Page 4 of Broken Empire
“Wheredo you think she’ll be?”Iask.
“I’dsayCrowneHotelwould be the best bet.Idon’t think she’d want to stay at the mansion alone, and that would be the only other place she’d stay,” he tells me.Thatmakes sense.
“Okay.We’llcheck there first.”
Weboth settle into silence after that, doing our own thing as we wait for the flight to get toLondon.Mythoughts are occupied with all the things that are weighing me down.Iknow the only reason thatHunterdidn’t murder me while we were at the apartment is because he knows me a bit and knows thatIwas a wreck over a girl for a long time.Wejust didn’t know the girl in question was his sister at the time.
We’vefought with each other a few times in his fighting ring and we’ve even chatted a few times, too.So, he knowsI’mnot totally crazy.Plus, ever since all that shit went down inAspen,I’vebeen trying to make things right with her, andI’mhoping he saw that.Ihope he knowsIcare about her even after the bullshit that’s been happening lately.
Itfeels like it's been forever when we finally land.Weboth get off the jet and head down the stairs and onto the tarmac.Auniformed officer leads us to the customs office.Itdoesn’t take long to get through, thankfully, and in no time, we’re making our way out toward the front of the airport.
Assoon as we step outside,Isee a man in a suit standing there with my name on a sign, and we both make our way over to him.Hegreets us and motions for us to follow as he leads us to theSUVbefore handing me the keys.
Ithank him beforeHunterandIboth jump in and then we’re off in no time.Istart to make my way to theCrowneHotel, my nervousness increasing the closer we get to our destination.
“Don’tbe nervous,”Huntsays with a smirk.
“Easyfor your ass to say.Sheloves you andI’mskating on thin ice at the moment,”Igrumble and he just chuckles.
“Thatis true,” he says, still laughing.Theass!
Wepull up to the hotel a few moments later.Theride took a little over thirty minutes to get here fromHeathrowAirport.Ipark across the street from the entrance to the hotel and, just asI’mabout to get out of the car,IseeWinterstep through the doors.
Shegets into a car that was already there waiting and a moment later the driver takes off.Iput the car in drive again and pull out behind them.Wekeep following until we start to pass by the cemetery andIknow this is where she’s going.
Thedriver parks, and then she gets out of the car and starts to walk to where her father is buried.Ipark a few cars behind hers and just sit there and wait while keeping an eye on her.Iwant her to have some time alone with her dad.She’swalking and not even looking around, completely unaware of anything that’s happening around her.
“Youwant to go have a few minutes with her?”IaskHunter.
“No.I’llcome back some other time,” he says, with a weird expression on his face whenIlook over at him.Ihave no clue what that’s about, but maybe he isn’t ready to go see his dad’s grave yet.Whothe hell knows?TheCrownesiblings are a bit cray cray when they want to be.
Ilook back out the window to keep an eye on her and even from hereIcan tell that she’s crying and my heart breaks at the sight.Fuck!Ihate seeing her in tears.Ijust wishIcould wrap her up in my arms and take all her pain away at this moment, but that’s highly unlikely becauseIdon’t think the pain of losing a father will ever go away.Addedto the fact that she certainly won’t want me, of all people, next to her right now.
Thougha few minutes laterI’mout of the car whenIsee some guy along with a girl approaching her.Istart to move, not even waiting to see ifHunteris following behind me or not.Idon’t know who these people are soIneed to make sure that she’s not in harm's way.
Isilently make my way through the cemetery, not wanting to spook any of them, glad that this one is filled with big headstones and mausoleums so thatIcan hide behind them.I’mbeing careful and not running in there guns blazing becauseIhave no clue whatI’mwalking in on.
Ihear footsteps and know thatHunteris behind me.Ilook up and over atWinter.She’stalking to the two of them, though she’s kept a safe distance away, whichI’mglad for.
Wesneak up until we’re behind one of the mausoleums that’s the closest to the two people but still hidden so that we can hear what’s being said.I’mjust in time to hear the guy confess that they drugged her, acted like he was having sex with her, but he wasn’t actually doing anything with her.Hethen told her that it was all a ploy for me to find her like that, in a compromising position.Myfather was the one who orchestrated it all.
Whenhearing my father was the one who did this, who set things in motionIfeel like the wind gets knocked out of me, causing me to slump back against the wall of the mausoleum as static fills my ears and spots dance in my vision.Thewords ‘my father’ keep ringing inside my head.Fuck, fuck, fuck!Whatthe actual fuck?
Thenthe realization that she was right this whole time knocks into me so hardIthinkI’mabout to faint or some shit.Shenever cheated on me and when she said she didn’t know what happened that night because she couldn’t remember a thing, she wasn’t lying.
Shewasn’t fucking lying!
AndIdidn’t believe her.Ididn’t fucking believe her…
Mymind goes back to all the thingsIdid to her afterIsaw her that night and spin around just in time to fall to my knees and throw up the contents of my stomach right there on the grass in front of me.Iremember all the thingsI’vesaid to her after too and…
Ifeel wrecked by all the liesIbelieved becauseIdidn’t use common sense to realize that deep down in my very soul,Iknew she loved me and wouldn’t have cheated on me for that reason.Idid so much, hated her too much and almost fucking destroyed her because of whatInow know are lies.WhatIshould’ve known were lies.
Andnow she hates me andIhonestly don’t blame her becauseIwas a complete despicable asshole toward her.Ijust hope thatIcan somehow make all of this up to her.
Ifeel fucking hopeless and like my world just imploded on me.Isthis what she felt like whenIdidn’t believe her?WhenIhurt her?WhenIsaid so much hurtful shit to her?Fuck!Iclose my eyes as the pain of it all takes over my body.It’sso intense, it literally feels likeI’mdying.Ifit hurts this much right now,Ican’t imagine how much it hurt for her, especially whenIadded to that pain almost daily.Iswallow down the bile threatening to come up again because this is a clusterfuck andI’mreeling.Ihurt my baby when she didn’t even do anything…