Page 25 of Broken Empire
HunterandIalong withGraysonandBeckget into one of the vehicles whileNateandRoyceget into another one with some ofHunter’sguys.
“Whereare we heading?”IaskHunteras he begins to drive out behind one of theSUVs.We’regoing with four vehicles, the one with us and the guys in the middle while the two with justHunter’smen take up the front and back.
“LongIsland,” he says in response to my question.
Afterwe’ve been driving for about ten minutes,Inotice twoSUVspulling up on the right and two on the left, keeping pace with us.Ilook over atHunterto see if he notices.
“Cole’smen,” he tells me without taking his eyes off the road.
Itfinally feels like things are going my way because we don’t run into too much traffic and make it toLongIslandin just under an hour.Wepull up about a block away from what looks like an abandoned warehouse.
Hunterjumps out of the car and we all follow.Thankfully, we’re all wearing black so we blend into the darkness.
“Allof you make sure to stay behind either one of my men or one ofCole’s.Idon’t need you pretty boys to get killed out here.Gotme?”Huntersays to all of us.
“Yep,” we all answer in unison.ImeanIdon’t know what we’re walking in on so it’s best to follow his instructions, since he and his men are pretty much the experts here.
Hunterdoes that pointy thing with his fingers and some of the men break away from the group to make their way to the warehouse.RoyceandNatefollow them and then the rest of us split up into two groups to make our way there too.
Westart to run in the direction of the warehouse, making sure to keep ourselves hidden in the shadows.
IseeHunterraise his gun and shoot the two guys that were guarding the gates to the warehouse.Westorm in and gunfire erupts from both sides.Holyshit!Thingsjust got real!Iraise my gun and start to shoot too.Itisn’t long before the fire ceases andIcan see bodies littering the compound butIdon’t pay attention to that. because the only thing on my mind is finding my baby.
Westorm through the warehouse, making our way through the corridors and making sure no one else is here.HunterandIalong with my brother,Beckand some of the soldiers make our way to the basement and another gunfight starts the moment we step inside.
Wemanage to kill all the men down here, whileIhear more gunfire going on upstairs.Thereare what looks to be about twenty cells down here andIdon’t have a good feeling about this place.
Iwalk along the corridor and look into every cell, seeing one or two girls in each cell.Theyall look dirty and scared andIfeel sick to my stomach.Iliterally want to puke my guts out.Ilook into each and every cell asImake my way down the corridor.Isee girls, but noWinter.
“Fuck!”Iscream in frustration. “She’snot here!”
“Keepit together man,”Huntersays as he walks up to me and puts a hand on my shoulder.
“She’snot fucking here man!Whatthe fuck?Whereis she?”Iask on the edge of hysteria.
“We’llkeep looking.Butwe have to get these girls out of here man.They’rescared,” he says and that snaps me out of whatever spiralIwas just on.Ican panic later, butIneed to focus right now.Iwalk over to the dead guys and check them all untilIfind the one with the keys.Ilook up at the girl in the first cell.
“We’rehere to help.We’regoing to get you out of here,”Itell her because she looks so scared.Shelooks at me with distrusting eyes, but she slowly gets to her feet and cautiously takes a step forward. “Noone here is going to hurt you.”
Ileave her to walk out of her cell and rush to start opening the others.ColeandHunter’smen begin assisting the girls by taking them out of here.Huntgrabs his phone and makes a call.
“Ineed some more vehicles that will transport about twenty girls to your rehab building,” he says into the phone. “Yes, it looks like we just fucking uncovered a trafficking ring here.”
“Whathappens now?”Iask when he gets off the phone.Isee him counting his men and us—me and the guys—to make sure we’re all okay before he answers.
“Cole’smen that are already here will clean up and they’ll look after the girls until the other vehicles get here.Addisonstarted a rehab place for girls who have been abused or abducted a while back soI’msending them there.”
“Thatsounds good.”
“Weneed to get out of here though.I’msure someone somewhere must have heard the gunfire and it won’t be long until the cops show up,” he says and then begins to walk away.Ifollow him along with the guys and we quickly make our way back to the vehicles.
Cole’smen are busy getting rid of the bodies and they’re working so quicklyIhave no doubt that they’ve done this a million times before.Wemake it back to the hotel in record time andI’mexhausted by the time we do.
“Whatthe fuck just happened?”Nateasks as soon as we step into the elevator.
“FuckifIknow.Thisworld is a fucking sick place to be in.That’sallIknow,”Imutter.
Assoon as we get up to the penthouse,Ihead straight for the liquor cabinet and grab the cognac, taking a long gulp directly from the bottle.Ijust need something to numb me from the painI’mfeeling right now.