Page 15 of Broken Empire
“Howoften do they come down here?”Iask.
“Twicea day, or three ifI’mlucky.Theyusually just bring down breakfast and dinner and when they’re not being assholes, they bring lunch too.”
“Arewe the only ones here?”
“Yes, as far asIcan tell,” she tells me.
“Ineed to get out of here!”Isay with urgency in my voice.
“Ihear ya, sister!SodoI, but it would take someone saving us or a fucking miracle to get us out of here.Ihave a feeling that the owner of this hell is a professional.Didyou notice that the place is actually clean here?Likeit isn’t a shithole like in the movies.AndsinceI’vebeen here,I’veseen dozens of girls come and go.I-Ithink they’re selling them and it might be to the type of rich assholes with nothing better to do with their time,”
“What?”Ishriek. “You’rekidding me right!Howdo you even know that?”
“Okay, well sometimes the assholes do talk a little.It’susually when they’re getting the girls dressed in lingerie, andI’mtalking the explicit kinds too.Theyusually say shit like ‘oh you’re going to bring in a pretty penny in that get up’ or some other off-colored shit along those lines,” she tells me andIgulp, the fear of whatI’vegotten myself into finally settling in.
“Fuck!Ihope we get out of here before we get sold or some shit!Idon’t thinkIcan deal with that after all the crap that’s happened in my life over the last few months.Thisshit might just send me completely over the edge,”Imumble.
“Ihope so too,” she sighs. “What’syour name?”
“Scarlett…” she says trailing off.
“That’sa pretty name,”Itell her.
“No.Itisn’t.It’sthe name of the personIhad to become in order to survive this new hellI’mliving in,” she says with a sadness in her tone thatIfeel deep in my soul.
“Howdid you get kidnapped in the first place if you don’t mind my asking?”
“SinceIdon’t know ifI’mgoing to even make it out of here alive,Iguess someone should at least know a part of my story, right?”Inod my head and she continues. “Ijust wanted to celebrate my birthday with my best friend, so we went toMilan.Ihad been saving up for so long just so we could take that trip.Butwhile there, we were taken, just like that,” she tells me with pain and sadness pouring out of her.
“OhmyGod,I’mso sorry,”Itell her in a choked-up voice.Itastounds me that we live in a world where such monsters exist.Theycan just take you and play around with your life, whenever and however they want, and they don’t ever pay for their horrible actions. “Isyour friend here too?”
“No,” she says flatly. “She’sdead.”
Ihear the anguish in her voice and it has tears streaming down my face.Shedoesn’t have to say it, butIknow it has to be who took them and killed her best friend.
“I’mso sorry,”Iwhisper to her.
“Whatabout you?” she whispers.
“Mysituationship ex showed up and we had a fight, becauseIfound out some things earlier that made why we fell out in the first place clearer andIran away from him.WhichnowIcan see was very stupid, but anyway,Iwas just driving to put some distance between us.Iwas going to go back afterIcleared my head, but someone rammed into me causing me to crash and then everything went dark andIjust woke up here.”
“Damn, that’s fucked up.I’mgoing to take a nap, since it’s the only thing to do here until they’re ready for you becauseI’mmentally drained right now,” she tells me.Isee her moving to stand andIinstantly hear the clanking of chains too.Guessthis is their signature work, chaining people up.
“Talkto you later,”Itell her asIget up as well and head back to the tiny bed.Mightas well take a nap too, sinceIdon’t know what they’ll want whenever they’re ready for me.Ilay awake for a long time though, just staring up at the ceiling as sleep evades me.
* * *
Imust have eventually fallenasleep, thoughI’mnot sure for how long.AsIwake up,Igroan, when the aches and pains in my body make themselves known again.IwishIhad some pain killers to help ease some of it butIknow for a fact that it’s unlikelyI’llget any kind of relief.Whatwould be the fun in that for them?
Idon’t even know how longI’vebeen here.Itcould be hours or even days.Okay, that’s too far-fetched to be days, sinceIhaven’t seen anyone bring food yet andScarlettsaid they usually bring food every day.Sothat leaves hours.Howmany hours?Well, that’s whatI’mnot clear on.
Idon’t move another muscle.Ijust lie there and think about what a mess my whole life has been up until this point andIguessI’dtake the mess compared to being here.IknowMasonis sorry, but fuck, so much has gone wrong between us thatIdon’t know where to go with him from here.
There’sbeen a change in him sinceItried to kill myself inAspeneven if he’s still a douchenozzle.Hedid a complete one-eighty and became mister bossy ass.Ihate to say this but he was right for being such an annoying and paranoid asshole.IfIever get out of this,I’mnever telling him he was right though.Hecan kiss my ass!
Idon’t hear a peep fromScarlettbutIdon’t bother her,Ijust keep quiet.Ourconversation earlier was kind of heavy, but hopefully she’ll talk again when she’s ready.Ican’t imagine what it must have been like for her to lose her best friend, especially under these circumstances.Thenhave to live every day knowing what happened, but then not knowing if you’re ever going to get out to let her family know or not.