Page 27 of Broken Empire
Idrop to my knees, crying out in pain from this new position as it fucks with the wound on my leg.Imove my head toward the bowl and start to dry heave.There’snot much in my stomach, so allImanage to throw up is bile.
OnceI’mdone,Ilook down at my body asI’msitting on the floor andI’mimmediately disgusted.Theasshole didn’t even have the decency to cover my lower half after he raped me or even clean me up a bit either.Whata cunt!
Myskin is messy with dirt and grime from the woods, but that’s not the worst thing.No.Theworst thing is thatIfeel dirty from the inside out andIdon’t think anything is going to be able to change that.
Howcould he do this to me?Iwonder as tears stream down my face.Thenagain why wouldn’t he?He’sa monster after all, isn’t he?
Ifeel so fucking raw and disgusting…
Idon’t thinkI’llever be able to recover from this.Itliterally feels like the last bit of innocence in my soul was snatched away from me and tarnished.Rippedout so callously andIcouldn’t do a damn thing about it.
Mymind strays toMasona moment later and a wave of sorrow so potent, it hits me out of nowhere, weighing me down becauseIknow that this is the end of us.
Wecan’t be together anymore.
Notafter what happened withAntoniotoday… yesterday?Hell,Idon’t even know what day it is, sinceIhave no clue how longIwas passed out for.
IfMasonalmost destroyed me for thinkingIcheated, whenInever did in the first place, there’s no doubt he’ll hate me for this too.He’llprobably finish me off himself this time.I’mjust damaged goods now andIwouldn’t expect him to want me still.Notwhen he finds out that someone else’s dick has been inside me.
Maybeif he did finish me off, then that’d be a good thing.Idon’t have anything to live for or even the will to do so anymore.Ijust want to end it all because thenIwon’t have to hurt anymore.
“Winter?Areyou alright?”IhearScarlettcall out to me whenI’vefinally managed to stop the tears for a little while.Butas soon as she asks, the floodgates seem to open up again.
Igingerly get up from the floor and slowly make my way back to the bed.Isit on the side of it and then turn my head to look at her through the bars.She’ssitting on the floor behind her door looking over at me.
“Whathappened?Doyou want to talk about it?”
“Notreally.Thefact that he shot me in the leg and raped me still feels unreal…”Isay and hear the gasp that leaves her mouth. “ThenIhad a freaking seizure out there.AtleastIdidn’t die though.Yay, for small miraclesIguess.”
“I’mso fucking sorry!Iwish we weren’t separated just soIcould give you a hug,” she whispers.
“Thanks.I’mjust going to go lay down and process things,”Imurmur.
Shedoesn’t respond, probably knowing thatIneed space.Ihear movement as she gets up and moves away from the door.I’mglad she isn’t prying or anything like that because allIneed right now is time to just be.
Igently lay back down on the bed, being careful with my leg.Ilie there for what must be hours just staring at the wall thinking about what happened and then sobbing on and off untilIeventually tire myself out and fall into a fitful sleep where the nightmares bombard me.
* * *
Aclapof thunder bursts through the air, the sound so deafening it causes me to jump.Itake a quick second to look up at the sky.Thedark clouds are rolling in, signaling the start of the impending storm.
Iquickly look away, toward whereI’mgoing, sinceIdon’t want to waste any more time staring up at the sky, whenIneed to keep moving instead.Ican already feel my sides begin to ache asIrun, my breaths coming out in gasps.Itfeels likeI’vebeen running away from him for hours butIknow it’s only been a few minutes.
Fuck!Ihate this.Ihate all of it!Iwish someone would just kill this bastard so that the world could be rid of him already.
Ihear him laugh.Itsounds maniacal, coming from somewhere through the trees.Ican’t pinpoint the exact location sinceI’mfocused on running through the woods to escape the bastard.
I’mbarefoot and the fallen twigs dig into my feet asIrun, the branches and limbs grazing my legs and arms asIstumble through them.Ihave no idea where the fuckI’mgoing, just hoping toGodthatIcome across a road or even someone else that could possibly help me.Withthat possibility to look forward to spurring me on and making me push myself harder,Irun faster to get away from the bastard currently chasing me.
No, no, no, no!Ican’t let him catch me;Ichant in my head asIkeep making my way through the trees.
Itwon’t be good if he does.He’llhurt me andIdon’t want to be anymore.I’mso tired of going through the pain of always being hurt by someone else.Ijust want someone to come save me, sinceI’mnot able to fucking save myself.