Page 6 of Broken Empire
“Idon’t fucking care what you say right now becauseIknow you’re in pain.You’llalways be mine andIwill fight tooth and nail to keep you, even ifIhave to fight you for you,”Ifinally growl at her before pulling her out ofHunter’sarms and slamming my lips down on hers.Ijust need her to remember how it feels every time our lips are on each other’s.
Shemelts into me for a moment, but when she catches herself, she wrenches away from me.Shestomps away and goes to her room, and, like the sapIam,Ifollow behind her.Shepulls something out of a safe before walking back toward me and slamming the envelope against my chest.
“Here, read that if you want to know what happened to your mother,” she says before walking away and leaving me standing there with a puzzled expression on my face.
Withoutthinking,Irip into the envelope she just gave me and start to read.Isee some pictures and go for those first.Thereare some of her mother and my father with a doctor inRavenwood.WhenIbegin to read the report, the picture gets clearer.Myfather was the one who got my mother sick.Whateverhe was giving her, and that was what eventually killed her.
Myentire world crumbles asIread all the shit he’s done over the years andIfeel sick.Ican’t believe that the manIcall a father could or even would do such a thing, andIhad no fucking clue.
Istumble out of the room on shaky legs to askWinterwhere she got these from, butIdon’t see her.Iinstantly panic because when she disappears, nothing good is ever the outcome.
“Winter!”Iyell asIstart searching the suite.Sheisn’t anywhere here.Huntercomes out of one of the rooms looking concerned.
“She’snot in there with you, is she?”
“Thenshe’s fucking gone!”Ishout.
“Whatthe fuck?Whydidn’t you keep an eye on her?” he shouts. “Okay, no need to panic!Letme just look up her location.”
“Shegave me some papers that just flipped my whole fucking world upside down, soIwas a bit preoccupied!”Isnap.
Wewere both occupied, soIhave no idea how long ago she left.Iwas engrossed with the papers she gave me andIthought she was in the living room.Ididn’t think she’d leave.
“Gotit!She’sjust outside the city, heading for the country area,” he says before we both sprint for the door.Weget in the car and begin to follow her.Afew moments later,Hunterlooks at his phone again to make sure that we’re on the right track. “That’sweird.Shejust stopped.”
“Maybeshe stopped to get her bearings together since she knows she’s not supposed to drive when she’s like this,”Isay, hoping thatI’mright.Eitherway, he steps on the gas.Tenminutes later we come to a screeching stop where her location stopped and is still pinging from and he’s barely in park before we’re both hopping out of the car.
Theguardrail is busted open and when we run over to that spot, we see her car at the bottom of the small hill.HunterandImake our way down as fast as we can to get to her.Wedon’t know what state she’s in.Thecar isn’t too banged up, soI’mhoping she isn’t injured too badly.
Thoughwhen we make it to her car, it’s empty and there’s no sign of her.Wequickly look around the surrounding area in case she tried to crawl away from the car to go find help or something and passed out maybe, but the only thing we find is her necklace in the grass.
She’sjust gone…
Iinstantly feelsick as a paralyzing fear grips me whenIdon’t see her and the only thing here is her necklace and the car.Warningbells are ringing in my head asIlook over the scene before me.Somethingbad happened here.There’sno way that this was just an accident.Somehow,Ijust know it.
There’sa huge dent on the back of her car.Let'sjust say that kind of damage couldn’t have been caused unless someone intentionally hit your back bumper.Ihate to even think of this as a possibility, but someone definitely ran her off the road and then took her.Fuckinghell!Itold her not to run off by herself but does she listen?Hellno.
Islump down onto my ass right there on the side of the road and pull at my hair in frustration, willing myself to calm the hell down beforeIhave an aneurysm or some shit.Itjust seems like we keep going one step forward only to take a million steps backward again.
“Fuck,Hunter!Weneed to find her!”Iyell at him from whereI’mstill sitting on the side of the road.He’sstill at the bottom of the ditch by her car looking around the area.Idon’t know what the fuck else he thinks he’s going to find down there since we haven’t found anything besides her necklace.
Idon’t know why she thought leaving the suite and going out by herself was such a good idea.I’mguessing she forgot about the last time she was freaking kidnapped.Ialmost lost my mind then andI’mnot faring any better now.
Whythe hell doesn’t she ever listen to me?Sheknew she wasn’t supposed to go anywhere alone but she decided to disobey me yet again.First, she left the country and then she left the hotel by herself whileHuntandIwere distracted to goGodknows where and now she’s fucking disappeared.Didshe not remember that some asshole was still after her?
Icould pull out all the fucking hair from my head with all the worry and troubles this girl gives me.Thenagain,Ido deserve everything she’s dishing out.Ijust wish she wouldn’t make reckless decisions in the process.
Plus,Ican’t really blame her for wanting to get away from me since all the shit she found out today would make anyone go crazy and want to escape from it all.Theonly downside of that shit is that she’s left us worried about her.AllIwant to do is comfort her and make sure she’s good.Whendid life get so complicated with no end in sight?
“Fuck!”Iyell out at the top of my lungs, just wanting to vent all of my frustrations at the empty fucking road.Ilook back down at the crash site for the millionth time since we got here and feel my heart ache at the thought of losing her again.Thatcan’t fucking happen, not when we were just finding each other once more.She’smy entire world andIcan’t live without her anymore.
Nope!I’mnot going to let that happen.Someway, somehowI’mgoing to find her and it doesn’t matter what it takes,I’lldo anything to get her back andI’mnot going to let some asshole get in the way of that.