Page 17 of Broken Empire

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Page 17 of Broken Empire

“Didyou killMartin?”Iask, as that sick thought trickles in as well.

“Absolutely,” he says with a predatory smile.

“Why?Hedidn’t even fucking do anything to you!”Isnap at him.Thenanother possible revelation slams into me.

“Ihad to send you a message.Youhad to know that someone was after you and what better way to do that?”

“Didyou kill my father?Ordid whoever you’re working for have him killed?”

“Noidea.Iwasn’t around when that happened but maybe my boss knows,” he tells me andIfeel choked up as emotions clog my throat.

Justhow long have these people been watching me?Us?Justhow long have they been planning this?Andfor what?Ihave absolutely no clue andIdon’t know how far back it goes.

WasitMason’sdad?OrEmilia?Orwas it both of them?Neitherof them?Andwhat if it’s someone else entirely?Fuck!I’mgiving myself a headache just thinking about this shit.

“Oh,I’mgoing to have so much fun with you,” he tells me, watching me intently with nothing but malice in his eyes.

“Getfucked asshole!”Iyell at him.

“Iwon’t be the one getting fucked, but you will be soon,” he smirks before turning and walking away, leaving me there with shock and confusion and scared fucking shitless of what he means.Ijust know he’s going to hurt me and there’s not a thingIcan do about it.

Fuckinghell!Ihope somebody finds me soon becauseIknow for sure now thatI’mgoing to be in for a rough time.Ijust hopeImake it out of this sane and alive…


“Areyou alright?”Scarlettasks the momentAntoniois gone and we’re alone again.


“I’mguessing you know that guy?”

“Yeah.Unfortunately,Ido,”Iwhisper, asIfeel likeI’mabout to choke on the pressure building inside my throat, while trying my hardest not to cry right now.

“Well, that’s not good.Whatthe hell is going on?” she questions.IwishIhad an answer for her, heckIwishIhad an answer for myself right now.

“IwishIhad an answer for you,Scar.ButIhave no clue what’s going on.Theonly thingIknow for a fact is thatI’vebeen so fucking stupid!IthoughtIknew him; thought he was a friend, because he was there for me a few times.Itwas always so easy to talk to him, especially since my life at the time was an utter disaster.Butnow the jokes on me becauseIjust met my stalker.He’sthe person that’s been stalking me this entire time andIfell right into his fucking trap like the idiot thatIam.Hesaved my life.Well,Ithought he did.ButnowIknow better, the asshole orchestrated the whole thing,”Isay, my words leaving me on a cry, asIfinally let the tears that were building fall while talking to her.Mychest literally feels like it’s caving in on itself right now.


Theonly word that comes to mind, that sums up what’s been happening in my life a lot lately.


EveryoneIblindly put my trust in.

There’sbeen some form of betrayal on their part, just lurking in the corner.I’msick and tired of having to fight through the hurt and pain people keep throwing at me.

Thinkingabout it,Irealize thatIreally am alone in this world.Noone is really there for me.I’vebeen battling everything on my own, wellI’vebeen trying to and it fucking sucks.


IknowIhave people around me, but for the last little whileI’vefelt likeIwas an outsider, looking in.Plus,Ican’t forget that they’ve all done something to hurt me in one way or the other.Theloneliness that engulfs me asIprocess that thought is so painful thatIjust want to curl up into a ball and cry for days.

Whenyou feel nothing but loneliness while surrounded by people, all you keep looking for is someone who will be there for you through all the bad days and through all your faults, flaws, and hang-ups.

You’lleventually just want to find that one person who will love you.Andnot just any love either.Youwant nothing more than to find that earth shattering, soul healing love that lets you know you’ve found your other half.

Butsometimes you do find your other half, only it turns out that they’re the ones that hurt you the most.Theyare the ones who make you question your existence, your sanity and most of all your worth.

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