck that was. I thought she was going to gougehim.
I hid my amusement by pretending that I actually found his shit entertaining. It’s gonna take two tumblers of whiskey to bring me down off this ledge. The guy could be used to put insomniacs to sleep.
I didn’t drag out the night though he begged me to stay and hang. I’d made up my mind that tomorrow I was going to have her ass spread eagle somewhere in this house with my cock stuffed inside her, and with the decision made there was no need for me to hang around any longer tonight.
Plus I’d had all I could take of him for the night.
I’d chosen tomorrow because it was her day off and he’d be gone from seven in the morning. I’ll be balls-deep inside her by seven-ten give or take. I sent him on a fool’s errand so I could steal a moment alone with her and she grew nervous as hell before he even cleared thedoor.
I crowded her back against the refrigerator and just stood there looking down at her as her attention went back and forth between me and the door he’d just walked through. I waited for her to give me the brush off, to tell me to fuck off. But she didn’t.
Instead she stared up at me with that hungry look in her eyes, mixed with uncertainty and still that hint of fear. “You’re quite the enigma aren’t you sweetheart?” I rested my hands on her hips and pulled her just a little bit closer.
We could both hear him moving around in the garage looking for whatever it was I’d sent him for, which I’d already forgotten about. “We can’t…”