Page 28 of Broken Empire
Whereverthe hellI’mbeing kept is secured with top-notch security and the number of guards is too many to even try escaping.Theonly timeI’mever let out of my room is when the sadistic bastard wants to play his sick and twisted games.
Likeright now, he has me running through the woods while he chases me.Idon’t understand how someone can find any kind of pleasure in this.I’mterrified out of my mind and he’s enjoying this.
Suddenlythe wind is being knocked out of me as a hard body slam against mine from behind.Helaughs in my ear asIscream and try to get away from him but my attempt is futile.
“Youdidn’t think you could get away from me so easily,Cara, did you?” he questions, chuckling darkly.
Ascream ripsout of me from the nightmareIwas having asIwake up with tears streaming down my face.Fuck!Thesenightmares continue to plague me andIwonder when they’re going to end, if at all.Theybegan right afterMasonstarted tormenting me and this is just another thing that makes me harbor some resentment toward him and now because ofAntonioand his stupid games, they’ve gotten worse.
Adeep and dark chuckle coming from somewhere in the room causes me to freeze a second later and the tears instantly stop.Iknow it’s him andIdon’t want to fucking cry in front of this asshole.
I’mstill lying on the bed soIturn my head to look and seeAntoniowith his back braced against the wall, just standing there, and staring at me.Creepymuch?
“Havinga nightmare,cara?” he asks, smirking at me.
“Getfucked, asshole.Ican’t wait to watch you die, hopefully someday soon!”Isnap at him.
“Andwho is going to kill me?You?”
“Maybe.Maybenot.Buteither way you’re going to die eventually,”Imutter, while he merely laughs likeIjust said the funniest shit in the world.
Idon’t know if my words are true or not butIhope they are.I’mgoing to manifest that shit until it comes true.Plus, my brother and hell evenMasonmust know thatI’mgone by now, right?Andhopefully they’re looking for me.
“That’scute,” he murmurs. “Ormaybe you’re hoping that boyfriend of yours will save you.Youthink he has the balls?Ordoes he still hate you?Doyou think he’ll even want you when he finds out thatI’vebeen inside you?”
Itry to keep my face neutral, since this asshole is just trying to get inside my head and fuck with it.Imean,IknowMasoncares, especially since he was trying to make things up to me these past few weeks.Andeven thoughIstill hate him,I’mhoping that yes, he does somehow find a way to save my ass.
“I’mnot usually a vengeful person, but you…Ihope when your time comes you have a horrible death!EvenifInever get to see it,Ihope you suffer beyond anything you’ve ever done to anyone,”Itell him with all the conviction in my words thatIcan muster. “Youthink you’re invincible and that nothing can touch you?Butthere’s always someone bigger and badder than you andIcan’t wait for the day you find that out.”
Theasshole just continues to laugh like he isn’t worried about anythingI’msaying.Thenagain monsters usually never have anything to worry about, do they?
“Getup.Timefor a shower because you’re filthy as fuck right now andIdon’t like playing with filthy bitches.”
“Andwhose fault is that asshole?”Isnap. “Andyou shouldn’t be talking about filthy, your soul is so sullied and black that you’re by far the worst one between us and let me tell you, no one likes a nasty soul.Why’dyou think you had to kidnap and rape me?Youprobably couldn’t get any pussy on your own!”
Guesshe must be done with my attitude because he strides over to me in one quick movement and grabs me by the throat and squeezes hard.Ispit in his face which earns me a slap across mine.
Fuck!Itstings as tears fill my eyes butIdon’t let them fall sinceIdon’t want to give him the satisfaction.Amoment later he hauls me off the bed and pulls me along with him.Ilet out a yelp when my leg hits the side of the bed, right where my wound is.Hedoesn’t even care that he’s hurting me right now, he just keeps dragging me along with him.
Hesteps out of the room and walks further down the hallway and enters another room.It’sa room that’s a little bigger than mine, like a locker room minus the lockers.Theback wall and the two on the sides are lined with shower heads, but it’s open with no privacy wall separating them.
Ican’t imagine the humiliation the other girls that passed through here must have suffered.
Hepushes me forward andIstumble a bit but manage to catch myself before falling to the floor.Iturn to look at him with a glare on my face and the asshole has the audacity to fucking smile at me.Hemoves to take a seat on one of the benches that’s in the middle of the room.
“Gotake a shower and clean that filth off you.Ihave so much planned andIneed you clean for that,” he tells me, smirking like this is some game.Iguess it is to him…
“Areyou going to watch me the entire fucking time you pervert?”Isnap when he just continues to stare at me which just serves to piss me off more thanIalready was.
“Ohyeah.Ilove looking at that hot and tight little body of yours.Idon’t have anything else to do at the moment, so why not?” he questions with a smirk.
“You’redisgusting!”Isnap at him.IfIhad any kind of sharp object right now,I’dstab him in the fucking eye.
“I’mjust a man who knows and takes what he wants.Especiallywhen that involves taking a beautiful woman and turning her into my fuck doll, whileIalso get paid thousands of dollars for it,” he smiles evilly at me.
“H-how many women have you done this to?”Iquestion shakily.NotsureIreally want to know the answer to that but needing to know as well.