Page 16 of Broken Empire
Damn, nowI’min the same boat as well.Hell,Ihave no idea ifIwill ever see my family again?Well, it’s just my brother now.IfIdie, will he ever even know what happened to me?Iabsolutely hate this train of thoughtI’mhaving right now.
Idon’t know how longIlay there in the silence, butIeventually hear the unmistakable sound of footsteps coming down the hallway.Iwonder if it’s the people bringing the food, and now thatIthink about it,Iam kind of hungry.
Isit up and wait anxiously.Ihave enough sense to know that whoever is coming won’t be anyone who can help or rather anyone who would help me, help us.Theoverhead light in my room turns on and so do the ones in the hallway.Afterbeing mostly in darkness, the light blinds me a little andIhave to blink rapidly, until my eyes adjust.
Amoment later a man in a crisp black suit comes to a stop right in front of my cell.Ilook up from his shoes and then go all the way up his body.I’mscared to look at his face, that’s whyI’mtaking my time.Ijust knowI’mgoing to be rocked to the core.
Idon’t want to see the monster that’s captured me.
Idon’t want to know, butIalso know thatIhave to.Ihave to see the asshole that’s ruining my life further by kidnapping me and then sticking me inside this prison.
I’mpretty sure my face would be comical with the look of shockImust be sporting whenIfinally look up at the man’s face.Oureyes connect and we hold each other’s gaze, as ifI’mfrozen in place.Ican’t look away, not even ifIwanted to.
Whatthe actual fuck is going on?Heis not as confused asIam.Instead, he’s sporting a big grin on his face with a predatory look in his eyes, all while the only thingI’mcapable of doing right now is continuing to stare at him with my mouth open in shock.
Hismask is off, finally showing me the true monster.
Thefucking devil really does come with a pretty face full of deception and lies.
LiesIcan’t fucking believeIfell for.
LiesthatIthought were real.
Lies, lies, lies and more fucking lies!
“Hello,cara…”he says, trailing off as he keeps looking at me and smiling.
“Antonio…”Iwhisper, my breath caught in my throat on a gasp.
ThemanIthought was a friend.
Theman who could have been more ifMasonKingdidn’t already own every bit of my heart and soul.
Theman who is nothing but a fucking liar and a fake.
Ifeel my hand and body begin to shake as shock and anger consume me.Ihope and pray thatIdon’t have a seizure right now because that would be extremely awful, especially in front of this asshole.Itry to push my shakiness away and focus on how madIam because only that will keep me grounded.
“You!”Ispit at him.
“Yesme,” he grins.
“Why?Whywould you do this?”Iquestion as my voice breaks.
“Someonepaid a lot of money to have you taken.Wouldhave done it sooner if that boyfriend of yours wasn’t in the picture and sinceIhad orders that he wasn’t to be harmed in any way,Ihad to take my time,” he says with a sneer.Mymind starts to race at all the implications of what he just said and from when we first met to the last time we did.Justthen a thought occurs to me.
“Thefirst time we met, the shooting—”Istart but cut myself off.That’stoo far-fetched of an idea, isn’t it?
“Wasall me.Iset it up and that was fun by the way,” he says smirking. “Nothingsays we should be friends like saving a girl from a bullet, you know?”
“Whatthe hell?!Icould have died!”Ishout at him.
“Don’tbe dramatic.Theyhad orders not to actually shoot you,” he tells me.
“Andevery timeIcalled you and you were there for me?Ithought you were my friend!Wasit all a lie?”
“Ihad to get close to you somehow, didn’tI?”I’mso fucking stupid!