Page 11 of Broken Empire

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Page 11 of Broken Empire

“Really?”Iquestion. “That’sdisgusting man!”

“I’msorry!Pleasedon’t do this!” he begs.

Idon’t say anything, insteadIgrab a hold of his dick and slice it right off with my knife.Hescreams so loudIfeel like it deafens me for a second there. “Youshouldn’t have fucked with my girl.Didyou think there wouldn’t be any sort of repercussions?Ordid you think you’d go merrily on your way?”

Iquickly stand up and plunge the knife into his neck before pulling it out.Iknow it got to his carotid artery if the amount of blood spraying me is anything to go by.I’mnow covered in it butIdon’t seem to care.Thenagain,Ihope this asshole isn’t infested with any kind of disease.Atleast none of it got on my face.

Idon’t even register the girl screaming untilIturn my attention back to her.Igive her a smirk and instantly see the fear in her eyes.Imust look a sight with blood covering my arms and shirt.

She’scrying and begging asIwalk over to her and grab the cloth again, wrapping it over her face before dragging her chair to the tiled part of the room and setting her under the pipe before turning the water on full force.

Iwalk over and stand next toHunteras we both watch her start to scream and struggle but the water is coming down too heavily on her head and there’s nowhere for her to go.

“Damnyou’re sick and twisted bro,”Huntersays with a laugh.

“Asif you wouldn’t have done the same,”Imutter. “Prettysure you have.”

“Oh,Iwould have done a lot fucking worse,” he smirks.

“Wellwelcome to the murderer’s club.Howdoes it feel to be a member?” he jokes butIanswer him seriously.

“I’ddo it again and again ifIhad to.I’ddo anything for her even if it meant damning my soul to hell.Aslong as it heals hers thenI’lldo whatever it takes.Evenif it means killing more assholes for her,”Isay truthfully, whileHunterjust has a stupid grin on his face.

Ipush off the table and grab my knife again before walking over to the girl.Iturn the pipe off and pull the cloth off her face.She’spanting and sucking in lungsful of air as soon as it’s off.I’mover this shit and there’s no sense in torturing her more when time is of the essence.She’snot leaving here alive.Igrab her by the hair and tilt her head back, so she’s staring up at me with tears in her eyes.

“Yougot off easy,”Igrowl at her before using my knife to slit her throat.Theyboth got off easy in my opinion.Eitherway they probably would have been dead sooner or later from an overdose, since they both looked strung out as hell.So,Idid them a favor if you ask me.

“Mymen will take care of their bodies.Goshower and then we’ll head over to my brother’s,”Huntersays a moment later andInod my head.

Hewalks out of the room andIfollow.Hepoints to a door andImake my way over, opening the door to find that it’s the bathroom.Iwalk inside and shed my clothes, leaving them in a pile on the floor since someone will need to get rid of them, before stepping into the shower.

Onceunder the hot spray,Istand there and watch as the tinges of red begin to flow down the drain.Ithought ending their existence would make me feel better but it didn’t because she’s still missing andI’mnowhere close to finding her, yet.

Amoment laterIturn the shower off and step out before drying my skin and then putting on the sweatpants and hoodie along with some new shoesHunterleft for me, before heading out of the bathroom to find that he’s already waiting for me.

“How’dyou get new shoes that fast?”

“There’snew everything here in all different sizes.Imean you never know when you’ll need new shoes and clothes because you got blood on the one you were wearing,” he smirks.

Westart to make our way up the stairs, back toward the office and then leave the warehouse altogether.He’sdriving again, taking us to his brother’s place.

“Beforewe leaveLondon,I’llneed to go back to the hotel.Ineed those papers thatWintershowed me before she pulled a runner,”Itell him.Thankfully,Imanaged to lock them back up before we left, so they’re safe.

“Anythingfor you, bro.Imean, after our bonding sesh just now.Well, let’s just say you’ll definitely fit into the family,”Huntersays with a chuckle.

“Afamily of murdering fucks?Yeah,I’mgladIfit in becauseIhave a feeling by the end of this, there’ll be more added to my body count,”Itell him.Mythoughts going straight to my father becauseIhave no doubt that might just be how it ends.Iknow for a fact he won’t stop huntingWinterjust to get her company and whatever else he’s after andI’mnever going to let that happen.

“Anddon’t worry, my brother’s men will take care of the bodies and nothing will ever come back on you.”

“Thanksman.Iappreciate it,”Itell him.

“Noneed to thank me.Theymessed with my sister, and my brothers always look out for me even thoughIdon’t need it.Iguess it’s nice to have seven deadly assassins as brothers that you can call for help anytime you need it.Winteris important to me andIknowCarterand the guys consider her family too since she’s mine,” he tells me.

“That’sgood.I’mglad, she needs family since she doesn’t have much of one now,”Itell him.

“So, just make sure you always rememberIknow seven deadly assassins… if you fuck with my sister or hurt her in any way again,Iwon’t fucking hesitate to unleash them on you,” he tells me with all seriousness.


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