Page 10 of Broken Empire

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Page 10 of Broken Empire

Whenwe finally get to the bottom,Istand at the base and look up.Yep, it was definitely a few flights down here.It’sa huge circular space with the base of the stairs in the middle of the room and there are doors all around us, six in total whichI’mtaking to mean six rooms.

Hunterwalks over to one of the closed doors and opens it before stepping inside.Ifollow behind him once again and as soon asIstep inside the room,Isee them.Theguy and the girl from the cemetery.They’reboth tied to chairs on the opposite ends of the room, far apart but still facing each other.

Justseeing them has my anger returning full force.Itake a moment to look around the room beforeIacknowledge them sinceIdon’t want to fly off the handle from the get-go.WhatIsee around the room causes a shiver to run across my skin.

Theback of the room is tiled, like you’d see in a bathroom while the rest of it is concrete.There’sa drain at the back where the bathroom part is andIshudder to think what they must get up to in here to need a drain when someone pisses these guys off.EspeciallysinceHuntjust said that this place was for personal reasons.

Onthe other side of the room there’s a metal table, and behind the table on the wall is a range of what is definitely torture tools, just hanging there.I’dbe scared as fuck ifIwas sitting in one of those chairs.Ican only imagine what the other rooms must look like.

Suddenlythe thought that someone could be doing this toWinter—if my father was the one behind this—has me breaking out in cold sweats.Itake in a deep breath and put my cold and unforgiving mask on.Ineed it ifI’mgoing to get through this fucking ordeal.AllIwant to do right now is fuck shit up.

WhenIfinally turn around to properly look at them,Isee the cloth that’s covering their nose and mouth is wet.That’swhenIsee the water that’s slowly dripping down onto their heads.Idon’t imagine that’s comfortable for them and a huge smile crosses my face at their discomfort.

“Lookslike you’re ready for some fun,”Huntersays with a predatory smile on his face as he goes to the metal table and hops up, andIhave to say thatIvery much am.Itis time to have some fucking fun.

“Ofcourse,I’mfucking ready,”Isay, grinning back at him. “It’llgo a long way into making me feel a little better for now.Theyhave to pay for fucking with what’s mine.”

“Well, have at it, bro.Theroom is all yours,” he tells me andInod.

Iwalk over to the girl first and shut the water off before removing the cloth from her face and then doing the same to the guy.Idrag her chair so that she’s in the middle of the room, so that they’re closer but still away from each other.

“Doeither of you even know why you’re here?”Iask, letting the anger out again at seeing their faces.Ithought that keeping my cool might be for the best but nowIrealize thatIneed to let the anger out instead.

“No.Wedon’t,” the girl answers through sobs.

“No!Thishas got to be a mistake.Pleaseget us out of here man!” the guy cries out to me butIdon’t give a shit about either of their tears.Notafter what they did, what my father did.Notafter the amount of times my girl cried and for the irreversible damage their lies have caused.

“Pityyou don’t remember what you assholes did.MaybeIshould refresh your memory then,”Isay asIgive him a swift punch to his face.Hishead snaps back andIhear the sickening crunch of his nose breaking andIgive him a smug smile as he cries out in pain.

“Ooo, that was a good punch bro!”IhearHuntercheering from the sideline.Thisjackass really is crazy.

“Iknow right!Itfelt so good to hit this clown,”Isay.

“Whatthe fuck man?!” the guy tied to the chair screams.

“Whatdid you two do with the two million pounds you got from my father?”Iask conversationally.Hishead whips up and he stares at me for a second beforeIsee the recognition in his eyes. “Ah,Isee you know exactly whoIam.”

“I-we-um—” he starts butIcut him off with another punch to the face.

“No.Justshut the fuck up.Idon’t want to hear any of the stupid shit that you have to say.I’vealready heard all the bullshit you were spewing at my girl and that was enough to listen to.”

“ButIdidn’t mean?—”

“Ijust said to shut the fuck up!”Isnap. “Yourtime for speaking is over.”

Iwalk over to whereHunteris sitting and pass behind him to get to the wall of torture shit.Igrab a knife and walk back over to what’s his face.Idon’t want to get too carried away here and take too long because we still have to find my girl.

Bothof his arms are cuffed to the handle of the chair.Iuse my knife and stab it into his joint where his elbow is.Itgoes into his bone and the howl of pain that echoes through the room is like music to my fucking ears.Itwist the knife while it’s still in his arm, making him scream even louder.

“Fuckman!I’msorry!” he cries. “Pleasestop!”Idon’t pay him any mind and just pull the knife out, which brings on more screams.

“Ichanged my mind,Hunt.Ineed some help here,”Isay, turning to look atHunter.Hehops off the table all too happily and strolls over to whereI’mstanding.

“Whatdo you need?”

“Helpto get his pants off,”Isay, and he gives me one of his raised eyebrows looks. “Justdo it dickhead, we're wasting time here.”

Hecomplies and helps me get this asshole’s pants off.Assoon as they’re off,I’mimmediately overwhelmed with the scent of urine.

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