Page 9 of Broken Empire
“BecauseIknow you’re as bloodthirsty asIam right now.Why’dyou thinkItold my brother we’d be there tonight or tomorrow?Knewwe were going to do this sooner rather than later.SoIhad my men pick them up and carry them to one of my brother’s warehouses,” he says with whatIcan only call an evil smirk on his face.
“Let’sgo then,”Isay asIwaste no time getting to my feet and then we’re out the door a moment later.
“Ooo,are we about to have a party?”Hunterasks, smirking at me and rubbing his hands together like an evil genius as we make our way down in the elevator.Likehis deranged ass doesn’t already know, what with the bloodthirsty expression that’s already on his face butIanswer his dumbass anyway.
“Ofcourse, and it’s going to be the best oneI’veever thrown, especially with those two assholes as the stars of it.Ineed to do something with my hands right now beforeIdrive myself crazy with worry.Besides, beating the shit out of that dickhead will make me feel a whole lot better,”Imurmur to him.
“Ifeel you on that.I, myself, am trying not to drive myself crazy with worry too.”
“Andjust so you know, this is my show.You’renot allowed to touch them,”Itell him.
“Whatthe hell?Where’sthe bloody fucking fun in that?” he grumbles with a pout on his face.Ican’t believe he looks this put out because he won’t get the chance to fuck with someone.Talkabout being bloodthirsty!
“Mypony, my show!”Igrumble right back.
“ThenIshould have left your ass to retrieve them yourself.”
“Seriously?Arewe really fighting over who gets to kill these assholes?”
“Yes.Theyfucked with my sister soIfeel likeIshould repay the favor.”
“Andshe’s my woman!”Isnap.
“That’sdebatable at this point,” he snickers.
“Shutthe fuck up dickhead.It’snot.She’smine and she’s going to stay that way.”
“Fine!Geez, don’t get your panties in a twist!IguessIcan sit this one out and catch the front-row view of my ‘not sure yet’ future brother-in-law’s psycho show,” he says, laughing like it’s the funniest shit in the world.Iroll my eyes at him.Hisbrother is a literal assassin, he’s the president of anMCclub and, somehow,I’mthe psycho?Ijust want this shit to make some sense.
Whenwe finally get down to the lobby, we step outside and wait a few minutes for the valet to bring the car out front andHunterhops in the driver’s seat.Idon’t even mind sinceI’dprobably crash or some shit with the way my mind has been preoccupied with all kinds of horrible shit from the moment,Irealized thatWinterleft earlier.Plus, he’s the one that knows the way to the warehouse, soIfigure it’s best to let his dumbass drive.
Andyes,I’mstill a little salty about his threats of hiding my girl from me soI’mjust going to continue calling him a dumbass in my head.
Halfan hour later we pull up to an area just outside the heart ofLondon.Thisplace looks a bit run down and abandoned but if it’s anything at all like the one inRavenwood, thenIknow it’s just a disguise and meant to look that way.Heparks the car at the back of the property before we get out and head for the door.
Huntertaps in some kind of pattern and a moment later someone opens the door for us and we step inside.Ilook around and see that it’s kind of similar to the one inRavenwoodbut thankfully this one is quiet right now.Eerilyso, come to think of it.
It’sa large room with a bar to one side and there are chairs and couches around the space.Thereare corridors leading off to various places on each side of the room andHuntermakes his way to one of them with me following behind him.
There’sa door at the end of the one we just came through andI’mdisappointed to see that it’s just another room here.Idon’t know whatIthoughtI’dfind here butIwas hoping for something cool.
It’sjust an office.Atleast that’s whatIthought it was until he walks over to the bookshelf that is on one side of the room taking up the entire wall.Hepulls out a book from the shelf and the wall starts to move.Whenit opens all the wayIsee that it’s a secret passageway.
Okay, now that is cool!Iwonder what other surprises there are in this place since his brother and his friends are assassins,I’mthinking there’s a lot more to uncover in this place.Guessit’s true that you really shouldn’t judge a book by its cover.Huntermotions for me to step through the doorway and into the passageway andIpin him with a raised brow.Hejust rolls his eyes at me.
“Mybrothers—and yesIconsider them all my brothers because they’re all a family and they come with each other—use this place whenever they need to talk to someone,” he says smirking.Ican only imagine the kind of talking they do down there.Whereverthere is.
Ihave no idea what to expect butIguess we’ll see.Iwalk on through and he follows behind me, the door closing after him.We’resurrounded by darkness for a second before the light along the passageway come on andHuntertakes the lead.
Theanticipation of pounding some of this anger and fear away is at an all-time high as we keep walking.I’mlike a giddy child onChristmasmorning, well back when that meant some shit andIthoughtIhad a normal family.
Whenwe make it to the end of the passageway, there’s a set of stairs that we have to go down.ThoughIcan hold my own,Idefinitely don’t want to ever get on his actual bad side because this place is giving me the creeps the further down we go.
“It’screepy as fuck here.Howoften do you use this place?”Iquestion, out of curiosity.
“Thanks.”Huntersays with a grin on his face. “Oftenenough.Thisis the only locationIuse whenI’minLondonto torture certain people whenever the need arises.It’ssoundproofed and built in a way that even if the cops raided the place, they’d never be able to find this room.Onlya select few know this exists and it’s used for ‘certain people’ meant for personal matters.Thereare other properties we use for the regular assholes but this one is special because we take our time with the idiots that end up here.Andsince these two messed with my sister, it’s fucking personal,” he says all of that in a calm conversational tone like we’re discussing the weather and not torturing people.AndI’mthe crazy one?Yes.I’mstill stuck on that shit!ButIjust grin at him because he’s definitely just as fucking batshit crazy asIam.