Page 8 of Broken Empire

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Page 8 of Broken Empire

“Youknow you’re always a priority, bro, don’t worry.Evenif she wasn’t your sister, you know when you need help with anything, the guys andIhave all got your back.Butwhat the fuck is up with our family always having trouble following us around like this?”Carterasks, chuckling.

“Guesswe’re just cool like that,”Huntsays.

“Alright,I’llget the guys up to speed on this since things have pretty much settled for us.Whereare you andMasonright now?”Carterquestions.

“London.It’swhere she was when she was kidnapped,”

“We’reback inLondon, too, bro.Youguys should get over here so we can put our heads together,”Cartersays.

“Oh, that’ll make things easier.We’llbe there tonight or tomorrow.Wehave some shit to take care of first,”Huntertells his brother, and he says that’s fine before they hang up.

“Getthat look off your dumbass face,” he tells me with a roll of his eyes. “LikeIsaid, we’ll find her.Mybrother has never let me down before.”

“Ihave no doubt that we’ll get her back, butIjust hope we do before they do any kind of damage that we won’t be able to undo,”Itell him, letting out a sigh.

“Ihope it doesn’t come to that.Butif it does, thenI’msure that if there’s anyone that can help her, it’d be you,” he says.

“Whenwe find her,I’mgoing to lock her ass up for the rest of her life,”Igrumble and he chuckles.

“Goodluck with that.She’dmost likely scratch your eyes out,” he says, grinning still.

“Atleast she’d be safe and her ass won’t be in any danger,”Ihuff out.

“Well,Imight have to agree with that.I’mgoing to make some more calls to a few of my other contacts,” he says as he picks up his regular phone.

“I’lldo the same,”Itell him before we head into different areas of the penthouse to make our calls.Icall one of my investigators thatIknow doesn’t have any dealings with my father.

“Hello,” he answers on the first ring.

“Hey, it’sMason,”Isay into the phone.

“Hello,Mr.King.WhatcanIdo for you?”

“Ineed you to start a search forWinterCrowne.AndIwant it under wraps.Usewhatever resources you need to butIdon’t want my father getting wind of this under any circumstance,”Itell him.Butthen again, the asshole might already know since he’s been behind my misery from the beginning.Andafter whatIknow now,I’mpretty sure he’s behind this.

“I’llget right on it, sir, not to worry,” he says before we end the call.

Sohelp meGod, if he’s doing this,I’llend his ass.First, he killed my mother and now he’s fucking with my girl?Idon’t have any concrete evidence whatsoever but the moreIthink about it, and after everythingIheard from those two assholes in the cemetery,Ijust know he’s involved.

Twohours later, bothHunterandIare back in the living room just sitting there, staring at the wall.We’veboth been silent for a while, which is probably for the best since my mind is occupied with only thoughts of her.

Ihate sitting here and not doing anything because it’s making me feel useless.Iwant to be out there running around the streets looking for her.Somethingthat will make me feel useful.

HuntandIboth have called everyone we could trust not to say shit to anyone else since trust is a hard thing in our positions but we do have a few people that have earned ours.

IcalledGrayand the guys on our secure line.Eversince crazy things started happening, we made sure all our lines were secure so we wouldn’t have any issues whenever we had to talk.Ineeded to update them before their asses showed up here ifIdidn’t check in.Whilewe were on the plane,Isent them a text to let them know whereIwas heading.

Graywas understandably upset and freaked out andIhad to do allIcould to reassure him thatI’llfind her and bring her back to safety.

Ialso had to make sure that he was staying in my apartment across the hall fromWinter’sbecause there was no way in hellIwas letting him stay at the mansion with our fucktard of a father.Screwhis ass!

Thesilence finally gets to me andIbegin to feel unsettled and need to do something else besides sitting here.Ineed to dispel all this raw energy running through my body and there’s only one way to do that.

“Didyou get the two idiots from the cemetery already?”IaskHunter, breaking the silence between us.

“Iwas wondering when you’d ask,” he says with a smirk.

“How’dyou knowIwould?”

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