Page 2 of Broken Empire

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Page 2 of Broken Empire

“Whatthe fuck, asshole?Whatthe hell have you been doing to my sister whenIwasn’t here?” he asks as he cocks his hand back and swings.Ibarely duck down in time to avoid his hit, but it doesn’t look like he intends to give me a break.Inthe next moment, he’s coming after me again.Idon’t want to fight him, even thoughIknowIdeserve a beating.Butnow is definitely not the time.

“Wouldyou stop trying to punch me and just listen to me for a minute?Thingsaren’t the way they seem.Justhear me out, okay?”Iplead with him to listen, putting both my arms up in a surrendering motion.Ittakes him a moment of staring me down before he nods his head for me to go on.Ilet my guard down, glad he’s willing to listen to whatIhave to say, and he uses that opportunity to clock me in the face again.

“Motherfucker!”Igrunt through the pain that splits across my face.He’sluckyIknowI’min the wrong here orIwould have hit his ass back. “Whatthe hell,Hunt?Wouldyou just fucking listen and stop throwing punches?”

“NowI’mready to listen.”

“You’resuch an ass!”Igrumble with an eye roll when his damn smirk makes an appearance on his ugly mug.

“You’dknow all about being one, wouldn’t you?Youhave one minute to start beforeIdeck your ass again, pretty boy.IfIdon’t like what the fuck you’re saying, then you should be aware of the fact thatIknow how to hide a fucking body without ever getting caught or anyone ever finding you,” he growls.

Forsome reason,Iknow the asshole is telling the truth.Ilet out a sigh and decide to go with the honest toGodtruth and bear everything to him from the beginning to end.Well, everything that happened up until this point, emphasizing the fact that the video is fake since that’s my latest fuckup.

Idid, however, leave out a few minor details sinceI’msure he’d actually kill me ifImentioned anything about the wayIfucked his sister with hate and anger and howIused her body against her.Eventhough she loved some of it.

Shit,Mase, don’t go there.Nowis not the time to be thinking with your dick.Helistens and calls me an asshole and a few other choice words.Isay nothing in response to any of it becauseI’mall those things and so much more.

I’monly telling him all this shit becauseIknow he cares for his sister andIdon’t need him getting in the way whenIbeg for her forgiveness.Ithasn’t been that long since he told her that he was her brother, but the bond between them formed instantly.Isee the way he treats her and the way he talks to her.They’reas thick as thieves.I’msure if he tells her to stay away from me—after everythingI’vedone—she’ll listen to him.

Iknow he has the power to make her disappear and make it hard for me to find her, even thoughI’dburn the world down to find her.I’mhoping he sees my side of this whole mess but also,Ihope he sees how sorryIam and how muchIwant to make her world bright with love again.He’sstill angry by the timeI’mdone pouring my heart and soul out to him, which is whatIexpect.

Wego back and forth arguing for a while untilI’veconvinced him thatIfucking love her and would die for her.Onlythen does he begin to cooperate.

“Fuck!Ihate your ass right now.Whatyou did was fucked up!” he shouts at me.

“Don’tyou fucking thinkIknow that, dickhead?”Isnap.

“Youdon’t fucking deserve any part of her.Noteven one of her fucking smiles or a single hair on her head,” he sneers.

“Iknow,”Isay with a sigh, feeling my chest ache at his words becauseIknow they’re all true.

“ButI’veseen the way she looks at your stupid ass and, knowing whatIknow now,Ihave half a mind to hide her from you.Itmight hurt her for a while, but eventually she’ll probably forget you even existed,” he tells me.

Ihate to admit how much my heart bleeds at his words.Idon’t even realizeI’mrubbing my chest untilIfeel my hand there and see the smirk on his face, like he knows what’s happening inside my head.

“I’dfind her.I’dsearch every corner of the fucking world and burn it down because no one is taking her away from me,”Itell him with all the seriousnessIcan muster.Westare at each other for a few moments before he nods.

“Istill want to kill you, but it’ll have to take a backseat for now.I’mworried about her because of all this latest shit.I’mgiving you one last chance.Ifyou fuck it up, thenIwill keep my promise and make sure you never find her.”

“Yeah, whatever.Great.”Iroll my eyes. “Nowwhere is she?Isshe in her room?”

“What?” he asks in a confused voice.

“Whatdo you mean, what?Isn’tshe here?”Iquestion, panic filling my voice.Ithought she left to come here after she got in that car.

“No, she’s not fucking here, dickhead!Wasn’tshe with you?” he asks with venom in his voice.

“Ahwell… she was there in school when the video got leaked.WhenIwent to find her to explain the video, she ran away and got into anUber.Ithought she’d come here, but clearly she hasn't?”

“Shehas not,” he deadpans.

“Fuckingfuck!”Iyell. “Wehave got to find her!Idon’t want anything happening to my baby,”Isay and almost sob at the thought.

“Yousay that like you haven’t done the worst of it all,” he snarks.

“Notthe time, dickhead,”Igrumble.

“I’llfucking help you look.Thoughwhen we do find her, it’s going to be up to her if she even wants to see you.Ifshe doesn’t, you better fucking back off until she’s ready or maybe she’ll never want to see your dumbass again.Whoknows?Butthe decision will be up to her, got it?” he questions.

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