Page 19 of Broken Empire

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Page 19 of Broken Empire

“Tsk, tsk.Youshould be a little nicer to me since your life is literally in the palm of my hands,” he says.WhatI’dreally like to do is smash something over his head because his cocky attitude is just getting on my nerves.

“Nice?Youdon’t fucking deserve nice anymore.Youdeserve to be rotting in a fucking hole in the ground for being a monster!”Igrowl at him.

“Nomore of a monster than your boyfriend.Tellme did it get you wet when he treated you like a slut?Andlike you meant less than nothing to him?” he questions.

Idon’t answer.Ikeep my facial expression passive, likeIcouldn’t care less about what he’s saying.Butfuck, if his words don’t slice through me and dig deep into my chest, likeI’msure he meant for them to, thoughIwon’t give him the satisfaction of seeing that shit.

“Noresponse?Don’tworry though, if that was what made you wet then you have some of that to look forward to soon,” he says gleefully.Mystomach turns at his words.Hemeans every word of what he’s saying andIknow he’s planning something horrible for me.Isilently pray that my brother finds me, otherwiseI’mgoing to be dead soon.Ican already see it in his eyes…

“Whyare you doing this?”Ifinally break the silence to ask him.

“Becauseit’s so much fun.I’mgoing to make you pay for choosing the wrong person,” he tells me.

“Whatdo you mean?Ididn’t knowIhad to choose between anything,”Isay, sinceIhave no idea what he’s talking about.

“Ioriginally went toRavenwoodto kill you obviously, but thenIwas intrigued.Igave you the option to choose me but you chose that asshole instead.Andjust so you know if you’d have chosen me then you wouldn’t be in this situation right now.Butyou just had to be another stuck-up rich bitch,” he sneers at me.

“Howfucking magnanimous of you,”Isnort. “You’reseriously insane!Howthe fuck couldIhave chosen you whenIdon’t fucking love you?Andwhat’s your problem with rich girls?Yougot mommy issues?Shedidn’t love you enough or something?”

Mywords must have struck a nerve or something because he grabs the key from his pocket, opens the door to my cage and storms right up to me, backhanding me across the face, beforeIeven know what the hell is happening.

Thesound of the slap echoes around the room and the stingIfeel is instant, causing tears to pool in my eyes right away.Ihold them in though, refusing to let them fall in front of this asshole.

“Watchhow the fuck you’re talking to me.Ihave no qualms in putting a bullet through your skull right this instant,” he seethes.

“Thenwhat are you waiting for?Doit asshole!”Isnap, not caring ifI’maggravating him.Thatwould be more merciful than whatever he has planned for me, right?I’mthinking it would be.

“No,I’mnot going to let you get off easy.Atleast not untilI’vehad my fun,” he gloats.

“Asshole,”Igrumble.Hetakes the key and unlocks the cuffs around my ankles.

“Comeon,Ihave a little game for us to play today,” he tells me, sounding pleased with himself.

Idon’t even thinkIjust follow my instincts and lunge for him.Itry to hit him and fight, so thatIcan get out of here, but he’s faster and obviously anticipated my move because he deflects me.

Hegrabs me by the hair and slams me face first into the wall.Ilet out a scream as my face and head collided with the hard and unforgiving wall.Fuck!Thathurt.

“Don’tfucking test me, beforeIbreak a leg and then you won’t get your chance to escape,” he says andIinstantly go still and turn to look at him, well as much asIcan turn since my face is still smashed up against the wall. “Oh,Isee that got your attention.”

“Whatthe hell are you talking about?”

“I’mgoing to give you one chance to escape.Ifyou make it, then you’re free to go.Ifyou don’t, well then, you’re stuck here,” he tells me with a glint in his eyes.Aglint thatIdon’t trust.Ijust know the asshole is going to cheat somehow andIwon’t be given a fair attempt to escape.

“What’sthe catch?”Iask him.

“You’regoing to have to work for it.Nowlet’s go,” he tells me as he begins to drag me along with him down the corridor and up the stairs.Lookslike this prison is in the basement or dungeon or whatever.

Whenwe make it to the top of the stairs, we’re in a small room.Hepushes me in front of him to keep walking and go out the door.Ifollow his directions and whenIstep outside,Itake a look back to see that we just came out of a shed that’s at the back of this place.

Iturn back around and take a good look at my surroundings and in front of me,Isee the huge mansion that sits at the center of the land.Iwonder who the hell lives here or owns this place.Butthen again, maybeIdon’t want to since the asshole is partly responsible for my being here.

Theland itself is huge and surrounded by high concrete fences that have barbed wire at the top.Guessthey’re all about keeping people out, well probably more like keeping people like me andScarlettin.

Theonly other thingIsee surrounding this place are trees.Fuckingtrees everywhere!Whichmeans that there’s probably no one around for miles and miles.

Thereare also heavily armed guards with large guns strapped to their fronts, patrolling the entire property line.FromwhatIcan see there’s a guard hut at the back and there’s probably one at the front too.Igulp at how fucking impossible trying to get out of here would be.

“Whatare we doing out here?”IaskAntonio.I’mdefinitely not in the mood for whatever the fuck he’s up to.I’malready sweating from the sun’s heat beating down on me.Itdefinitely looks like it’s the middle of the day.

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