Page 12 of Broken Empire

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Page 12 of Broken Empire

“Good.Gladwe got that settled because we’re here,” he says with a big smile as he pulls up to a huge iron gate.Andthis asshole called me a psycho?

Amoment later the gate opens up andHunterdrives all the way down the long as fuck driveway, pulling up to a huge mansion.Hegets out of the car andIfollow.Thedoor to the mansion opens before we’ve even reached the top of the stairs so we head right in.

We’rebarely through the door when a blur of something slams intoHunter.Itonly takes a second to realize that the blur is none other thanAdelaide.

“Hunter!I’vemissed you!I’mso glad you’re here,” she squeals as she hugs him.BeforeIeven know what’s happening, she spins around and punches me in the arm.

“Whatthe hell dickhead?!Whatdid you do to my favorite girl?” she questions.

“Iswear it wasn’t me this time,”Isay with a roll of my eyes. “Well, technically, it kind of was, but in my defense that stupid made up video was never meant to see the light of day.”

Shesurprises me when she steps over to me and pulls me in for a hug. “You’rean idiot andIdon’t know if you’re ever going to grow out of that butImissed your dumbass too.We’regoing to get her back, don’t worry.”

“Youcan bet on it.Iwon’t stop untilIfind her,”Imurmur, holding onto her a little while longer becauseIjust need a hug andI’mnot huggingHunter’sdumbass.

“Handsoff our woman, dude,”Ihear a moment later in a joking voice and look up to see who must beCarterwalking toward us.Adelaidelifts her head and rolls her eyes as if to saythis fucking guy.

“Ohcome on,Daddy!Youcan’t be jealous of a hug.Besides,I’mnot a boyfriend-stealing bitch and you knowWinteris my girl.Plus,Ithink seven dicks is quite enough for me,” she tells him with a pout.Nowit’s his turn to roll his eyes at her while a snort escapes me.

“I’mnot falling for that damn pout this time, woman!And, yes, you don’t need any more than the seven that you’ve got,” he growls, whileHunterandIchuckle. “Sorry, guys.Thisone’s a handful.”

“I’mnot,” she grumbles, a cute pout on her face.

“I’mCarter,Hunter’sbrother,” he says, turning to me to introduce himself. “Theothers are waiting in the living room for us.”

Hestarts to walk off asHunterandI, along withAdelaide, follow after him.Weget to the living room and see six other guys sitting there.Carterintroduces them to me one by one.There’sBlaze,Silas,Maxcen,Daemonand the twinsDeclanandCage.

“It’snice to meet you all.Ijust wish it was under better circumstances,”Isay and they all nod and just like that everyone turns serious and we get down to business.

“We’veput out some feelers and we’re hoping to hear some news soon,”Maxcensays andInod my head in response.

“Thanksfor helping,”Itell them with sincerity in my voice.

“She’sfamily now since she’s important to our girl here and to our brother as well,”Cartersays andInod.Hunterlooks at me with an expression that saysseeIwasn’t making that shit up.

“Ithink my father has something to do with her kidnapping.Ididn’t realize he hated her so much that he’d try to harm her butI’verecently found some things out that have shown me his true colors,”Itell them.

“We’llget to the bottom of it, don't worry,”Silastells me. “Nowthat we know he’s possibly involved it’s another thing to look into which could help.”

Wetalk some more about what they’ve been doing since they got the call fromHunterand then we all sit down to eat dinner.Halfan hour later we’re all just chilling a bit since there’s nothing else to do, whenCartergets a call from one of his contacts, the entire room goes silent while he’s on the phone.

“Oneof my contacts got wind of a girl being smuggled to theUS.Theflight plan was set forNewYorksoI’mfairly sure that’s where they’re taking her,” he says.

“Weneed to go,”ItellHunterand he agrees.Icall in the flight plan with my pilot and we sit and hang out with the guys a bit more until it’s time to go, thoughI’manxious the whole time.Theguys look like they were ready to come with us too butIstop them.

“Canyou guys stay back for now?Idon’t want anyone getting wind of the fact that we know you guys.I’drather keep you as our secret weapon for now in case someone finds out and harms her because of your reputation of being killing machines,”ItellCarterand they all chuckle.

“Isee someone’s been doing their research,”Blazesays with a chuckle.

“Trustme it was hard to even get the little thatIdid find,”Itell him.

“Oh, we know.”

“Noproblem.Yourcall bro.We’lljust stay and work from here.Butcall us if you need us to come and we’ll be there,”Cartertells us.

“Wewill,”Itell him.

Anhour and a half later we’re hugging the guys andAdelaidebefore leaving to head back to the hotel and then the airport.Ikeep hoping that this tip will pan out and that we’ll find her as soon as possible beforeIlose my damn sanity.

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