Page 3 of Broken Empire
“Yes.Ifucking got it.Justas long as you don’t give her any input and fill her head with shit against me!”Isnap at him.
“Me?Iwould never,” he says with a smirk.
“Fine.Iagree with your stupid terms.Besides, she loves me.Shewon’t not want to see me,”Igrumble.Iagree with the stupid ass because it’s better than nothing and the longer we’re here talking shit, the longer it’ll take for me to lay my eyes on her.
Thepossibilities of what she could be doing right now are scary.Idon’t know where her head is at right now.Shecould be fine or she could be trying to hurt herself for the millionth time because of me.Thatworries me the most, but it also makes me hate myself just a little more.Ihope my words about her loving me will still be true once we find her.
“Idon’t see why.I’dhave left your ass to die alone a long time ago,” he grumbles.
“Wouldyou stop with the insults and let’s go find my girl!”
“Aslong as you remember everythingIjust said.Ifshe wants you to leave her alone, you will.”
“Yes,Ifucking will, even if it will kill me if that's what she wants,”Itell him, thoughI’mnot sure how true my words are becauseIcan’t leave her alone.She’smine and she’ll always be mine.
Weboth nod at each other, confirming that we have an understanding.Asecond later, he gets up and walks out of the room before coming back in with his laptop.Heopens it and starts doing whatever it is he’s doing, whileIpace the room.AllIhear is the clicking of keys for a few seconds before he’s finally speaking and putting me out of my misery.
“Hertracker says that she’s inArizonaand it’s moving,” he says.
“What?”Iask, dumbfounded for a moment. “Howcould she possibly be?—”
“She’sobviously on a plane,” he says, rolling his eyes. “IfIhad to guess where she’s going,I’dsay?—”
“London!”Isay, cutting him off. “Ihave to go now!Areyou coming?”
“Obviously.Whoelse is going to kick your fucking ass if you say one wrong thing to her?” he asks.Nowit’s my turn to roll my eyes.
“Let’sfucking go then, asshole,”Igrumble, already pulling my phone out to make the call to my pilot.
“Hey,Ineed a flight toLondon, like now,”Itell my pilot as soon as he answers the phone.
“I’mon it.Twohours’ time will be the earliest we can fly since this is last minute and all,” he tells me.
“Fine.Seeyou soon,”Isay before hanging up.Ihate having to wait, butIguess there’s nothing elseIcan do.
Weboth leave to grab our passports.Huntergoes to his room he has here inWinter’sapartment andIgo across the hall to my apartment thatIrarely use sinceIbasically moved myself in withWinter.
Twominutes later, we meet each other in the hallway and then make our way down to the parking garage.Ihead for my car, withHunterfollowing behind.Weboth get in and thenI’mtaking off for the airport.
Mypilot greets me when we get there and lets me know that they’re just refueling and it’ll be less than an hour wait since they got the go ahead to leave early.Ithank him and then take a seat next toHunterin one of the chairs in the private hangar.I’manxious to get to her.
Iwonder howWintergot her flight so fucking fast whenIwasn’t too far behind her.Butthen again,Irealize that her company is as huge as ours and she must have used one of her connections to help her get out of here faster.Icould also use mine, but since we don’t have much longer here,Ifigure it’d be useless to call in a favor now.
Timepasses and we finally get onto the jet.Ilet out a breath when it finally takes off.Ican’t wait to be close to her again.Ihave no idea what mood she’ll be in when we find her.Actually, that’s a lie because nothing saysI’mfucking pissed like leaving the country to get away from someone.Allthe dumb shitIpulled keeps coming back to bite me in the ass.
She’sdefinitely developed a sassy side sinceIbegan fucking with her.She’sno longer my quiet and shy girl.She’smy warrior princess now, well, whenever she needs to be.ButIhave to say thatIdo love that side of her.It’shot as hell.
Whenthe jet reaches cruising altitude,Imake a call to get a car at the airport ready for me by the time we land, andI’massured that it’ll be there.WhenI’mdone with the call,Ilook up to findHunterlooking at me.
“What’syour plan, lover boy?”Hunterdrawls.Ican see the amusement on his face.He’sdefinitely getting some sort of pleasure from watching my anxiety ramp up as the time ticks by.Though,Idon’t blame him becauseI’dhave probably done the same ifIwere him.
“Pleadwith her to listen to me and then fucking beg for her forgiveness for being an asshole,”Isay, shrugging, while hiding my emotions away.I’mfucking terrified that she won’t give me the time of day and won’t even want to listen to a wordIhave to say.I’mhaving cold sweats at just the thought of that happening.
“Well,Ihope she at least makes it difficult for you,” he says with a smirk, andIroll my eyes at him.
“Gee, thanks, asshole,”Imutter.