Page 26 of Broken Empire
Thepain of not findingWinterthere and then seeing all those girls, was really fucking eye opening.Itmade me sick to my stomach at the thought of what would have happened to them if we didn’t get them out of there tonight.
Everyonehas left me alone afterIstormed in here, guess they knowI’min a mood right now.I’min the middle of taking my next swig from the bottle when my phone chimes with an incoming text.
Ipull it out of my pocket and open my messages to see a video has come in.Ipress play and feel my entire world crumble from under me.It’sa video ofWinterbeing chased in the woods or something.
She’srunning and a moment laterIflinch when the sound of a gunshot echoes through the phone andIsee her go down just as the video cuts off.Idon’t realize that the screams echoing across the room are coming from me.
Everythinggoes hazy asIdrop my phone and fling the bottle across the room.Ihear it shatter asIbegin to tear apart the room.Itfeels likeI’mhaving an out-of-body experience right now.Ifeel like my heart is shattering into a million pieces.
Isshe alive?Isshe dead?Idon’t fucking know because the asshole who sent the video cut it off beforeIcould tell.
Apunch to the jaw has me coming back to the present to focus on the room in front of me.Theroom is trashed and blood is dripping down my hand.Whenand how the hell didIget injured?
Inotice the guys are holding me up against the wall andHunterwas the one to punch me in the face.
“I’mfine.Youguys can let go of me now,”Isay, feeling the exhaustion weighing me down.
“Whatthe fuck just happened?”Huntquestions me.
“Myphone,”Isay nodding to where it is on the ground.I’msurprised thatIdidn’t destroy it during my freak out just now.
Theguys let go of me andIslide down the wall untilI’msitting on the floor with my elbows on my knees and head in my hands.Ifeel the tears stream down my face a moment later asIthink about all the implications that video means.
Someonehas her, whichIalready knew but they aren’t just keeping her captive.No, they’re playing fucking games with her and it’s all my fault.Rightnow, she’s hurt.IfIwas a better boyfriend, hell even a better personIwould have been taking proper care of her, butIlet the lies from other people become our truths andItook it all out on her.
NowIdon’t know ifI’llever get the chance to tell her how fucking sorry,Iam thatIdidn’t believe her or for the assholeIbecame.Idon’t even know ifI’llget to make it right for her.Idon’t know ifI’llever get the chance to give her the love she deserved all along, the loveItook away from her when she needed it the most.I’mfinally bleeding, just like she did.Ifinally know the true extent of what my anger and hate did to her andIfucking despise myself for being the reason she’s so broken and alone.
“Fuck!”IhearHuntercurse from across the room.
“Youwere right man,”Itell him, hearing the hollowness in my voice. “Idon’t fucking deserve her at all…”
Thepainin my body is what rouses me from the unconscious stateIwas in.Myhead is pounding andI’ma little disoriented whenIfinally manage to open my eyes a moment later.
Iglance around the room and when my eyes land on the bars of my prison cell,Iremember exactly whereIam.It’snot a nightmare, it’s the hellI’mcurrently in, afterIwas kidnapped by this lying, manipulating piece of shit asshole!
Imake a move to try and sit up in the bed but a whimper instantly escapes me as the pain courses through my body.It’smainly coming from my leg and whenIlook down to inspect myself,Ifinally notice thatI’mnaked from the waist down.Whythe hell amInaked?
There’sa bandage wrapped around my upper thigh, tinged with red.Itfucking hurts!Thenext thing noticeable is the fact thatI’mfeeling some discomfort in my lower half.Imove a hand to touch my vagina and it’s so sensitive to the touch and wet.WhenIlift my hand to look at my fingers,Isee it’s coated in white stuff.
Itdoesn’t take long to realize that it’s someone’s cum.That’swhen my brain finally brings the memory ofAntoniochasing me through the woods to the forefront of my mind.Ialso remember that the bastard shot me in the leg and, worst of all, he raped me.Tearsinstantly form in my eyes.
Theflashbacks make it feel likeI’mthere all over again, experiencing it once more.Iremember the feeling of agony as he forced himself inside me.Thepain of being breached by someone you didn’t want to touch you like that.Thescreams and cries asIbegged him to stop, but he wouldn’t.Theseizure that started when it all got too much for my brain to comprehend.AtleastIdidn’t die from it and that’s a good thing, right?
Ifeel my chest begin to ache inside me, as my heart breaks all over again.Whyis it so hard to catch a break?
IthoughtIwas a good person.Butmaybe not?Imean ifIwas a good person thenIwouldn’t be suffering through all of this shit, right?
Thenagain, the whole fucking system must be flawed becauseIdon’t see these assholes:Emilia,AlisterorAntoniogoing through any kind of bullshit.Theyseem to be thriving at being the monsters they are.
Amoment later gut-wrenching sobs escape me and once started, they seem to come in waves.Isob for all the thingsI’velost and all the things that were taken from me because of these monsters and their greed.
Andit hurts so fucking much, it feels likeI’mdying, like my soul is being ripped apart from the inside out.Idon’t even want to fucking live anymore, if this is whatIhave to constantly look forward to.
I’mlosing the last pieces of myself right now and that realization makes me crumble even more.
Itfeels likeI’vesaid that before but now it feels truer than ever.Isuddenly feel nauseous andImove to get off the bed.Mylegs buckle from the pain that flares up whenIput weight on them, butImove quickly as possible over to the toilet, trying to ignore it.