Page 5 of Broken Empire

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Page 5 of Broken Empire

RightnowI’mafraid that there’s nothingIcan do to fix this, fix us and that thought alone is soul shattering.She’llnever forgive me, not after whatI’vedone…

Itune in to the conversation again, just in time to hear them tell her how much my father paid them to destroy our lives and, in this moment,Iwant nothing more than to destroy my father for everything that he’s caused and everything he made me lose.

Howcould my own fucking father do this to me?Thebetrayal stings and just thinking of the word betrayal makes me think of howIbetrayedWinterandIfeel likeIshould just fucking shoot myself in the head for all the pain and agonyIcaused her.Maybethen she’ll be at peace.Atleast if she was, it would be worth it.

ThenIfeel ashamed becauseIbasically did the same thing to her.Ibetrayed her and recorded it, and now it’s online for fucking everyone to see.Justthen, a thought hits me.Fuck!Aftereverything that’s just come to light,Iknow without a doubt that it was my father who leaked it because he has access to the television system which is connected to the entire house and since the video was there for a few hours, he could have gotten it at any time beforeIshowed it to her and then deleted it.Motherfucker!Howthe hell couldIhave been so fucking careless?Oh, that’s right,Iwasn’t fucking thinking.

ThenIhear them blame her for their actions because she had so much money and they didn’t.I’minstantly angry.Like, what the fuck?

Shesounds absolutely gutted and broken whenIhear her tell them that she would have helped them, had they only asked.Nowit’s my turn to feel absolutely gutted and broken whenIhear this guy’s next words to her.

“Ifhe loved you, then he wouldn’t have doubted you, no matter what he saw.Didn’tyou explain it to him?” he asks her.

“Thatmay be the smartest thing you’ve ever said.Iguess he didn’t love me then because he fucking ruined me because of your actions!” she cries out and that’s what finally gets me up onto my feet again.Iwipe my mouth and move, but by the timeI’mout from behind the mausoleum, she’s already halfway out of the cemetery, running toward where her car is parked.

“Yougood, bro?”Hunterasks.

“No.I’mnot fucking good, dickhead!Iroyally fucked up the best thing in my life because of lies and fuck!Youwere right, man.Idon’t fucking deserve her,”Isay as we both start to make our way out of the cemetery and back toward the car.

Hunterdrives this time sinceIdon’t thinkIcan with the stateI’mcurrently in.Hedrives fast until we catch up to her with only a few cars between us, following her back in the direction of the hotel.

“Doyou have anywhere where you can hold those two?”IaskHunterand he eyes me with a raised eyebrow.

Ididn’t even think about them as we were leaving the cemetery because allIwanted was her.Butnow thatI’vehad some time to think,Irealize thatIdon’t want them to get away with this.Ifit wasn’t for them,Iwouldn’t have done all the shitIdid.Granted,IknowI’malso at fault here and the blame isn’t solely on them.

“Whatdo you have in mind?” he asks.

“I’mgoing to fucking murder them, butI’mgoing to make it hurt a little first,”Isay with all the seriousnessIcan muster.

“Andyou’re fine with admitting that to me?” he asks.

“Comeon, man.Don’teven play.Iknow all about yourMC, the illegal fighting ring that you’re running, which isn’t even the only one you have, and your brother and his friends are assassins, so…”Itrail off while he’s grinning like an idiot.

“Doneyour research,Isee,” he says with a smile. “Andyes,Ido have somewhere to hold those assholes.Ialready texted my men to get them for me.Theydid fuck with my sister after all, soIhave some stakes in this pony show here.”

Whenwe get to the hotel,Hunterwalks straight for the elevators and we head up to her floor.Hetakes a key for her suite out of his pockets.Idon’t even bother to ask him how he got that shit.Mymain concern is getting to her right now.There’sno telling what she’ll do when she’s in this state after everything she just heard.

Wewalk into the suite and don’t see her, but thenIhear the shower running, andImake my way in that direction.Igently push open the bathroom door so as not to spook her, but she doesn’t even hear me because she’s sitting on the shower floor sobbing.She’sunder the spray, shivering, andIquickly walk in and turn it off.

Devastatedhazel eyes look up at me, and allIwant to do is hold her.Herlong waist length blonde hair is wet.Thoughthis is her natural hair color, she had it black for some time.Ilove her blonde hair better since it suits her more andIwas glad when she changed it back a couple of weeks ago.Herface is scrunched up with pain filling her eyes.It’snot as round as it used to be.It’ssunken in a bit.She’slost a lot of weight, andIhate the fact that that’s my fault as well.

“Idon’t want you here.Leave,” she says in a voice that sounds cold and dead.Iinstantly don’t like hearing her sounding like this.Itdoesn’t suit my angel.

Iignore her words and lift her up into my arms and out of the shower before placing her on the bathroom counter.Igrab the towel and start to dry her skin before placing a robe over her.

Mytouch is gentle andIsee the moment a flash of something a lot like agony washes over her because in the next instant she’s jumping off the counter and running out of the bathroom.Ifollow after her and we end up in the living room, where she’s sobbing and clinging ontoHunterfor dear life.

“Iwant him to leave!” she cries toHunter.Helooks up at me with a torn expression on his face.Heknows howIfeel about her and whatI’ddo to keep her.Buthe also made me agree to his demands before we left and he’ll cater to her needs no matter what and right now she needs me to leave.

“Fuckthat shit!You’remine, babe, andI’mnever giving up on you.You’remy whole fucking world andIcan’t live without you!”Itell her, but it seems like my words just make her more upset.

“Youwere living fine without me when you were making my life hell for something thatIdidn’t even do,” she whispers through broken sobs.

“I-I’mso sorry, baby.Ididn’t know,”Iwhisper out, my voice sounding just as broken as hers does.

“Ikept telling you thatIdidn’t betray you!ThatIwas sorry!ThatInever cheated on you!Ifucking begged you to believe me and all you did was call me a fucking liar, a whore, and a slut!Doyou remember all the sick and twisted shit you did to me?I’venever hated you more in my fucking life thanIdo right now,MasonKing!Idespise you!” she screams at me and even thoughIdeserve all her pain and anger, her words cut me deep as fuck as she flings them my way.

Shethrows more of her words, her pain and her anguish at me andIstand there and take them all becauseIdeserve them.

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